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1、2016年淄博职业学院单招英语模拟试题(含答案解析)II. 单项填空(每小题1分,共15分) 21. I prefer working out the problem _ someone else for help. A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. to asking 22. -I havent heard from Henry for a long time. -What do you think _ to him? A. happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened 23. -David has m

2、ade some mistakes in the test. - _ , and _ . A. So he has; so you have B. So has he ;so have you C. So has he; so you have D. So he has; so have you 24. -Which book do you want, the chemistry book or the English book? - _ . A. I like all B. Everyone is OK C. Each will do D. Either will do 25. This c

3、ake is _ that one. Which of the following is wrong? A. three times the size of B. three times so big as C. three times bigger than D. one third as big as 26. So _ was the news that we all got _ . A. disappointed; disappointing B. disappointing; disappointed C. disappointed ; disappointed D. disappoi

4、nting; disappointing 27. I want to learn more about the American political system, but I dont know where to get the _ . A. idea B. information C. article D. news 28. Miss Smith, their new teacher of _ English, is _ European. A. a; an B. the; / C. an: the D. /; a 29. No bread eaten by man is as good

5、as _ got by his own labor. A. one B. that C. it D. those 30. How time flies! History is coming into _ . A. the 2000s B. 2000s C. the 2000 D. the twenties 31. We have not had _ for many years. A. such cold day like this B. so cold day as this C. as cold a day like this D. such a cold day as this 32.

6、_ will win the football match? A. Do you think who B. Who do you think C. Whom do you think D. Who you will think 33. There must be _ with the computer. A. something serious wrong B. something wrong seriously C. something seriously wrong D. something wrong serious 34. The questions which are _ to yo

7、urs are not easy to answer. A. different B. similar C. real D. the same 35. As a young man, Comrade Zhou Enlai _ the students movements and later _ the Communist Party of China. A. joined; took part of B. took part in; joined C. joined in; took part in D. took part of; joined III 完形填空 (每小题1.5分,共30分)

8、 Jack was a student at Cambridge, but his hometown was in Albans. It was 36 and the family had gone to the seaside. Jack 37 money and came home a week 38 than he had expected to. His train didnt get into Albans until 39 . The last bus had gone, so he had to 40 home. As he was feeling 41 , he took of

9、f his shirt to have a 42 . Suddenly the 43 burst open, The police rushed in. They 44 him sit down and began asking him questions. I live here, said Jack, but nobody trusted him. They just 45 questions. Then they 46 one tall, very young policeman to guard him. The rest of them went to 47 the house. S

10、oon the others came 48 with an older man, a police officer. He asked 49 questions, but he listened to Jacks answers. Well soon 50 this, he said. He went out and came back with a small man. It was Jacks next-door neighbor. He looked at Jack 51 through his thick glasses. Oh, yes, Sir, 52 Mr. Hope. The

11、n he disappeared very quickly. The policemen all looked 53 . They were sure they had caught a thief. Did he ring you up? asked Jack. The police officer 54 . He 55 a light and understood your family had all gone away to the seaside. 36. A. Autumn B. Winter C. August D. April 37. A. lost B. made some

12、C. used up D. borrowed some 38. A. earlier B. later C. quicker D. more slowly 39. A. noon B. midnight C. the next afternoon D. dinner time 40. A. drive B. run C. walk D. return 41. A. angry B. ill C. hungry D. hot 42. A. walk B. rest C. wash D. look 43. A. window B. back door C. wall D. roof 44. A.

13、asked B. kept C. ordered D. made 45. A. went on asking B. went on to ask C. started to ask D. started asking 46. A. saw B. left C. sent D. wanted 47. A. keep B. watch C. see D. search 48. A. forward B. over C. back D. on 49. A. a lot B. no C. the same D. strange 50. A. find B. settle C. judge D. kno

14、w 51. A. angrily B. excitedly C. shyly D. carefully 52. A. it is B. I am C. he is D. you are 53. A. surprised B. disappointed C. relaxed D. interested 54. A. laughed B. nodded C. shouted D. murmured 55. A. turned on B. saw C. shut D. made IV. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分) (A) There are now about 376 million peo

15、ple who speak English as their first language, and about the same number who have learnt it in addition to their mother tongue. There are one billion people learning English now and about 80% of the information on the Internet is in English. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Should we celebrate the fact that more and m


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