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1、Module 6 The Tang Poems(主题语境:人与社会一一文学欣赏)I .课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.3.sponsor n.赞助商v.资助话题必记单词4.barriern.关卡1. acquaintance n.相识的人;泛泛之交5.preview n.预观;预看2. shadown.影子,阴影6.departure n.启程;上路3. share v.分享,共享7.chorus n.合唱;合唱曲4. mental adj.内心的;精神上的8.realm n.王国,国度;领域,5. glanee ; glanceat v. &n.

2、 一瞥;迅速看一眼范围6. cater v.满足需求9.arbitraryadj.任意的;随7. typically adv.典型地,有代表性地;向来,一向机的阅读识记单词10.farewelln.告别1 .reveal v.揭示,揭露;显露11 .flutterv.飘扬,飘动;2.surplus n.剩余;过剩拍打(翅膀)12.descend v.下来,下降语用规律归纳构织连脉词族afailure 一件(个)失败的1. expansion n.扩张宀 expand v.扩张;扩大事(人)texpansive adj.膨胀的;广阔的;健谈的asuccess 一件(个)成功的2.tolerant

3、adj.宽容的;容忍的ttoleraneen.事(人)宽容t toleratevt.宽容 adisappo in tme nt件3. failure n.失败者;失败t fail vi.失败t afailure一件(个)令人失望的事(人)失败的事/一个失败的人 anhono ur(h onor) 件4. reflection n.倒影;沉思t reflect v.反映,显示;表达;(个)荣幸/光荣的事(人)沉思apity 一件遗憾的事5. appeal n.魅力,吸引力;呼吁 v.吸引;求助;呼吁asurprise 一件(个)令人tappealing adj.吸弓 1人的惊奇的事(人)6. e

4、xpensen.费用t expensive adj.昂贵的apride 一件(个)令人骄傲7. caution v. &n.警告;劝小心t cautious adj.谨慎的的事(人)8.correspondv.通信;符合tcorrespondencen.ada nger 件(个)危险的通信,信件,相符事(人)9. donate v.捐助t donation n.捐助ashame 一件遗憾的事10. decorate v.装点;美化t decoration n.装饰戴pre ”帽子的单词11. imagination n.想象;空想t imagine v.想象preview预先看timagina

5、rv adj.虚构的t imaginative adj.想象力丰富pre-war战前的的 preschool学龄前的 preposition 前置词,介词 prehistory 史前的语境活用1 .You can timagineher creating so manyimagi native/imagi narystories,which is full ofimagi nati on.(imag ine)2. My teacher is atolera ntman and he always treats the n aughty stude nts intolera nee .(tole

6、ra nt)3. At first,Ireflected that this poem is excelle nt,but on furtherreflect ion,Ifound it rather bori ng.(reflect)4. The stude nts werecauti oned to be greatly cautious whe n doing chemistryexperime nts.(cautio n)5. My new apartme nt n eedsdecorating ,so I bought lots of materials fordecorati on

7、 .(decorate)n .课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationi sthebestteacher.1. takeholdof 抓住2. asenseof 一种的感觉3. beaddictedto 对上瘾4. approveofsth 赞成某事5. achorusof 异口同声的6. takeon呈现;雇用7. caterfor 满足的要求8. correspondwith与通信;与相符9. on sec on dthoughts 经重新考虑语境活用1 .We willtakeholdof this good opport uni ty.2. He doesn

8、t approveof smoking.3. They burst intoachorusof HappyBirthday.4. TV must caterfor many differe nt tastes.5. Does the n ame on the en velopecorresp on dwith10.raise fundsthe n ame on the letter in side?#ll.have associati ons with与有联系 川.重点句型 从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothi ngisimpossibleforawilli ngheart.领悟教材

9、语境1 .As he was notso successful as some of the other young men of his time in the Civil Service Exam in ati on to become a gover nment official.由于他当时没有像其他年轻人一样在科举考试中取得成功(教材 Page 73)要点提炼 (n ot)as/so.as. 不如。2. Itissaidthathedrowned when he fellinto a river while tryi ng to take hold of the reflecti on

10、 of the Moon.咼考写作情景 我没有报名参加诗歌比赛,因为我不像其 他同学那样擅长写诗。I didn t sign up for the Poetry Competition,for I m no tso/asgoodatwriti ngpoemsasothers. 据说,朗读诗歌能够给予我们生活的灵 感。Itissaidthat reading poetry can give us in spirati on of life. 看看我面临的麻烦。要是我听了你的建议 就好了。据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡。(教材Page 73)要点提炼 It is said that.据

11、说=Sb/Sthis said to do sth据说3. Ifo nlypeople could see me in side要是人们能看到我的内心世界就好了(教材 Page 80)要点提炼If only.要是就好了。/但愿,从句需要用虚拟语气。Look at the trouble I amin. Ifonlylhadfollowedyouradvice.IV.语篇 旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空As one of the great 1.dynasties (dynasty)in Chinese history,the Tang Dyna

12、sty was a time of 2.expansion (expand) in itsterritory.Trade with foreign countries created a 3.tolerant_(tolera nee) andcosmopolitan( 兼容并包的) eulture.Cultural developme nt went hand4. in_ hand with tech no logicalprogress.Newdiscoveries 5. weremade(make) in astro nom y,geography and medici ne.The6.

13、invention (invent) of printing about this time marked the beg inning of thegolde n age of literature poetry.Be ing able to write poetry was also an important qualificati onfor people who wan ted to get7. a good job.Among the poets in the TangDynasty,Du Fu and Li Bai are the greatest. Du Fu was somet

14、imes called the“ poet ofhistory ” or “the mirror of his time ” because he pain ted a realistic picture of the problems of the age 8. inwhich/when_ he lived.Li Bai was a great roma ntic poet,whose favourite subjects of poems are frien dship,the huma n con diti on,and the pleasure of wine.lt is said 9.that hedrow ned whe n he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the10. reflection (reflect) of the Moon.话题与短文改错areReadi ng and writi ng poetry a very pers onal experie nee. Forchildre n,itis a good way to explore Ianguage and haveafun with words as well as to express themselves.But te



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