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1、1. continuously,连续不断地2. continually,频繁地3. at last 终于4. not only.but.as well=not onlybut also5. neithernor 既不也不6. like that 像那样7. late in the afternoon 快到傍晚的时候8. put up=set up,搭起9. wake up 醒来10. on another occasion 还有一次11. car park 汽车停车场12. on fine afternoons 天气晴朗的下午13. as usual 像往常一样14. in sight可以看到

2、,反义词为out sight15. used to do 过去经常做、而现在已经停止、不再重复的动作16. of his own 自己的17. not so +形容词+as 不如那样18. well-dressed穿着入时的19. than usual 比平常20. wrap up 包起来21. as as possible,尽可能22. set out 出发,动身23. on arriving 一到 on+动名词相当于一个由as soon as引导的时间状语从句24. call at拜访=call on25. pick up 意外地找到26. a short while ago不久前27.

3、shortly afterwards,没过多久28. set out 出发29. set up 创立,建立30. every two hours 每两个小时31. look forward to,盼望,期待32. dreamed of doing 梦想,幻想,向往33. settle down 定居34. no soonerthan,一就,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时35. even though 即使36. as if 好像37. hardly when ,还没来得及就38. in hospital 住院39. ask for,请求,索要40. a bedside telephone,

4、床头电话41. next to,挨着42. be busy doing sth忙于做某事43. regret doing 对做过的事感到遗憾44. neednt have done 本来用不着做某事,而实际上已经做了45. remind sb.of.sth.提醒某人想起某事46. tell the difference between辨别之间的不同47. the North Pole,北极;the South Pole南极48. run into trouble 遇到麻烦49. at one point,在某一地方50. get over the mountains越过山头51. take t

5、he risk冒风险52. run after 追赶53. in ones possession 为所有54. out of breath,喘不上气,上气不接下气55. catch up with,赶上,追上56. go through 翻看57. need mending,需要修理,当need作需要讲时,后接动名词有被动含义58. in time 最后,终于59. account for 说明原因60. occur to 想起61. on top of,在之上62. admit doing 承认做某事63. be up for sale 供出售64. for a while一会儿,片刻65.

6、 search out ,搜寻66. lend借出 lend sb sth或lend sth to sb67. borrow 借入 borrow sth或borrow sth from sb68. a great number of 许多,修饰复数可数名词69. in the centre of 在中部70. far away from here 离这里很远71. a great many,许多的,只能跟可数名词的复数72. ask sb for sth 向某人索要某物73. in return for this,作为报答74. enter for 报名参加各种竞赛,考试等75. by tra

7、in/by air/by sea/by bus76. keep order,维持秩序 77. on the way,在途中78. apart from除了以外79. afford to 支付80. police是集合名词,后面用复数动词81. street signs 交通标志82. at least 至少83. in spite of,尽管84. grown up,成熟的,成人的85. pay the bill,付账86. might as well do sth还是好,不妨87. be interested in doing sth,对做感兴趣88. drive someone mad,逼

8、疯89. come into use,启用90. drive away 赶走,逼走91. act on遵守92. congratulate on 祝贺93. consult on/about 商量94. count on 依赖95. economize on节约96. embark on 从事97. operate on起作用98. perform on/in 扮演99. accuse of 控告100. approve of 赞成101. assure of 让放心102. beware of 谨防103. boast of/about 夸耀104. suspect of 对猜测105. w

9、arn of /against 警告有危险106. be tired of 对感到厌倦107. save up攒钱108. blow up 暴风雨出现并加剧;刮起109. not until 直到才110. lose ones way迷路111. go on an excursion作一次短距离的旅行112. get on the bus上公共汽车113. go on a diet=be on a diet实行节食114. in this way就这样115. a great deal of大量的,接不可数名词116. break down 抛锚,出故障117. seek out 找出,找到1

10、18. a blessing in disguise 因祸得福119. the moment=as soon as120. at a cost of造价为121. under control受到控制122. for miles around方圆数英里123. take root 生根124. in place of 代替125. has a large of friends交际很广126. admire.for.钦佩的127. sense of humor 幽默感128. serve as=serve for 用作,充当129. put forward提出计划、建议130. should ha

11、ve done本应发生但实际上并未发生的事情131. ought have done表示过去该做而没有做的事情132. hold up the traffic阻碍交通133. let him off 饶恕134. risk ones life冒着生命危险135. avoid doing sth.避免136. no matter 无论137. prevent sb.from doing sth组织某人做某事138. Fancy meeting you here.想不到在这里见到你139. the waiting room 候诊室140. driving licence 驾驶执照141. must

12、 have done对过去的事情表示推测142. be unaware of.不知道,没有察觉143. catch sight of 突然看到144. charge at.向攻击145. break into cheers突然喝起彩来146. look on旁观147. out of the way 不碍事;不挡路148. deficient in缺少的149. fortunate in 在很幸运150. honest in 对很诚实151. weak in 在薄弱152. intent on 专心于153. keen on 热心于154. curious about对好奇155. jealo

13、us of 妒忌的156. short of 缺乏的157. efficient at能胜任的158. expert at (or in)能熟练做159. indignant at对感到愤慨160. take its name from以命名161. play truant from school逃学162. as far as 到程度163. put sb to shame 使相形见绌164. in the meantime在此期间165. in case you cant read除非你们不识字166. fly off course 偏离航线167. die of 因而死168. take

14、 charge of 照顾我169. be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事170. take off 起飞171. gain height 飞机爬高172. touch down 飞机着陆173. on board 在飞机上174. be made of 用制作(指原材料没有发生化学上的变化)175. of all time 空前的176. on display=on show 展出177. in all 总共178. up and down来回,前后179. here and there 到处180. stand to attention立正181. at times有时182. out at sea在远海183. make every effort 尽一切努力184. lost his temper 发脾气185. go on strike 举行罢工186. to some extent 在某种程度上187. never too old to learn活到老学到老188. a c


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