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1、I要点A形容词1、形容词的用法形容词是用来修饰、描绘名词的,通常在句中作定语、表语或宾补,有时还可作状语。如:He is honest and hardworkingI found the book interesting某些形容词与定冠词连用表示一类人做主语时,谓语通常用复数形式。如:The rich and the poor live in different parts of the cityThe English like to be with their families多个形容词作定语修饰名词的顺序:冠词序数词基数词性质状态(描述性)形状大小新旧老少颜色国籍材料名词。如:the s

2、econd five interesting big new red Chinese wall papers2、形容词比较等级的形式(1)规则形式一般说来,单音节词及少数双音节词在后加er;est 来构成比较级和最高级;其他双音节词及多音节词在前加more, most如:greatgreatergreatestbusybusierbusiestimportantmore important(the)most important(2)不规则形式good (well)betterbestbad (ill)worseworstmany (much)moremostlittlelessleast(3)

3、形容词比较等级的用法表示两者的比较,用形容词的比较级than如:He is cleverer than the other boysThis one is more beautiful than that one表示两者以上的比较,用the 形容词最高级(名词)of(in) 如:He is the cleverest boy in his class表示两者是同等程度,用as 形容词原级as如:He is as tall as II have as many books as you越 越例如:The more I learn, the happier I am You can never b

4、e too careful越小心越好又如:You can never praise the teacher too highly你怎么赞扬这个老师也不过分。 I have never spent a more worrying day那一天是最令我担心的一天。I have never had a better dinner这是我吃过的最好的一顿饭。 My English is no better than yours我的英语和你的英语都不怎么样。B副词1、副词的种类(1)时间副词如:ago, before, already, just, now, early, late, finally, t

5、omorrow等(2)地点副词如:here, there, near, around, in, out, up, down, back, away, outside等。(3)方式副词如:carefully, angrily, badly, calmly, loudly, quickly, politely, nervously等。(4)程度副词如:almost, nearly, much, greatly, a bit, a little, hardly, so, very等。2、副词比较等级的用法其用法与形容词相似,只是副词最高级前可省略定冠词。如:Of all the boys he si

6、ngs (the) most beautifullyWe must work harder3、某些副词在用法上的区别(1) already, yet, stillalready表示某事物已经发生,主要用于肯定句;yet表示期待某事发生,主要用于否定句和疑问句;still表示某事还在进行,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,有时也可用于否定句。如:Weve already watched that filmI havent finished my homework yetHe still works until late every night(2) too, as well, also, eitherto

7、o, as well和 also用于肯定句和疑问句,too和as well多用于口语,一般放在句末,而also多用于书面语,一般放在句中与动词连用。either用于否定句和否定的疑问句,往往放在句末。如:He went there tooHe didnt go there eitherI like you as wellI also went there(3) hard, hardlyhardly意为几乎与hard在词义上完全不同。如:I work hard every dayI can hardly remember that(4) late, latelylately意为最近、近来,lat

8、e意为晚、迟。如:He never comes lateHave you been to the museum lately?例1 Toms father thinks he is alreadyA high enough B tall enoughC enough high C enough tall解析:该题正确答案是B。修饰人高用tall,而建筑物的高用high,并且enough修饰形容词要放在形容词后面。因此该题选B。例2 _ the worse I seem to beA When I take more medicineB The more medicine I takeC Tak

9、ing more of the medicineD More medicine taken解析:该题正确答案为B。the形容词比较级 , the 形容词比较级意为越,越。该句意为:吃的药越多,我的病越是加重。例3I havent been to London yetI havent been there _A too B also C either D neither解析:该题正确答案为C。A和B都用于肯定句中。Dneither本身意为否定两者都不,而Ceither则用于否定句中,意为也。例4 Mr Smith was _ moved at the newsA deep B deeply C very deep D quite deeply解析:该题正确答案为B。A deep用于副词时,修饰具体的深,如dig deep,而Bdeeply则修饰表示感情色彩的词,如该题为deeply moved另如deeply regret等。而Dquite和deeply均为副词,不能互相修饰。


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