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1、h good minds flele优秀的头脑是灵活的1 For manyya ehtalke about eucato ina cangigset ut have de ittle to ecate fr uncerainy. Pehp th besinancewe ca offe for thi unceranty th pesene of odmin. Todevelop ood mind te studet must earnhow to ean nd evlopaaste or learnng.h worldotomrro need exile ididu,intigentlobid

2、ividas, indivu wh an and on the fee wen heir jobsbcoetchnoogcy osolete, iidualsho an coe with the unepce.近年来,我们始终在讨论日新月异的社会中的教育问题,却没有采用切实行动来教育人们如何应对变化。或许面对变化,我们的最佳保障足拥有优秀的头脑。要培养优秀的头脑,学生需要掌握学习措施,培养学习爱好。将来的世界需要适应能力强的人;需要其智慧类型为多面发展的人;需要那种当其所从事的工作技术上落伍时,仍然能克服困境走向成功的人,需要能应对意外局面的人。2 To educate or lexbiliy

3、 w st istiguish betwentraining and duaton. Totai i to emphsze ixed sndd, tores immediateg toth neglec of lngterm rot. to educae, howeve,is t fster imiessgowth, lifelongleaning, t devlop tegood ind.要培养灵活的头脑,我们需要区别什么是训练,什么是教育。训练注重培养一成不变的反映,注重短期目的而忽视长远发展。教育则旨在增进无限的成长,鼓励终身的学习,培养优秀的头脑。 Mak ainstory aout

4、te t is n rder rh saidhat a at tat pnto ot sove wl nevrjmon a hot ste gan. Nor, he aded, will se ever jmp o a ldonehe cat cn etraid bt, conary to wha atlvermay say,anno e ducated.这里刚好可以用上马克吐温讲的猫的故事。她说跳到热火炉上的猫再也不会往热火炉上跳。她还补充说,这猫甚至再也不会往冷的炉子上跳。猫可以接受训练,但是,与爱猫人士的说法相反,猫是无法被教育的。 The ersoeduaed ffexiity wl

5、ee the wold ina fsh,nventi ay. uh a ero is no chaind to te immeiat, the cuomay, h haitul, ntependent on someo ls o plntrout and ho o ge tere. such persons ilchartheirown ourse.懂得应对变化的人看待世界的视角新颖、富有独创性。这样的人不会受到眼前利益、老式惯例、固定习惯等的束缚,她无需依赖外人为她设定路线,指明途径。这样的人懂得绘制自己的行程。5 T deveo thelexile erson wth theoo ind

6、w ut fvo tos leainepriences tha hav ih transfrvalue to vieif ituatios, wemustlearow teach sll, ttides, and cncepts sothat thy not onmeet urrt ned but canbe gnerlzd to fuure ds as wl.为了培养具有优秀头脑和良好适应力的人,我们应当倡导那些可以合用于不同人生境遇、具有高“转移价值”的学习体验。我们必须学习如何传授技巧、态度和理念,使它们不仅可以满足目前的需要,还具有普适性,可以满足将来的需要。6 Edctof lexi

7、biliwicertainly inlude guidance in the fie arts I eaccptDweys definition oatas thentnsificaio of te ordinary, then te teahers ask is to helplerners turn t cmmonplae in thative. Mel Strawn f ntioch Colege erib this apoach o earning as a heighening of heindividls erceptul aares, aintensifcationf his n

8、e of form. he seesmoreand compreen me of wt he sees. 适应性教育无疑应当涉及艺术教育。如果我们接受杜威的定义,觉得艺术是“对平常事物的强化”,那么教师的职责应当是协助学习者化平庸为独创。安条克学院的梅尔斯特朗将这种学习的措施描述为“提高个人的感性意识,增强对形式的领悟力。接受这种教育的人会于其所见之外有更多发现,更多感悟。”7 In nMorw Lindberghs book, oro Gld, Hourofea:Diaries anLtters 192-92, ssays tha a experiece was nt fished ui a

9、s writn o shrd in onrstion.she alomaks the pointh tuth tatis lockd up in the hearor n adiar -i seile. tmust be given back to ife o tha the our f lead may be transformd or transmuted ino hehouf old. h good ind is ashang mn.安莫罗林德伯格在她的著作黄金之时,领路之时,2132年日记与信札中说,“一次经历只有在写下来或对别人述说后才干算结束。”她还说,“深藏在心中或日记里的真理是

10、没有成果的。”真理必须重返生活,“领路之时”才也许被转换成黄金之时。优秀的头脑是善于分享的头脑。8 inescpableelemen eduati forfxilit i n ttufavorale to cge. tis is hardto develp,i rerefat i onself ann th fuur. Inscue pepledrad change;ty wlkbkwrditothe fuure,cingigxiusl ndefensiey to tpa.适应性教育一种不可忽视的要素是欣然接受变化的态度。这种态度不易培养。它需要人们对自我以及将来布满信心。缺少安全感的人胆怯变

11、动。她们倒退着走向将来,焦急而防卫性地牢牢抓紧过去。9Often suc peetink thy dnt amoun to muh. thy do not accpttemselvs n onsquently do no aepors tstheyremain eithe ngate or emotnall imaturein their utlootowar thefutur. Lcking insihtint theiron eelings f idqa anipotance, teshrink heir wrl to mager amageable proprtis They mawsh

12、 to be oreflxible, oepen-minde, uheydo not fel up o it.一般,这些人会觉得自己微局限性道。她们不接受相信自己,因此也不接受相信她人。她们展望将来时,要么态度悲观,要么怀着幼稚的情感。她们无法洞察自身的欠缺感和自卑感,将自己的世界压缩到了便于掌控的狭小范畴。她们或许但愿可觉得人更加灵活,思想更加开放,但是她们觉得自己力所不能及。1Wat an te sol and college do to uild anattitude more favoaleo h nprddemition ofnwideas? rtanly they can and

13、must dvelop theelf-confencef stuents, build them up wthrepeaed sccesiteadof cstan failu. Thy can develop group atospefriendl toward ad sportv o change. oos and colees can elp sudens dmir wht isirabl,bome cqnted thheroic men dwomn who chgdth wold. thy can provide coninin guidnce n how o bee enuinepron, ne whhas fath n the utue, whasa good ind his own.学校和大学应当做些什么来培养积极的心态,使之能公正客观地评判



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