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1、2022年考博英语-合肥工业大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Snow began to fall at round about the beginning of the New Year and continued on and off for _ ten days.问题1选项A.appropriatelyB.exceedinglyC.approximatelyD.apprehensively【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A项appropriately“适当地,合适地,相称地”,B项exceedingly“非常,极其,极度地”,C项approximately“大约,近似地

2、,近于”,D项apprehensively“担心地”。由ten days“10天”可知,“大约地”符合语境。句意:大约在新年伊始就下起了雪,断断续续下了大约十天。因此,该题选择C项正确。2. 单选题Jane was in a _ as to whether to marry Paul, who was poor but handsome, or Charles, who was rich but ugly.问题1选项A.paradoxB.stigmaC.dilemmaD.predication【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A项paradox“悖论,反论,似是而非的论点”,B项stigma“柱

3、头,耻辱,污名”,C项dilemma“困境,进退两难,两刀论法”,D项predication“断定,声明”。由poor but handsome“贫穷但英俊”和rich but ugly“富有但丑陋”可知,in a _表示“进退两难”。句意:简进退两难,不知是嫁给贫穷但英俊的保罗,还是嫁给富有但丑陋的查尔斯。因此,该题选择C项正确。3. 单选题Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this _ produces artificial cold surrounding

4、 it.问题1选项A.absorptionB.disseminationC.assimilationD.interaction【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项absorption“吸收,全神贯注,专心致志”,B项dissemination“ 宣传,散播,传染(病毒)”,C项assimilation“同化,吸收”,D项interaction“相互作用,相互影响,交流”。根据water takes in heat from all substances near it“水从它附近的所有物质中吸收热量”可知,absorption符合语境。句意:水在从固体变成液体的过程中,会从周围所有物质吸收热量

5、,而这种吸收会在周围产生人造的寒冷。因此,该题选择A项正确。4. 单选题During our exploration, we discovered that people will exploit the newness and breadth of the Information Marketplace to support their wishes and _.问题1选项A.breachesB.premisesC.rutsD.predilections【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项breach“违背,违反,缺口”,B项premise“前提,假定”,C项rut“发情期,惯例,性冲动”,

6、D项predilection“偏爱,嗜好”。根据句子可知空格处填入的词和wishes“愿望”并列,那么四个选项中只有predilection符合语境。句意:在我们的探索过程中,我们发现人们会利用信息市场的新颖性和广度来支持他们的愿望和偏好。因此,该题选择D项正确。5. 单选题Antisocial personalities usually fail to understand that their behavior is dysfunctional because their ability to feel remorseful is impaired.问题1选项A.offensiveB.se

7、nsibleC.regretfulD.inquisitive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。remorseful表示“懊悔的,悔恨的”;A项offensive“攻击的,冒犯的,无礼的”,B项sensible“明智的,通情达理的,合乎情理的”,C项regretful“后悔的,遗憾的,惋惜的”,D项inquisitive“好奇的,好问的,爱打听的”。句意:反社会人格通常无法理解他们的行为是不正常的,因为他们感到懊悔的能力受到了损害。因此,根据句意可知C选项正确。6. 翻译题The ability of falling cats to right themselves in midair and

8、land on their feet has been a source of wonder for ages. Biologists long regarded it as an example of adaptation by natural selection, but for physicists it bordered on the miraculous.Newtons laws of motion assume that the total amount of spin of a body cannot change unless an external torque speeds

9、 it up or slow it down. If a cat has no spin when it is released and experiences no external torque, it ought not to be able to twist around as it falls.In the speed of its execution, the righting of a tumbling cat resembles a magicians trick. The gyrations of the cat in midair are too fast for the

10、human eye to follow, so the process is obscured. Either the eye must be speeded up, or the cats fall slowed down for the phenomenon to be observed. A century ago the former was accomplished by means of high-speed photography using equipment now available in any pharmacy.But in the nineteenth century

11、 the capture on film of a falling cat constituted a scientific experiment. The experiment was described in a paper presented to the Paris Academy in 1894. Two sequences of twenty photographs each, one from the side and one from behind, show a white cat in the act of righting itself. Grainy and quain

12、t though they are, the photos show that the cat was dropped upside down with no initial spin, and still landed on its feet. Careful analysis of the photos reveals the secret: As the cat rotates the front of its body clockwise, the rear and tail twist counterclockwise, so that the total spin remains

13、zero, in perfect accord with Newtons laws. Halfway down, the cat pulls in its legs before reversing its twist and then extends them again, with the desired end result.The explanation was that while nobody can acquire spin without torque, a flexible one can readily change its orientation, or phase. C

14、ats know this instinctively, but scientists could not be sure how it happened until they increased the speed of their perceptions a thousand fold.【答案】很久以前,降落中的猫在半空中平衡身体并以脚落地的能力一直令人好奇。生物学家们一直认为这是适应自然选择的一个例子,但对于物理学家,这真的是不可思议。牛顿运动定律认为身体自旋的总量不变,除非外部扭矩使之加速或减缓。如果一只猫在被释放时没有旋转,也没有感受到外部扭矩,那么它在下落时就不应该旋转。翻滚着的猫

15、,以如此的速度平衡身体就像一个魔术师变戏法。猫在半空中的旋转得太快,人类的眼睛很难看清,所以这个过程是模糊的。要观察这个现象,要么眼睛必须加速,要么猫的下降减速。一个世纪以前,前者可以通过高速摄影的方法做到,使用的是现在在任何药店都能买到的设备。但在19世纪,拍摄坠落的猫构成了一个科学实验。1984年的一篇论文巴黎学院描述了这个实验。两组共20张照片,一组从侧面,另一组从后面,展示了一只白猫平衡自己的行为。尽管照片有纹理很老式,但是展示了猫的行为:起初没有旋转,却翻滚着落下,并仍然用脚落地。对照片的仔细分析揭示了这个秘密:猫顺时针旋转身体前部时,身体后部和尾巴逆时针扭动,所以总自旋仍然是零,完全符合牛顿定律。下降中途,猫在颠倒扭转之前腿部收紧然后再展开,这样就得到了预期的最终结果。其解释是:尽管没有扭矩,身体不能旋转,但是灵活者可以随时改变其旋转方向或阶段。猫本能地知道这点,但科学家们不能确定这事是怎么发生的,直到他们将其感知提高一千倍的速度。7. 单选题When she saw her boyfriends eyes skim reflectively over her body, she felt herself under h


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