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1、Book One Module TwoMy New TeachersTeaching Design for Listening and Vocabulary&Everyday English一、 课程分析:本节课的学习内容是Module Two中的Vocabulary and Listening以及Everyday English部分。听力内容是关于一位英语老师和学生之间在课堂上进行的对话,涉及到有关课堂学习的新词汇以及表达偏爱的句型。Everyday English来自听力材料中的一些习语。重点通过本段材料的听力训练使学生能够在对话和语段中识别新学词汇和短语,在听懂原文的基础上获取信息并能运


3、各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。三、 设计理念:本着以培养学生的综合语言运用能力而不仅仅局限于听力训练为目标,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、和探究等方式进行学习,从而激发学生学习本课的兴趣。改变以往教师在课堂教学中“穿新鞋、走老路”的教学方式,发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,使学生有机会提高联想、思维和归纳等思维活动,用英语思考问题、分析问题和解决问题,获得深刻的、真实的、有效的语言体验。做到知识能力和语言应用能力的整体统一,构建出和谐高效的课堂模式。四、学习目标:1、知识和能力目标:学生能根据语境学习新单词,在听懂对话的基础上获取信息并运用所学所听词汇和句型谈论课堂学习。2、情感目标:加

4、深对老师的热爱和对课堂学习的兴趣,使课堂教学更加高效和谐。五、教学过程设计:本过程由Pre-class,Lead-in,Listen for the general idea,Listen for detailed information,Listen for Everyday English,Group work and Homework组成Step I:Pre-classAsk the students to collect as many words about school life and classroom study as possible and then exchange i

5、n groups.设计说明:学生在学习了本模块的Reading and Vocabulary之后已经掌握了一些描写学校生活和老师的表达,让学生课前搜集关于学校和课堂学习的相关词汇可以为下面的课堂学习作好准备。同时可以培养学生自主学习的习惯,激发学习的积极性。Step II:Lead-in1. Present some new words (revision,translation,headmaster,headmistress,period,timetable)on the screen.Then let the students listen to what the teacher says

6、 carefully and find the meanings of the words according to the context.For example: Usually,when we finish a module ,wodo some revision,then we start a new module.And we also do revision before an exam.Can you guess the meaning of the word “revision”?2.Ask the students to discuss the following quest

7、ions in English in pairs. (1) How much revision do you do before an exam? (2) Do you do a lot of translation in your language classes? (3) Do you have any free periods in your timetable? (4) Is the head of your school a headmaster or a headmistress? (5) How much time do you spend in the school libra

8、ry? (6) Do you do different topics in your language classes? (7) Do you have a choice about which language to study? (8) How much vacation do you have? The answers depend on their own.设计说明:这是任务前阶段,目的是激发兴趣与导入主题。通过给出学生英语语境来学习新单词,不仅加强了听的实践,为下面的听力练习作一些理解上的准备,而且可以培养学生用英语进行思维的习惯,培养学生的猜词能力。随后的问题讨论让学生进一步巩固了

9、对新学词汇的理解,为理解好听力对话扫清了认知障碍。StepIII:Listen for the general idea1.Tell the students they are going to hear a conversaion and before listening,just predict what the conversation is about.2.Ask some students to give their predictions.3.Play the tape and ask the students to listen to the conversation betwe

10、en an English teacher and his students carefully and get the general idea to test their predictions.Then call back the answer from the class.设计说明:让学生在听前先预测对话内容(因为有了之前的导入部分这个预测应该不会很难),然后带着问题听录音,捕捉文章大意,提高了学生整体理解文章的能力。StepIV:Listen for detailed information1.Get the students to listen to the conversatio

11、n again.This time they have to catch the detailed information.Tell them to take notes while listening.After listening,they should finish the following exercises.ExerciseI.Complete the sentences with the words they have heard.(1) This afternoon Im going to give you a _.(2) We can either do some _or w

12、e can do some_.(3) Firstly,have you all got your new_?(4) At present,you have a free_on Tuesday afternoons.(5) The_wants to see everyone in the school_.ExerciseII.Choose the right answers.(1) What will students have soon? A.a vacation B.exams C.a test(2) What do most of the class want to do? A.revis

13、ion B.translation C.comprehension(3) What is the topic that most students want to study?A.Life in the Future B.Travel C.Life in the Past(4) What are students going to do on Tuesday afternoons? A.geography B.history C.French(5) What time does the headmaster want to see the students? A.at three oclock

14、 B.at two oclock C.at one oclock2.Get the students to discuss the answers and check with their partners.3.Play the tape again for a final check and meantime let them prepare themselves for retelling the conversation.4.Divide the students into several groups to practise retelling the conversation.5.A

15、sk some students to come to the front to act out the conversation.设计说明:学生先浏览了问题,然后带着问题认真听对话,抓住信息才能得到准确答案,通过问题检测学生对材料的细节理解,训练学生获取信息和运用词汇的能力。让学生以小组形式进行对话复述并表演锻炼了他们的表达能力并对表达偏爱的句型和课堂学习词汇有了进一步的巩固和加深。Step V:Listen for Everyday EnglishPlay the tape a fourth time.This time,the students have to complete the conversations with the proper expressions that they hear in the conversation(1)Shall I go to the meeting? You decide_.(2) _at this picture.Isnt it beautiful? Yes,its lovely.(3)There are_I need to d


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