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1、高一必修一Lifestyle【基础达标】.单词拼写根据道字母或汉语注释写出单词的正确形式。1. There is an interesting p_ on television tonight.2. Bob Black still has to look at some d_ he brings back from the office when at home.3. I have an a_ with my teacher this afternoon.4. I dont know how to answer the question. Its so u_.5. Tomorrow is su

2、nny. I just heard the weather f_.6. Could you _ the TV _(换台) This channel is so boring.7. Can you _(设计) a better plan for tomorrows trip to Guangzhou?8. He_(宁愿) to leave him alone than help him.9. The beach is within walking _(距离)。10. She presented her views very _(明确地)。.选词填空1. alone/lonely(1). Thou

3、gh I live all _, I never feel _.(2). Mr. Smith lives in a _ place that few people come, and he sometimes feels _.2. much too /too much(1). The bag is _ _ heavy for a boy.(2). The task is _ _ for a young man.(3). Smoking _ _ does harm to your health.(4). Youd better switch on the light. Its _ _ dark

4、now in the room.3. join,/join in /attend/take part in(1). She was sick so she didnt _ her classes yesterday.(2). They all _ the conference.(3). My brother _ that reading club last year.(4). Will you _the games?4. cant stand/ enjoy/ prefer(1). Im too tired. I _ the job any longer.(2). She _ herself v

5、ery much at the party.(3). I _ studying English to playing computer games.:单项选择1. She doesnt feels _ though she lives in a _ island.A. alone; lonelyB. lonely; lonelyC. lonely; aloneD. alone; alone2. _ his father is?A. What do you think B. You think whatC. What you think D. What did you think that3.

6、Many people find painting _.A. relaxedB. be relaxingC. relaxingD. is relaxed4. He is quite used _ in all sorts of weather.A. driveB. to driveC. to drivingD. to driven5. His entire education_ to more than one year.A. added toB. added up toC. raised toD. was added up to6. The Chinese people are all _

7、Yang Liwei.A. pride inB. pride ofC. proud ofD. proud in7.Tom _ the challenge.A. is determined to take B. is determine to takeC. is determined to taking D. determine to take8. -Do you think we will win this time?-Will, it all _.A. dependsB. changesC. refersD. turns9. -I usually go there by bus?-Why n

8、ot _ by bike for a change?A. trying to goB. try goingC. to try goingD. try to go10.The pain _ him awake the whole night.A. preventB. keptC. stopD. caused.单句改错1. I support for what you said.2. Well start off as soon as he will arrive.3. My table is so dirty. It needs being cleaned.4. She imagined to

9、walk into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them.5. We have no one to depend except you2.鲍勃宁愿做工作狂而不愿做懒人。(prefer to )1.我总是到办公室的第一人。3.我用不到15分钟的时间完成洗脸,换衣服,用早餐,离开家然后跳上公交车。5.他的突然抵达使她不能外出。(preventfrom doing)4.一天里的每一分钟都充满了紧急的事务。(be filled with)(二)考查词法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,

10、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. _ off the TV in the living room, he prefer _ it on when cooking in the kitchen.A. Rather than to switch; leavingB. Not to switching; to leaveC. Rather than switch, to leaveD. Rather than switch; leaving22.-Do you feel like _out for a walk?-No,Id like _ TV at home.A.to go; to watch

11、 B. going; watching C. to go; watching D. going; to watch23. She cant help_ the house because shes busy preparing for the exam.A. cleaning B. to clean C. be cleaned D. doing cleaning24. -Do you mind if I carry on with my work while you_ dinner ready?-No, of course not.A. have made B. are gettingC. w

12、ill getD. made25. In order to enjoy the book, I spent a whole day _ in my study.A. lockedB. to lockC. lockedD. being locked26.My brother _ the army two years ago. He has _ for two years.A. joined; been a soldier B. joined in; joined C. joined in; become a soldier D. took part in; joined in27. The li

13、ttle boy should love _ to the theatre this evening.A. to takeB. to be takenC. being taken D. taking28. The money we made last year_ 180 million yuan.A. adds B. adds up C. added up to D. added to29. We must _ any pollution _ more happily.A. prevent; to live B. stop; to liveC. prevent; from living D.

14、keep; living30.-How is David getting along with his work?-Great, he could always _ a new idea for increasing sales.A. come up with B. come aboutC. get ways with D. get up31. As we joined the crowd I got _ from my friends.A. sparedB. lostC. missedD. separated32. -James is in hospital now.-Oh, really? I_ know that. _ see her.A. didnt; Ill go and B. dont; Ill go andC. dont; Im going to D. didnt; Im going to33. -Hello. This is Grand Railway Station.-Id like to book two round tickets toParisfor Sunday


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