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1、30万吨大庆原油常压工艺设计摘要本次设计基本是针对年处理量30万吨大庆原油的常压蒸馏设计。自2008全球金融危机在 全世界范围内蔓延开来,全球的物价,尤其是石油涨幅令人瞠目结舌。此外,随着世界油价的 普遍走高,全国唯一逆差最大的行业一石化行业,面对着严峻的挑战,所以必须要在石化工艺 上出新的突破。原油常压蒸馏作为原油的一次加工工艺,在原油加工总流程中占有重要作用, 在炼厂具有举足轻重的地位,其运行的好坏直接影响到后续的加工过程。其中重要的分离设备 一常压塔的设计,是能否获得高收率、高质量油的关键。近年来常减压蒸馏技术和管理经验不 断创新,装置节能消耗显著,产品质量提高。但与国外先进水平相比,仍

2、存在较大的差距。为 了更好地提高原油的生产能力,本着投资少,能耗低,效益高的思想对大庆混合原油进行常压 蒸馏设计。设计的基本方案是:本设计采用常压塔,常压塔采取双侧线,常压塔塔顶生产汽油, 两个侧线分别生产煤油,柴油,塔底为重油。设计了一个常压塔一段汽化蒸馏装置,此装置由 一台管式加热炉、一个常压塔以及若干台换热器完善的换热流程应达到要求:充分利用各种余 热;换热器的换热强度较大;原油流动压力降较小。冷凝冷却器、机泵等组成,在常压塔外侧 为侧线产品设汽提塔。流程简单,投资和操作费用较少。原油在这样的蒸馏装置下,可以得 到350-360C以前的几个馏分,可以用作 石脑油、汽油、煤油、轻柴油、重柴

3、油产品,也可 分别作为重整化工(如轻油裂解)等装置的原料。蒸余的塔底重油可作钢铁或其它工业的燃料。 在某些特定的情况下也可以作催化裂化或加氢裂化装置的原料。本次设计共用31块浮阀塔板, 塔板间距0.6m,塔径2.4m,塔高度21.182m.换热流程一共通过12次换热达到工艺要求,换热 效率是65.9%,另外本设计利用了 Aspen Plus进行了物料和热量方面核算及优化,利用CAD完 成了流程图和常压塔的绘制工作。关键词:减压蒸馏;常压塔;馏出产品;热平衡Daqing 300000 tons of crude oil process designAbstractThis design is t

4、he basic of atmospheric distillation for the annual handling capacity of 300000 tons of crude oil from Daqing. Spread from the 2008 global financial crisis worldwide, the global commodity prices, especially oil or a be struck dumb. In addition, as world oil prices generally higher, the only the larg

5、est deficit industry, petrochemical industry, is facing severe challenges, so must the new breakthrough in petrochemical process. A crude oil atmospheric distillation as a crude oil processing technology, plays an important role in the crude oil processing process, has play a decisive role position

6、in refinery, its operation has a direct influence on the subsequent processing process. Design of separation equipment important atmospheric tower one, is the key to obtain high yield, high quality oil. In recent years, atmospheric and vacuum distillation technology and experience of management inno

7、vation, device energy consumption significantly, improve product quality. But compared with foreign advanced level, there are still large gaps. In order to improve oil production capacity, with less investment, low energy consumption, high efficiency thought distillation design for Daqing mixed crud

8、e oil. The basic scheme of the design is: This design uses the atmospheric tower, atmospheric tower to take bilateral line, atmospheric pressure tower to produce gasoline, two lateral line were producing kerosene, diesel oil, heavy oil tower bottom. A vaporization distillation unit in an atmospheric

9、 tower design, the device consists of a furnace, an atmospheric tower and a number of heat exchangers heat transfer process should be improved to meet the requirements: full use of waste heat; heat exchanger strength; small drop of oil flow pressure.) Cooler, pumps etc., a stripper for the side prod

10、ucts in the atmospheric tower outside. Simple process, less investment and operating costs. In this kind of crude oil distillation unit, can get several fractions of 350-360 C before, can be used as naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, light diesel oil, heavy diesel oil products, also can be used as renorma

11、lization industry (such as naphtha cracking) devices such as raw material. Bottom heavy oil can be used for steel or other industrial fuel residue. In certain circumstances can also be used as catalytic cracking or hydrocracking feedstock makeup set. This design with 31 blocks of floating valve tray

12、, tray spacing of 0.6m, the diameter of the column 2.4m, tower height 21.182m. Heat transfer process is through the 12 heat and meet the technological requirements, the heat transfer efficiency is 65.9%, this design uses Aspen Plus for the material and heat field calculation and optimization, using

13、CAD to complete the flow chart and atmospheric tower rendering.Keywords: vacuum; distillation tower; distillation product; heat balance目录摘要IAbstract II刖言11原油及其产品的性质51.1综述51.2处理量:6气提蒸汽性质:61.4原油的种类、性质61.4.1数据处理71.4.2各种馏出产品的性质 102塔工艺参数的选取152.1原油精馏塔计算草图求取15确定蒸汽用量152.1.2塔板型适合塔板数152.1.3精馏塔计算草图152.1.4操作压力的

14、确定16汽化段和塔底温度的确定172.2.1汽化段温度172.2.2进料在汽化段中的焓 172.2.3塔底温度 183塔顶及侧线温度的假设与回流热分配203.1全塔回流热20设塔顶及各侧线温度假 203.1.2全塔回流热20.13.3流热分配203.2侧线及塔顶温度的校准 213.2.1柴油抽出板(第18层)温度213.2.2煤油抽出板(第9层)温度223.2.3塔顶温度234结论25参考文献27致谢28前言3,粘度范围很宽,凝固点差别很大(30-60 C),沸点范围为常温到500 C以上,可容于多种有机溶剂,不溶于水,但可与水形成乳状液。组成石油的化学 元素主要是碳(83%-87%)、氢(1

15、1%-14%),其余为硫(0.06%0.8%)、氮(0.02% -1.7%)、氧(0.08% - 1.82%)及微量金属元素(镍、钒、铁等)。由碳和氢化合 形成的烃类构成石油的主要组成部分,约占95% - 99%,含硫、氧、氮的化合物对石 油产品有害,在石油加工中应尽量除去。不同产地的石油中,各种烃类的结构和所占比例相差很大,但主要属于烷烃、 环烷烃、芳香烃三类。通常以烷烃为主的石油称为石蜡基石油;以环烷烃、芳香烃 为主的称环烃基石油;介于二者之间的称中间基石油。我国主要原油的特点是含蜡 较多,凝固点高,硫含量低,镍、氮含量中等,钒含量极少。除个别油田外,原油 中汽油馏分较少,渣油占1/3。组

16、成不同类的石油,加工方法有差别,产品的性能 也不同,应当物尽其用。原油精馏装置是炼油企业的“龙头”,是炼油工业的第一道工序,为二次加工 装置提供原料,是原油加工的基础,其能量的综合利用程度和拔出率高低体现在石 化企业的效益上,因此,开展常压精馏装置的研究很有意义。原油常减压蒸馏作为原油的一次加工工艺,在原油加工总流程中占有重要作 用,在炼厂具有举足轻重的地位,其运行的好坏直接影响到后续的加工过程。其中 重要的分离设备一常压塔的设计,是能否获得高收率、高质量油的关键。近年来常 减压蒸馏技术和管理经验不断创新,装置节能消耗显著,产品质量提高。但与国外 先进水平相比,仍存在较大的差距,装置能耗仍然偏高,分馏精度和减压拔出深度 偏低,对含硫原油的适应性差等。进一步提高常减压装置的操作水平和运行水平, 显著日益重要,对提高炼油企业的经济效益



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