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1、2022年高考英语阅读理解一轮提升选练14含解析ADonald John Trump(born June 14, 1946), is an American businessman and politician who became the President-elect of the United Stateson November 8, 2016. Since 1971 he has chairedThe Trump Organization, the principalholding panyfor his real estate ventures and other business

2、interests. Duringhis business career, Trump has built office towers, hotels, casinos, golf courses, andother branded facilitiesworldwide.Trump was born and raised in New York City and received abachelors degreein economics from theWharton Schoolof the University of Pennsylvaniain 1968. In 1971, he w

3、as given control of his fatherFred Trumps real estate and construction firm. Trump has appeared at theMiss USApageants, which he owned from 1996 to 2015, and has madecameo appearancesin films and television series.Trump and his businesses, as well as his three marriages, have received prominent medi

4、a exposure. He hosted a popularNBCreality show, The Apprentice, from 2004 to 2015. As of 2016, he was listed byForbesas the 324th wealthiest person in the world, and 156th in the United States, with a net worth of $3.7 billion in October 2016.Trump first campaigned for the U.S. presidency in2000, wi

5、nning twoReform Partyprimaries. On June 16, 2015, Trump again announced his candidacy for president, this time as a Republican. Trump became known for his opposition toillegal immigrationandfree trade agreements, as well as his frequently non-interventionistviews on foreign policy, and quickly emerg

6、ed as the Republican nomination front-runner. As of March 23, 2016, Trump has won 21 contests in the2016 Republican presidential primaries.He was elected as the 45th U.S. presidentin the2016 electionon theRepublicanticket, defeatingDemocraticnomineeHillary Clinton, andis scheduled to take officeon J

7、anuary 20, 2017. At 70 years old, he will be theoldest person to ever assume the presidency.1. This passage is mostly probably taken from _.A. a story bookB. a biography bookC. a science bookD. an advertisement2. Where is Donald Trumps hometown?A. LondonB. ParisC. New YorkD. Beijing3. From the passa

8、ge, we can know that Donald Trump was _.A. wealthy and sucessfulB. intelligent but meanC. good-tempered and tolerantD. forgetful and sensitive4. We can learn from the passage that _.A. Donald Trump is only successful in business field. B. Donald Trump was born in a poor family.C. Donald Trump is in

9、favor of illegal immigration.D. Donald Trump will be the oldest president of the United States.【文章大意】本文为人物传记。文章中主要介绍了美国总统特朗普。1. B【解析】文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文介绍的是美国新当选的总统特朗普。由此可推知,本文极可能来自与一本人物传记。故选B。2. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的Trump was born and raised in New York City可知,特朗普的家乡是纽约。故选C。4. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的At 70 yea

10、rs old, he will be the oldest person to ever assume the presidency.可推知,特朗普将是历任美国总统中年龄最大的一位。故选D。BMany people rush_into_the_mitment_of_bringing_home_a_fourlegged_family_member,only to find out that they are not ready for a pet.This often results in the dog being turned over to a shelter where it may n

11、ot find another home.This can be avoided if potential pet owners take the time to figure out if they are truly ready for the responsibilities of pet ownership.Being a responsible pet owner involves a financial mitment that goes beyond buying dog food.There are also parasite(寄生虫)prevention,boarding c

12、osts while traveling and the cost to care for the pet should it bee ill or injured.That is not to say that one must be rich in order to have a dog,but it is important to be prepared for the expenses that e with being a pet owner.Another consideration is the time mitment.An owner away from home for 1

13、4 hours every day is not an ideal situation for a dog.A potential dog owner must also consider the time it takes to care for his or her pet,the time it takes to feed,walk,play with,bathe and clean up.Also,dogs require attention.Be prepared to spend time each day petting and playing with it.Dogs are

14、dogs,and will act like dogs.This includes barking,digging,having accidents in the house and,possibly,destroying some of the owners prized possessions,such as furniture,shoes and cell phones.If the above would cause an owner to want to get rid of the dog,then he or she is not yet ready to be a pet ow

15、ner.Many wonderful pets end up in shelters simply because they acted like dogs!1Who might be qualified to be a dog owner,according to the text?AKari,a teacher who works eight hours a day.BJim,who has a daughter sensitive to dogs smell.CDick,a jobless teenager who can hardly pay his rent.DSteven,a business man who travels a lot on business.2To be a responsible dog owner you need to do all the following EXCEPT _Abuying dog food and feeding itBtaking it to hospital when necessaryCspending time each day playing with itDfinding a shelter for it when you are bored with


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