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1、不定式+动名词(30题)1. _ the structure of the plant is necessary for every student learning agriculture. A. Having studied B. Study C. To study D. StudiedC. 不定式短语放在句首作主语。对学习农业的学生来说,研究植物的结构是非常必要的。2. “How did James Bond escape from the locked confine?”“Oh, you know he always manages _ a tight situation.”A. to

2、 get out of B. getting out of C. to have got him out of D. in getting out of A. manage只跟不定式做宾语。“詹姆斯邦德是如何从被锁的地方逃出来的?”“你知道他在紧要关头总能设法逃脱。”3. The professor let him _ early enough to catch the last bus. A. to leave B. leave C. leaving D. to be leaving B. 在表示感觉的动词feel, hear, see, watch, observe, listen to,

3、 look at, notice以及使役动词let, make, have等后面作宾补的不定式要省去to。教授让他提早离开以便赶上尾班车。4. The law requires all cars _ for safety. A. regularly tested B. be regularly tested C. to be regularly tested D. being regularly tested Crequire sb. to do sth. 动词不定式做宾补。为了安全起见,法律要求所有的车定期进行检查。 5. Now the need _ other peoples langu

4、ages is becoming greater and greater. A. to learn B. learning C. to be learning D. being learnedA. 不定式作定语,“学习其他民族语言的需求”,应为主动态。当前对学习其他民族语言的需求越来越大。6. George went house-hunting for a week but he still didnt find a room _ .A. to live B. for living C. to live in D. that to live inCto live 做room的后置定语,因为是在

5、这个房间里住,所以加介词in乔治找房子找了一周,但仍然没有找到房子住。7. He was ashamed _ to pass the exam. A. to fail B. to have failed C. to be failed D. to be failing B. 动词不定式放某些形容词后作原因状语。因为考试没通过已经发生,所以用完成时。考试没通过,他感到很惭愧。8. He moved away from his parents, and missed them _ enjoy the exciting life in New York. A. too much to B. enou

6、gh to C. very much to D. much so as toA. 不定式短语too to作结果状语。“too + adj. / adv. + to do”意为“太而不能”。他从父母家搬出后,十分惦念双亲,无心享受纽约令人兴奋的生活。9. He ran all the way up to the station _ that the train had left fifteen minutes before. A. only to find B. such as to find C. so as to find D. in order to findA. 不定式前加only (o

7、nly to do),做结果状语,通常表示令人失望的、不愉快的结果。他一路跑到火车站,结果发现火车在15分钟前就开了。10. Its really kind _ .A. of you saying so B. of you to say so C. for you saying so D. for you to say soB. 英文中有这样两种固定搭配:1)“It is + 形容词+ for+名词(或代词的宾格)+不定式”,形容词往往是对后面动词不定式所指代的事的描述; 2)“It is + 形容词+ of +名词(或代词的宾格)+ 不定式”,形容词往往是对人物性格,特征的描述。你那样说真的

8、太好了。11. I have heard both teachers and students _ well of him. A. to speak B. spoken C. to have spoken D. speak D. 在表示感觉的动词feel,hear,see,watch,observe,listen to,look at,notice以及使役动词let,make,have等后面作宾补的不定式要省去to。我听到老师和学生都夸他。12. The engines are made _ at full speed. A. to work B. work C. working D. to

9、be working A表示感觉的动词或使役动词变为被动语态时要加上to。让发动机全速运转。13. She had no alternative but _ to see him. A. go B. went C. going D. to goD不定式在作介词but和except的宾语时,如介词前有实义动词do,后跟省去to的不定式;否则,要跟带to的不定式。她除了去看他以外,别无办法。14. We didnt do anything but _ at home watching TV for 3 hours. A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying A

10、解析见上第13题。除了待在家里看了三个小时电视外,我们什么也没做。15. She cannot help but _ at the painful news. A. cry B. to cry C. cried D. crying A在cannot but,cannot help but,cant choose but,had better,would (will) you please,may (might) as well,would rather,would sooner等习惯用法中,介词跟不带to的不定式。听到那令人悲痛的消息,她忍不住哭泣起来。16. “Do you want to

11、give a talk on that subject?” “I prefer _ .”A. not want B. not wanting C. to not giving D. not toD句中not to后面省略了give,避免重复。“你想就那个话题说几句吗?”“不想。”17. Id rather read than watch television; the programs seem _ all the time. A. to get worse B. to be getting worse C. to have got worse D. getting worse B不定式的进行

12、时可用于表示该动作正在进行中,或与谓语动作同时进行,其形式为:“to be + 现在分词”。我宁愿看书也不愿看电视,电视节目好像越来越差了。18. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday. A. being robbed B. having been robbed C. to have been robbed D. robbed C不定式所表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作或状态之前发生,要用不定式的完成时。不定式的完成时形式为“to have + 过去分词”。据当地报纸报道,昨天在光天化

13、日之下这家银行被抢了。19. I meant _ the matter with you, but I had some guests then. A. discuss B. discussing C. having discussed D. to have discussed. D. be,wish,hope,mean,intend,plan等动词的过去式以及would like,should like与动词不定式的完成时连用,表示过去想做而未做的事。我本打算与你讨论那件事的,但那时我有几位客人。20. Do you have clothes _ today?A. to wash B. be

14、 washed C. wash D. to be washed A当不定式与它修饰的词之间有动宾关系,并且与句子的主语在意思上有主谓关系时,虽然表示的意思为被动,但却用主动形式。你今天要洗衣服吗?21. It is no use _ ; the company wont do anything about it. A. you complain B. for you to have complained C. you having complained D. your complaining D. 动名词常在“Its no use/ no good/ fun/ a waste of time/ a good pleasure等名词+doing”结构中作主语,it为形式主语。抱怨是没用的,公司是不会管的。22. I dont mind _ the decision as long as it is not too late. A. you to delay making B. your delaying to make C. your



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