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1、八年级英语学案unit 13 Come to the party!【单元知识纲要】语音 hnrd 会列举学过的单词词汇birthday party invite discuss celebrate sandwich candle doorbell laugh hold on have a party leave/take a message act out at the moment turn over take out living room掌握日常交际用语Can you come to my party?I hope you can come to my party next Sunday

2、.Would you like to come?Mary I speak to Ann, please?Im afraid. Id love to.Im very sorry, but I can/cant.Could you ask him to.? It doesnt matter.Im sorry to hear that.Theres no time to think.掌握参见基础知识精讲和重点难点解析语法 邀请和应答Would you like/love to.? I hope you can.Thanks for. Im sorry, but I can/cant.请求许可May/

3、Could I speak to Ann, please?Certainly,/Im afraid, not.OK. It doesnt matter.掌握核心知识ANN: Hello, Bruce. What a beautiful day!BRUCE: Yes, its beautiful, isnt it?ANN: I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.BRUCE: Party? What party?ANN: Its my birthday, and Im going to have a party. Didnt you know?BR

4、UCE: No, I didnt.ANN: Oh, dear. I forgot to tell you. Would you like to come?BRUCE: Sure. I would love to come. Thanks a lot.KATE: Hi, Ann!ANN: Hi, Kate.Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?KATE: Oh, thanks very much. Id love to. What time is it going to start?ANN: Half past

5、 four. Dont forget to tell Jim. I hope he can come too.KATE: OK. Im sure he would love to come.译文:安: 你好,布鲁斯。天气多么好啊!布鲁斯: 是的,今天的天气真好!安: 我希望你能参加我下星期天的聚会。布鲁斯: 聚会?什么聚会?安: 我的生日聚会,我计划举办一个聚会。你不知道吗?布鲁斯: 不,我不知道。安: 哎唷。我忘了告诉你。你愿意来吗?布鲁斯: 当然。我愿意来。非常感谢。凯特: 你好,安!安: 你好,凯特。星期天是我的生日。你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?凯特: 噢,非常感谢。我当然想去。聚会什么时

6、候开始?安: 4:30。别忘记告诉吉姆。我希望他也能来。凯特: 好的。我相信他会来的。【常用单词积累】birthday,party,hope,beautiful,invite,discuss,celebrate,sandwich,candle,doorbell,present,laugh,smile,hold on,have a party,take/leave a message,with a smile,act out,fill out,at the moment,living room,in the study,take out,turn over,a little late,thank

7、 you for【基础知识精讲】1.But Im afraid I may be a little late.恐怕我可能要晚一些。(1)may是情态动词,表示可能性。如:He may be at his office.他也许在办公室。May I borrow your ruler?我能借你的尺吗?(2)a little用法有:修饰可数名词(单数),意指小而可爱。There is a little boy near the river.河边有个小男孩。修饰不可数名词,意为有点点,有些。I have a little food with me.我随身有点食品。修饰大小、轻重等表示程度,意为:有点点

8、,稍有点。The skirt doesnt fit me,its a little small.这裙子不合我身,它有些小。She cant lift the box. Its a little heavy.她举不起盒子,有点重。2.Would you like to come?你愿意来吗?Would you like to do sth.或 would you like sth.用来征求对方意见或邀请。为:Would you like a cup of tea?你愿意要杯茶吗?Would you like to go with me?你愿意和我一块去吗?3.Theres no time to

9、think!没时间思考了!Theres no time to do sth.没时间做某事了。如:Theres no time to have breakfast.没时间吃早饭了。不定式作宾语修饰前面的名词,这种现象在英语中非常多,如:Do you have anything to say?你有要说的吗?We have a lot of things to do.我有许多事要做。no=not a或 not any.We have no sweaters for you.我们没有运动衣给你。4.said Ann with abig smile.安带着笑脸说。(1)这是个倒装句,当引用的话放在前面时

10、常这样。如:Thank you for your inviting I said.but I have to ask my mother.非常谢谢你的邀请,我说,可是我得问问我妈妈。(2)with意思指伴随,附有,如:to go out with no hat on不戴帽子出去。With a word:Goodbye, he left he office.说了声再见,他离开了办公室。5.Happy birthday!生日快乐!(1)当别人祝生日快乐或夸你时,应答语常用:Thank you.(2)当别人在某节日场合向你祝贺时,应答语常用:The same to you.如:新年到来,儿童节时。6

11、.Im going to have a party.我要开个聚会。have可与其它词构成许多短语,为:have a look看一看,have a class上课,have a swim游泳,have a rest休息,have a good time玩得高兴,have a meeting开会have a walk散步,have a talk谈话,have breakfast在吃早餐have lessons上课7.Im sorry to hear that.听到此我很遗憾。当听到别人之不幸或不能令人满意之事时,常说此句话。8.Can I take a message?我能带个口信吗?take a

12、 message后接介词短语for sb.(为某人)或 to sb.(给某人)Can I take a message for him?我能为他捎个口信吗?I asked him to take a message to my sister.我请他给我妹妹带个口信。9.There was nothing but a card in it.里面除了一张卡外什么也没有。but除却,如:I can live anywhere but here.除却这里,无论哪里我都能住。【重点难点解析】1.Dont forget to tell Jim.别忘了告诉吉姆。(1)forget忘记,反义词为 rememb

13、er记住、记得。它们的用法有:forget to do sth.忘记做某事(把要做的某事给忘了)。如:I forgot to buy meat.我忘记买肉了。forget doing sth.忘记做了某事。(做过某事但忘记了)。如:I forgot telling him.我忘记告诉过他了。(2)say,speak,talk,tell都有说、讲意思,但用法上有区别:say说,着重说的内容。speak说、讲,着重说的动作,说语言的能力。talk谈、报告,常用于交谈或作报告。tell告诉、讲述,着重告诉或讲故事等。如:The baby can say but cant speak.这婴儿会说但不会

14、讲话。Hes talking about a car show.他正在讲一个车展。Hes always telling stories.他总是讲故事。2.I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.我希望你下周日能来参加我的聚会。英语中向别人提出邀请,常用I hope you can.或Would you likelove to.?(参观上文2)。应答语有:表示愿意时常用:Thanks for.或Id likelove to或 Im glad to或Id very happy to或 How nice等。表示不能或不愿意常用:Im very sorry, but.或Id like/love to, but.或Thank you,but.或 sorry,I cant.3.May I speak to Ann,please?请安接电话好吗?1)英语中表示请求、请示可用 MayCould I.?(礼貌的请求)Can I.?在熟人之间或非正式场会肯合答语有:Yes,do please或 Yes或 Certainly或Of course或 Thats OK或Thats all right.否定答语有:Im sorry bu



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