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1、5A Unit 3 At a Music lesson 教学案例单位:曲塘镇中心小学 年级: 五年级 设计者:夏海霞 时间:2011-9-21课 题 ( Title)5A Unit 3 At a Music lesson课型( Style)New 课时( Period)The first period教材解读(Teaching materials analysis)The title of this unit is “at a Music lesson”, the object of teaching is the students of Grade Five. This is the fir

2、st period of this lesson, the contents are Part BC. Theyre talking about how to communicate with others. The words and the sentences are new, Ill use some interesting games to reward the students interest.理论支持(Supporting theories)新课标指出:教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,要从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验,实践,参与,合作的学习方式和任务型

3、的教学途径。所以,本课的教学,我始终贯彻 “情景中学,生活中用”的指导思想。 本课的单词是生活中常用的动词短语,且sing, dance, swim等单词的现在分词形式在三年级时已经接触过,play开头的动词短语也不陌生,涉及到的句式为简单的交际用语I can.What can you do?因此,我采用以旧带新的方法,用学过的动词短语导入新的知识,同时扩大了信息量,让学生对容易混淆的句式I can和I like在对比和运用中分清。在真实的情境中,加强语言信息的输入,产生语言内化,做到学以致用。把学生的学习过程,自然地转化成通过合作交流,体验参与而快乐活动的过程。教学内容(Contents)5

4、A Unit 3 At a Music lessonPart B Look, read and learnPart C Work in pairs教学目标(Aims & Demands) 语言知识(Knowledge)a) Enable the students to grasp the sentence patterns:I can.What can you do?b) Enable the students to grasp the phrases:sing, dance, swim, skate, ski, make a puppet, make a model plane, play

5、the guitar, play the violin.语言技能(Language skill)Enable the students to use the new patterns fluently. Try to let them communicate with others with I can.What can you do? 情感态度 (Feeling)Encourage the students to take actively part, improve their interest in learning English.教学重、难点(Key points & Difficu

6、lties)Enable the students to communicate with “I like. I can. What can you do?”教学方法(Teaching methods)1. Situational teaching method. 2. Task-based teaching method.3. TPR teaching method.课前准备(Aids)Pictures, toy puppets, some paper.教 学 设 计课前延伸 语言的学习是循序渐进的,是一个不断滚雪球的过程。为了降低新知学习的难度,帮助学生建构合理的知识框架,在布置预习作业时

7、,我侧重在充分调动学生学习的自主性,有效复习已学过的,与本课新知相关联的知识。再通过对预习的检查,了解学情,以便在教学过程中有的放矢,有效地突破教学的重点和难点。我还教给学生预习的方法,把课中需要拓展的内容布置学生先查阅资料,以便课上讨论交流。我把预习的作业设计成填空的格式。1. 听录音,跟读B部分单词 遍。已会读的单词有 ,还读不好的单词有 。(学生自主预习后,教师及时了解学情,以便上课时把握重点,提高课堂效率。)2. 我学过的play开头的动词短语有 ,我发现了 。(调动已有的知识储备,为新知的学习做准备。)3. 通过查阅资料,我能用make 组成下列词组 ,我知道了make有下列含义 。

8、(教给学生一种预习的方法查阅资料,让学生学会预习,学会积累,学会归纳总结。) 课内探究教 师 活 动( Teaching plan)学 生 活 动( Studying plan)设 计 意 图( Aims)一、复习交流,新知导入1. Free talk.How are you?Do you like English?2. Chant: English lesson, A, B, C.Music lesson, do, re, mi.PE lesson, run, run, run.Art lesson, draw, draw, draw.1. Ss: Fine, thanks.Ss: Yes,

9、 I do.2. Ss say the chant.结合所学知识说唱一些简短的chant,不仅舒缓情绪,还可以帮助学生对感知的语言知识在头脑中慢慢复苏,将知识性与趣味性紧密地结合起来,提高学习的有效性。二、合作探究,自主学习1. I can sing. Can you sing?T: Good. Can you sing a song for us?2. a. T: I can sing, and I can dance, too. Who can dance, too?b. T: Can you dance, * ?T: Can you dance, * ?T: What can you d

10、o?3. a. T: Boys and girls, do you like sports?T: What do you like?T: Oh, you like swimming. What can you do?T says a chant.b. T: What other sports do you like?Who can skate from here to his seat?Who can put the word on the right place?4. Game “copy the action”5. T shows a magic:cake - make6. T: I ca

11、n make a chant.What can you do?T: Yao Ming can playT: Lang Lang can play1. S1: I can.S1: OK. “ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K”2. a. S1: I can. S1 dances.b. S3: Yes, I can.S4: No, I cant.S4: I can sing.3. a. S1: Yes, I do.S1: I like running.S2: I can swim.Ss read after the teacherb. S1: I like skati

12、ng.S3: I can.S3 skates with action, others read the word.S5 put the word on the right picture.6. S1: I can make a cake.S2: I can make a kite.Ss: Basketball.Ss: The piano.新授单词通过肢体语言直观表达,学生在短暂的歌声中体验学习英语的快乐。cake 到make的转变以变魔术的方式吸引了学生的眼球,句型单词以儿歌的形式展现出来将难点易化。课堂上多培养学生爱动手动脑的习惯,make与play组成的词组大部分为旧知,用朗朗与姚明等人物

13、勾勒起学生对旧知的回忆。三、精讲点拨,综合运用1. I can bring you a game “Lucky dog”.2. T: Ill give you a saying: Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.1. Ss play.2. Ss read.通过lucky dog的游戏方式有效地巩固了旧知,让学生在学中玩,玩中学。课后延伸四、强化练习,拓展延伸a. Listen, read and record the words.b. Copy the new words.c. Make a dialogue with your classmates.Ss copy the homework.培养学生听、说、读、写综合能力,养成良好的学习习惯。注重基础,同时作业布置有层次性,注意培养学生的创造性思维。附板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 3 At a Music lessonB部分挂图Lucky dogA: I can What can you do?B: I can make a puppet. make a model planeplay the guitarplay the violin


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