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1、大连市高三双基测试卷英语能力测试命题人:王锦秀孙越 苏丽晶 张雪雁阐明:1. 本试卷分第I卷和第卷两部分,共10分,考试时间20分钟。 2 将第I卷和第卷的答案都写在答题卡上,在试卷上答题无效。第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分0分)(略)第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分分)第一节 (共5小题;每题2分,满分0分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ALookg good cn mea twen you a teenager. Of ouse bdtmattes aot,too.Lck, fion trends inhUK entha

2、t gettigthe rih ig oesnt hve to cs h earth. Hes a qck gide towhi loks r ho hisyarForgils,the 70s are back. Wieegge es, patfor shoes ad skrt tat rach th eet reagain asinamongUK ten, oppedoffbycoore, shnningeyesadow. Grl cn have un mxig a maching brigh shad. Colos lik k, oagendigh yellw-geen are aeret

3、ly fit. Shortsand ini-kis arell ppula in coldwather.B wearing apair of tghts unernah,girl can stay warm as well a asionable in e wintrHow about oy? Tolook livey, fans o katoadsand nwboadscn ress toimprss ith skinny jeaaccani by a -shrtoppdof withabasal cap wle . usic is ftenan spiratono ashio, and h

4、iopmusi ns like orss i bagg ean, T-shirts, basebl caps ndeker or tse wocn afrd t,egner clohig s amust, secially if thelogo shoing.21.Thenerlnedwods “cost the ear” iaragrph 1raby mea “_” Abe diffclt B. eipon . be special . bensiv Accordin to the asg, if a lns to ook co, hewill wa _. kiny eans B. desi

5、gner clothng .a woat D. a full-lngth sirt23. Wat can e ifer the passag?A. l clthes look ho tis yeaB. sic can affect asion trend.CA Tshirt is eall oo oie rfans.D eigner clothig i wht eensmust have.4 The ato o hepsgais to w eeages w to _.A. look fahionable B chsebrandspend money wen yog D stay warm ih

6、e itrBGrifith servaory nationaadr ipblic tronomy, and oe ofthemt opaatrtsi Los Als. It is loae onthe sthern lope of Mut Holywoo n iffit Parkt 134 fet aove ealel.Vistors ma driv to th bsertoy an park in isarkinglot oron nrby roas. No resrvatiois reqre to visit. Pari s imtd, and h buit times ae weeken

7、d Bues,taxs, and carpols are welcoe.LDOT provds wekndpubic ussservic fro he SuntVronttro e Line station.Griffth Oevaory isope sida awek Amisiond arkig are fe. orsf Operaio Tuesday - Frida 2:00 noon-10:0. Saurdy - Sunday 10:00a. - 1:00 p oday Cod Thksgiing ay andChrismas Day osd amul Osch Plantarum h

8、e amuel schn Planetium herater ofers 8to 0 lve,hlf-hu prsentations ech dy.Tere are usualy for dfertshows from ich tochoose. So ae presete evey 0 to 0 minutes. Chec th webse, nfrmaion desks, or thex ofie for ech days howties. Lateaigis ot eritd. Sme Oschin Plnetaiumtickets st eprchasedat the Oservaor

9、and are lavailable n he ay f eho. Th tckeprces orhos e: Aults( 13-9 y old) $ 7.00 Cildren ( 5 - 12 yesold) $ 300 Sen (60 yars n oler) 00 tuens 5 Chldren under years wilb mited olyto the firshow eac day Hearing sistdevicareavab up requst Public Telscoes Freublic teecopes ae avaiabl eacenig heObservao

10、r is o ad skies ae le. ThZeis tlscopeo e of is generaly openby 7:00 p.m. llbsring ustbcote y 9:45.m.25. what canwleabo Gifith Obsrvatoryccordi t the pssage? A. Iis ope all the year around. B.Itmostlyvisite a wekend.C. ecomefamus because f Hllywood.D is te most attctive plcein Angeles2 Wh t ollowi be

11、st escrbes hSamue schin Plaetumtheater?A. Hain ssis deices are rovied o nir. The hos here generalylast 6 to0minus.C. Visiorsre euired to beseaedbefore thesw sat .Th tcketfr the shows cbe bghthrogh th wesi.2.Twatch thesho, ayoun coupleth a-yar-old son shoud pay _.A. $.00 15.00 . 4 7.00 D.$ 20.08 Which of the foowins ched? . Pring B. elesope C. Hearing ass dvics . LADT bssrvcC


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