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1、般规律1、最常见直接在单词末尾加S;2、以 s,x,ch,sh 结尾的单词加 es;3、以y结尾的单词,要看倒数第二个字母是不是元音字母(a,e ,i,o,u)。如果是元音字母,直接加S;如果不是 元音字母,要把y去掉,然后加ies.4以f或fe结尾的单词变f或fe为ves5 以 O 结尾的词,许多加 es 构成复数,但下面几类词只加 s:A.以“元音+o” 或“oo” 结尾的词如:videos,radios,zoos,bamboos,B一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,如:pianos,C 缩写词和专有名词如: kilos,photos,二:不规则规律:1 ) childhiIdrenfool

2、feetLooLhj-teethmoiiseiiiicemanmenwonuinTwom 匕口注意:J j man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men和-women2) 单复同形女I deer, sheep, OshChinese, Japanese但除人民币元、角、分外.美元、英镑、法郎警都有复数形式,如:a dol lm I wo dollars:a meter, two meters : a poutid. i pounds3) 集体名词,以单数形式岀现,但实为复数n如;people police cattle 等本I才就工复数,小能说 a people, a police?

3、 a cattle,彳冃门I 以说 a |?erson+ a policemann a head of cattlethe English, the British, the french the Chinese r the Japanese 等名词、表示国民总称时,作复 数用*如:The Chinese are industries and brave.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的*4) 以s结尾,仍为单数的名讥,如:rnaths politicsr physics? newst the United Statesthe United Nations 是单数 如:The United Nations

4、 was organized in 1945,联合国是 L945 年组建起来的*5) 表小由两部分构成的东西.如glasses (KtS) trousers, clothes若表达具体数Fh要借助数量词,如a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers名词单复数练习(1)、写出下列单词的复数形式boypeachknifepiano sheepchildwomandoctortoothChinesebabypeopleoxfoxmousebustomatodish(2)、选择填空1. Are those your?A bookes B:boxsCapples D

5、、apple2. There are manyon the tree.A leafs B birds C:peachs D:leaves3.Tom and Jim are09.1ts a _. It isnt an_ .A:apple ,egg B: cake ,egg C egg; orange10. There is sun in the sky.A: a B: an C: the1. I have two(pencil box).2.There are five(knife) on the table.3.She has a nice(cap).4. The farmer has man

6、y(ox).5. He drank some(water).(2)、用单词的适当形式填空6 6.Some meat (be)on the table.A:friends B:friend C:brother D: sister4. Three months a long time for me.A: is B: are C: have D: has5. My pants are too short and old, so I wantto buy a new .A: pair B: one C: ones6. I like playing piano.A: a B: an C:the7.1 am_ first to come to school.A: a B: an C: the8. There some milk in the glass.A: are B: have C: is



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