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1、Unit 2 Wish you were hereSection Welcome to the unit & Reading一、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的含义1.Young children are fond of stories full of adventures.含义:答案:冒险经历2.He told us his most extraordinary experience.含义:答案:不同寻常的3.If we leave now,we can catch the earlier flight.含义:答案:航班4.A smoky atmosphere makes people

2、 feel uncomfortable.含义:答案:空气;气氛5.How was the game?Brilliant!含义:答案:很棒的6.Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky in the countryside.含义:答案:明亮的7.Its not a good time to go surfing.Yes,the sea is too rough.含义:答案:汹涌的8.She works hard day and night,so her hands are very rough.含义:答案:粗糙的9.Could you give me

3、a rough idea when youll be back?含义:答案:大概的10.Lets go to the cinema first and eat afterwards.含义:答案:后来,然后11.The heat is killing me.Lets have a rest in the shade.含义:答案:阴凉处;背阴;树阴二、写作词汇检测根据提示词,完成或者翻译句子1.Food was in short (供应)during the war.答案:supply2.How much do I owe you (总共)?答案:altogether3.Well (布置)the

4、chairs around the table.答案:arrange4.She was a truly (不同寻常的)woman.答案:extraordinary5.Be quiet!You will (惊吓)the little bird away.答案:scare6.The old sailor likes to tell children his (冒险)as a young man.答案:adventures7.Not to (前进)is to go back.答案:advance8.Hundreds gave their lives in (防御) of freedom.答案:def

5、ence9.They went to the (沙漠) to search for treasures.答案:desert10.Now you are in danger.I think you should ask the local police for (保护).答案:protection11.The (累人的) trip made all of us (使疲倦) out.答案:tiring;tired12.他已经承诺给我们提供食物。答案:He has promised to supply us with food./He has promised to supply food to u

6、s.13.你能提前给我安排一辆出租车吗?答案:Could you arrange a taxi for me in advance?14.他的太阳镜阻挡了阳光,保护了眼睛。答案:His sunglasses gave his eyes protection against the sunlight./His sunglasses protected his eyes against the sunlight.15.雷声把小孩吓哭了。答案:The thunder scared the child into crying./The thunder scared the child to tears

7、.三、用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空in caseup closeeven thoughplenty ofin advancescare awayso thatlook forward to1.The watchdog the thief by barking.2.Dont smoke in the forest the cigarette causes a big fire.3.Mum,is it necessary to book tickets ?Well leave for Beijing next month.4.Im trying to arrange my work I can

8、have a couple of days off.5.To look at sea life ,people have created different kinds of special equipment.6.She is being invited to the party.7. he is over 70,he is quite active.8.There is no need to hurry.There is time.答案:1.scared away2.in case3.in advance4.so that5.up close6.looking forward to7.Ev

9、en though8.plenty of四、根据汉语提示完成句子1.如果我们提前订票会便宜点吗?Is it cheaper if we book our tickets ?答案:in advance2.近距离地观察蛇是很危险的。It is dangerous to watch a snake .答案:up close3.我确信哈里会记得,但为了以防万一,为什么不给他打个电话呢?I am sure Harry will remember,but why not give him a ring just ?答案:in case4.那位士兵渴望很快就能回家。The solider going bac

10、k home soon.答案:looked forward to5.为了保卫自己的国家,他们拿起了武器。They took up arms their country.答案:in defence of6.我已经安排好一个窗户清洁工星期四来。I have a window cleaner on Thursday.答案:arranged for;to come7.虽然你已经大学毕业,但还是要继续学习。 you have graduated from university,you should still continue to study.答案:Even though8.这是我第二次读这本书。Th

11、is is the second time that I the book.答案:have read五、单句语法填空1.After the trip by camel,were going to travel the River Nile.2.You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket just for (protect).3.Well live with the local people in their villages,and eat and drink they do, (include)cows blood!4.I look forward

12、 to (receive)your postcards.5.Your trip sounds (excite)!I cant wait (hear)what Africa is like.答案:1.down2.protection3.whatever;including4.receiving5.exciting;to hear六、阅读理解Today there are many fires than in the past.Over 100,000 wildfires burn each year in America.Russia has 20,000 to 35,000 wildfires

13、 every year.Australia has on average 60,000 each year.These fires destroy huge areas of forests and burn hundreds of homes.Many experts believe there are several reasons for this sudden increase in fires.The first reason is climate change.Recent weather has been warmer and drier.This leads to danger

14、ous fire conditions.When lightning strikes,dry grass easily catches fire.Hot winds add to the problem.The wind spreads a fire quickly.In 2010,Russia had the hottest and driest summer in a century.In just one month,500 fires destroyed over 2,000 homes.Some people lost their lives.Traditional fire-fighting practices are another reason for the increase in fires.In America,firefighters used to quickly put out every fire.They didnt allow the grass


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