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1、1. Parameters Introduction发射时间: 2014 04 03发射地点:法国圭亚那库鲁,轨道:Polar,轨道高度693公里重访时间:六天(sentinel-1A和sentinel-1B 单卫星12天)设计寿命:七岁卫星:长2.8米,宽2.5米,2长达10米的太阳能电池阵列和一个12米长4米高的雷达天线质量:2300公斤(含130公斤燃料)波段:C波段合成孔径雷达(SAR) 5.405 GHz侧视方式:右视极化方式:- hh-hv或HH极化的极性环境监测,海冰区- vv-vh或VV极化所有其他观测区(与波罗的海的一个例外hh-hv观察部分在北方的冬天,在下行轨道)。As

2、a general principle, the polarisation scheme follows the following logic: - HH-HV or HH polarization for the monitoring of polar environments, sea-ice zones - VV-VH or VV polarization for all other observation zones (with an exception for the Baltic Sea observed partially in HH-HV during northern wi

3、nter, on descending orbits).分辨率_不同操作模式(Operational modes):干涉宽幅(IM) 250公里 520米分辨率Wave mode acquisitions(WM) images of 2020 km and 55 m resolution (at 100 km intervals)条带模式(SM) at 80 km swath and 55 m resolution超宽幅模式(EM) of 400 km and 2040 m resolution接收站:SAR数据:斯瓦尔巴群岛,挪威;新马泰,意大利;西班牙马斯帕洛马斯2.任务以及主要应用该任务

4、提供了一个对地球的连续雷达观测的独立的可操作能力。Sentinel被设计成 基于长时间序列 能够为运行服务和应用 提供增强的访问频率,覆盖,及时性和可靠性。该任务将提供一个可操作的干涉测量能力,通过严格的要求放置在态度的准确性,态度和轨道的知识,和数据的定时精度。The constellation will cover the entire worlds land masses on a bi-weekly basis, sea-ice zones, Europes coastal zones and shipping routes on a daily basis and open ocea

5、n continuously by wave imagettes.,海冰区,欧洲的沿海地带和航线上每天和开放的海洋连续波imagettes。哨兵的SAR仪器短重访时间将大大提高user的能力和提供数据定期和系统的海上和地面监测,应急响应,气候变化和安全。主要用途:监测海冰、溢油、海洋风和海浪、土地利用变化、土地变形等,并应对洪水和地震等突发事件(Main applications: Monitoring sea ice, oil spills, marine winds & waves, land-use change, land deformation among others, and t

6、o respond to emergencies such as floods and earthquakes)3.不同工作模式介绍(Operational modes)四种工作模式:干涉宽幅(IM)、Wave mode acquisitions(WM)、条带模式(SM)、超宽幅模式(EM)主要有两种工作模式:干涉宽幅(IM)以及Wave mode acquisitions (WM)(The radar operates in two main modes: Interferometric Wide swath and Wave.)关于干涉宽幅的介绍:干涉宽幅模式,是默认模式(对地观测),25

7、0公里的扫描宽度以及520米的分辨率。这种模式的图像用了the Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans SAR or TOPSAR.。用这种技术,雷达波束在一个条带上扫描来回三次(称为sub-swath),使其可以获得质量很高并且均匀的sar图像。Interferometric Wide swath mode, the default mode over land, has a swath width of 250 km and a ground resolution of 5 x 20 m. This mode images in three s

8、ub-swaths using the Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans SAR or TOPSAR. With this technique, the radar beam scans back and forth three times within a single swath (called sub-swaths), resulting in a higher quality and homogeneous image throughout the swath. Wave mode acquisitions,可以用来确定方向,海洋里波

9、长和海波高度。是一种swath比条带小(called vignettes)的扫描模式 2020公里 100kmWave mode acquisitions which can help to determine the direction, wavelength and heights of waves on the open oceans are 20 x 20 km, acquired alternately on two different incidence angles every 100 km.Wave (WV) - Data is acquired in small stripm

10、ap scenes called vignettes, situated at regular intervals of 100 km along track. The vignettes are acquired by alternating, acquiring one vignette at a near range incidence angle while the next vignette is acquired at a far range incidence angle. WV is SENTINEL-1s operational mode over open ocean.另外

11、两个模式:条带(SM)和超宽带幅模式(EW)。条带模式(SM)延续了ERS和ENVISAT数据,提供一个55米分辨率的一个狭窄的80公里幅宽。Stripmap (SM). This is a standard SAR stripmap imaging mode where the ground swath is illuminated with a continuous sequence of pulses and with the antenna beam pointing to a fixed azimuth and elevation angle.超宽幅模式(extra)是用于海上,冰和

12、北极区的服务。特点:覆盖范围广、短重访时间。这种模式的工作类似于干涉宽幅模式采用TOPSAR技术,导致在一个较低的分辨率(20 x 40 m)。超宽幅模式也可以用于干涉。4. 不同级产品说明Level-0The SARLevel-0 productsconsist of the sequence of Flexible Dynamic Block Adaptive Quantization (FDBAQ) compressed unfocused SAR raw data. For the data to be usable, it will need to be decompressed a

13、nd processed using focusing software.Level-1Level-1 data are the generally available products intended for most data users.Level-1 productsare produced as Single Look Complex (SLC) and Ground Range Detected (GRD).Level-1 Single Look Complex (SLC) products consist of focused SAR data geo-referenced u

14、sing orbit and attitude data from the satellite and provided in zero-Doppler slant-range geometry. The products include a single look in each dimension using the full TX signal bandwidth and consist of complex samples preserving the phase information.Level-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD) products cons

15、ist of focused SAR data that has been detected, multi-looked and projected to ground range using an Earth ellipsoid model. Phase information is lost. The resulting product has approximately square resolution pixels and square pixel spacing with reduced speckle at the cost of reduced geometric resolu

16、tion.GRD products can be in one of three resolutions: Full Resolution (FR) High Resolution (HR) Medium Resolution (MR).The resolution is dependent upon the amount of multi-looking performed. Level-1 GRD products are available in MR and HR for IW and EW modes, MR for WV mode and MR, HR and FR for SM mode.



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