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1、2022-2023年考博英语-中国社会科学院模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题A number of researchers have written about a “hidden curriculum” in schools,defined as the subtle influences on students that reinforce sexist and racist messages. The hidden curriculum minimizes and ( )the contributions women have made.问题1选项A.eulogizesB.malig

2、nsC.maximizesD.compliments【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项eulogize“颂扬”;B选项malign“诽谤;中伤”;C选项maximize“取最大值”;D选项compliment“恭维;称赞”。句意:许多研究人员写了一篇关于学校的“隐性课程”的文章,定义为微妙地影响学生,加强性别歧视和种族歧视的信息。隐藏的课程将女性所做出的贡献最小化和。B选项符合题意。2. 翻译题Translate the underlined sentences into good Chinese.The second design in this great centuriesold t

3、radition is to argue that any form of public help to the poor only hurts the poor. It destroys morale. It seduces people away from gainful employment. It breaks up marriages, since women can seek welfare for themselves and their children once they are without husbands.(1) There is no proof of thisno

4、ne, certainly, that compares that damage with the damage that would be inflicted by the loss of public assistance. Still, the case is madeand believedthat there is something gravely damaging about aid to the unfortunate. This is perhaps our most highly influential piece of fiction.(2)The third, and

5、closely related, design for relieving ourselves of responsibility, for the poor is the argument that public-assistance measures have an adverse effect on incentive. They transfer income from the diligent to the idle and feckless, thus reducing the effort of the diligent and encouraging the idleness

6、of the idle. The modern manifestation of this is supply-side economics. Supply-side economics holds that the rich in the United States have not been working because they have too little income. So, by taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich, we increase effort and stimulate the economy.

7、 Can we really believe that any considerable number of the poor prefer welfare to a good job?(3)Or that business peoplecorporate executives, the key figures in our timeare idling away their hours because of the insufficiency of their pay? This is a scandalous charge against the American businesspers

8、on, notably a hard worker. Belief can be the servant of truthbut even more of convenience.The fourth design for getting the poor off our conscience is to point to the presumed adverse effect on freedom of taking responsibility for them. Freedom consists of the right to spend a maximum of ones money

9、by ones own choice, and to see a minimum taken and spent by the government. (Again, expenditure on national defense is excepted.) In the enduring words of Professor Milton Friedman, people must be “free to choose.”This is possibly the most transparent of all of the designs; no mention is ordinarily

10、made of the relation of income to the freedom of the poor. (Professor Friedman is here an exception; through the negative income tax, he would assure everyone a basic income.) (4)There is, we can surely agree, no form of oppression that is quite so great, no construction on thought and effort quite

11、so comprehensive, as that which comes from having no money at all.(5)Though we hear much about the limitation on the freedom of the affluent when their income is reduced through taxes, we hear nothing of the extraordinary enhancement of the freedom of the poor from having some money of their own to

12、spend. Yet the loss of freedom from taxation to the rich is a small thing as compared with the gain in freedom from providing some income to the impoverished. Freedom we rightly cherish. Cherishing it, we should not use it as a cover for denying freedom to those in need.【答案】1.当然,他们找不到哪怕一点证据表明以上的伤害与失

13、去政府援助给穷人造成的伤害有任何可比性。2.第三个,也是与此密切相关的,旨在减轻我们对穷人的责任的设计,是公共援助措施对激励产生不利影响的论点。3.您真的相信我们这个时代的大人物们,比如说公司的法人或者总经理,会因为赚的少而整日游手好闲,不思工作吗?这是对美国商人,特别是努力工作的商人们的诽谤。信念可以是真理的仆从,也可以是便利的仆从。4.无可争辩的是,没有任何一种对人的压迫和对思想努力的束缚更甚于来自身无分文的压迫和束缚。5.我们常听到当富人抱怨他们的自由因征税导致收入减少而受限,却不曾听到因为得到可花之钱而显著提高了穷人的自由的消息。3. 单选题Sex and violence on te

14、levision are called ( ) by people who feel that they serve no purpose other than to improve ratings.问题1选项A.gratifiedB.gratuityC.ingratiatingD.gratuitous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项gratified“称心的”;B选项gratuity“赏钱;小费”,名词;C选项ingratiating“讨好的;逢迎的”;D选项gratuitous“无理由的;无端的”。句意:电视上的性和暴力被认为它们除了提高收视率没有任何作用的人称之为。C选项符合题意

15、。4. 单选题So why go through the 3-to-5 year, grueling and painful process of getting a degree when you can just get a job straight out of college and get on with your life, making a salary and working on stuff that matters?问题1选项A.arduousB.hilariousC.dreadfulD.straightforward【答案】A【解析】划线词grueling和后面的painful“痛苦的”都是用来描述获得学位的过程。A选项arduous“努力的;费力的”;B选项hilarious“欢闹的;情不自禁的”;C选项dreadful“可怕的;糟透的”;D选项straightforward“简单的;径直的”。综合分析句意和选项,不难发现A选项“费力的”更合适,C选项过于极端。5. 单选题One major obstacle Ato economic development is population growth. BThe populations of most developing countries grow at a rate much faster than


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