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1、 小学英语人教版PEP三年级上册教案IntroductionSay open your books. Point to the page“Wele to English”.Whats your known?Listen and learn an English song: Lesson 1Teaching aims: 1.Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ Im”.2.Learn to use Hello, Hi, Goodbye and Bye to municate with others.3.Learn to sing a

2、 song: Hello Preparation: Recorder and tape. Steps:(1). Warm-up Listen to the song: Hello.(2). Presentationa. Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear. “Hello. Im Teddy. You can call me Teddy Bear. ” Goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the hands.b. Ask pupils to practice this

3、dialogue and later ask some pairs e to the front to act. (3). Presentation a. Listen to the song: Hello and pass a toy. If a child get the toy when the song is stopping, he(she) say: Hello(Hi)! Im b. Some children who havent got the toy stand up and introduce himself(herself): Hello(Hi)! Im (4). Pra

4、ctice Teacher change the voice and make up like wear a pair of glasses. Then teacher goes with Teddy Bear into the classroom, greets to one pupil with the dialogue above, and at last adds up a sentence: Goodbye! Practice and act the conversation in groups. Then asks some groups to act it. (5). Add-a

5、ctivities a. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape. b. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.Lesson 2 Teaching aims: 1. Grasp the new words: pencil, crayon, eraser, ruler, pen and phrases: a pencil, a crayon, an eraser, a ruler, a pen. 2. Respond the TPR activities “Show me you

6、r”quickly and correctly. *Try to use this phrase. *3. Learn to say“I have a/an” Substitute the pattern with five new words.Preparation:a. A Teddy Bearb. Tape and recorderc. A pencil-box with a pen, a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, a crayon.Steps:(1). Warm-up/Review a. Listen to the song: Hello.b. Greet

7、s to pupils with: Hello/Hi. And hug them or shake hands. c. Make a conversation like last lesson. (2). Presentation a. Show a pencil-box. Let children guess : What is it in the pencil-box?(in Chinese) Then introduces to everybody like: Yes! Pencil. I have a pencil.b. Use this form, let pupils guess

8、and learn the words: pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon. (3). Practice a. Game: Say what is it in your pencil-box. - I have a pen. b. Teddy Bear asks: Whats this in English? Pupils say: eraser. Do as this. (4). Lets do a. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first t show the means. b. Asks pupils to

9、 follow teacher to do it and say if they can. c. Do it after tape like: - Show me your pencil. - My pencil.(5). Assessment Play a bingo game with those words: crayon, pencil, eraser,Lesson 3 Teaching aims: 1.Try to make a name card. 1. Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers Day an

10、d encourage them to say Happy Teachers Day to other teachers. 3. Learn to sing a song: Happy Teachers Day *4. Make a teachers card and present the teacher you like. Preparation: a. Tape and recorder b. A name card Steps: (1). Warm-up/Reviewa. Listen to the song: Happy Teachers Dayb. Do it: Show me y

11、our (2). Practice a. Shows pupils a name card and asks pupils how can we make the name card. b. Told pupils how can they make the name card in English.c. Pupils make it by themselves and say how does he(she) make it in English. (3). Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers Day: When

12、 is Teachers Day and encourage them to say Happy Teachers Day to other teachers. *Make a teachers card and present the teacher you like. (4). Lets sing: Happy Teachers Day Listen and sing the song.Lesson 4 Teaching aims: 1. Get the students to grasp the sentences: Whats your name? My name is. 2. Lea

13、rn to use the phrase See you to express goodbye and try to use the word: Wele.2. Practice and make dialogues about self-introduction. Preparation: Tape and recorder Steps:(1). Warm-up/ Reviewa. Sing the song: Happy Teachers Dayb. Make a greeting to each other. (2). Presentation a. Listen to the tape

14、 and then asks them what they heard.b. Point to the name in a Pupils Book so that lets pupils know whats mean of this sentence. c. Asks pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs e to the front to act. (3). Practice Make a conversation, connect the texts in part A. (4). Main picture B

15、ack to the main picture, point and find what they are talking. Then hand out the sortition paper to pupils. Pupils get it and find what picture it is. And them imitate those visualizes, make a conversation according to the mainpicture: Hello! Im Sarah. Whats your name? My names Chen Jie. Goodbye! Bye, Miss White!(5). Add-activities Listen and read after tape and make the dialogue. Teaching aims of uni


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