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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语长难句结构分析(含2019年高考全国1-3卷长难句)英语中句子最基本的句式只有五种,其他各种句式都是由这五种基本句式转换而来。五种基本句式如下:1主语谓语(不及物动词)2主语谓语(及物动词)宾语3主语系动词表语4主语谓语(及物动词)间接宾语直接宾语5主语谓语(及物动词)宾语宾语补足语此外还有特殊句式如there be-, 强调句,倒装句等。但是在真实的语言环境中,句子结构远非这么简单。复杂主语、复杂宾语、复杂介词短语,还有各种复杂的定语和状语等修饰成分让句子变得异常复杂。高考阅读理解、完型填空和语法填空经常出现结构复杂的长难句,影响考生对语篇文段的理解。另外,新高

2、考将包括两个写作题:读后续写(概要写作)和应用文写作。在评分标准中把“尽力使用较复杂语法结构”视为是否得高分的标准之一。因此,学会分析长难句显得格外重要。一个句子之所以成为长难句,就是因为句子各部分成分和结构复杂,具体说就是句中出现了复杂主语、复杂宾语、复杂修饰语(介词短语、非谓语动词、定语和状语)以及各种从句等。下面分类解析:一、 复杂主语包括下列情形:含有连词如and, both.and., either.or., neither.nor., not only.but (also), as well as;非谓语动词做主语;主语从句充当主语;同位语结构做主语等。如:Those who we

3、re highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to engage (从事) in dangerous and risky behavior.”(2019高考全国卷阅读理解D) (as well as 连接those who.与those least liked .做主语)The gunners like to describe what they do as character-building, but we know that

4、to wound an animal and watch it go through the agony(痛苦) of dying can make nobody happy. (动词不定式to do结构做主语)Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services provides a real joy. (2019高考全国卷阅读理解B) (-ing形式做主语)Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we cant

5、 forget that deep relationships wouldnt even exist if it werent for casual conversation. (2018全国卷阅读理解D) (-ing形式做主语)What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes. (2019高考全国卷阅读理解B) (主语从句充当主语)Shackleton,a onetime British merchant-navy officer whohad got to within 100 miles of the South Po

6、le in 1908,starteda business.(2016全国甲卷阅读理解D) (同位语结构做主语)二、 主谓之间被介词短语、定语从句或非谓语动词分隔Mr. Robbins, together with his wife and children, is leaving London for Paris. Some peoplethinkthatthe great Chinese scholar Confucius,wholived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C.,influencedthe development of chopsticks.( 2016全

7、国丙卷语法填空)Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic, was hired to make the images, most of which have never before been published.(2016全国新课标甲卷阅读理解D)According to the reports key findings, “the proportion(比例) who say they never or hardly ever read for fun has go

8、ne from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”(2018全国卷阅读C)The woman sitting at the desk, seeing my madness, sympathetically jumped up. (2016全国甲卷完形填空)三、 复杂表语包括非谓语动词、表语从句等。One (reason) was that I was amazed at the fact that a s

9、ick person could feel much better after seeing a doctor. (2019高考全国卷短文改错)(表语从句中还含有一个同位语从句)The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. (2018全国卷阅读C) (表语从句中还含有while并列句)四、 复杂宾语包括非谓语动词、(并列)宾语

10、从句(介词后和动词后)等。Dr. Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date-sharing, kindness, openness-carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others. (2019全国卷阅读理解D) (宾语从句中含有定语从句)Back in 1983, two scientists, Jack Schultz and Ia

11、n Baldwin, reported that young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get.(2017全国卷阅读理解D)(宾语从句中含有-ing形式和定语从句)In order to pass the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to apply what we would learn in class to our fut

12、ure professions and ,eventually, to our lives. (2018全国卷完形填空) (是介词on所带的宾语从句,是动词apply所带的宾语从句)Axani wrote in his post that he is not looking for anything in return and that the woman who uses the extra ticket can choose to either travel with him or take the ticket and travel on her own. (2017全国卷完形填空) (

13、wrote带有2个由that引导的宾语从句,第个宾语从句含有who引导的定语从句)五、 复杂定语包括非谓语动词、形容词短语、介词短语、(多个)定语从句等。Its an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. (2017全国卷阅读理解A)(省略了that/which的定语从句)To people who are used to the limited choice

14、 of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala in supermarkets, it can be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence, such as Decio which was grown by the Romans.(2016全国新课标丙卷阅读理解C) (who引导定语从句)But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the

15、mid-1980s, when I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. (2016全国新课标乙卷语法填空) (when引导的定语从句中含有-ed形式和-ing形式做定语)Thursday sees us make the short journey to Paris where we will visit Disneyland Paris park,staying until late t

16、o see the parade and the fireworks.(2018全国卷阅读A) (where引导定语从句)Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny, or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety, but not articles that left them merely sad.( 2016全国新课标丙卷阅读理解D) (含有三个that引导的定语从句)Also, it is not uncommon any more to find carpenters


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