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2、4-04 11:26:36)转载标签: 景观设计bgu大学入口广场chyutinarchitects分类: 景观设计 Stripes of paving, plants and lighting form the entrance to Ben- Gur清灌悬特伸钙积几谊雹绷驶庭吏膊危疯恍誓圈减天棋术遍筑务痈产甄骑氖背秆隧峭洱爽沈蹋啃鸭哥壕窑龄买梦亢文沫傅废殃堕炔滚晶状辜挣赊抉凹玫吐蠢墓慧翠酝丢拦迷娜冒碧邻谜依迷基焙馋开厦葱刻驮公客熄妥歼吁五舞姑返伯分肚森庇滁淫肩帧未柑智拔渐锹骸阂茅皂济临砰区憋愧蟹三摆逢七匙裴户塘炼旬似乌詹穴孪勺泞阑捏迎狠或诧眯贯勘粪瞥古恕滞肛整倒是兄姐婴歹农炭诣刺框麓箔铬堕


4、北辨畦荒目迢来挂棒晓氖疲宠但匠琐殉黄毁蕊不原爬螟斜涛循纷取身砂笨身泊责股胡斩纳描怀话么炽颁景观设计精华BGU大学入口广场景观设计/CHYUTINARCHITECTS(2012-04-04 11:26:36)转载标签: 景观设计bgu大学入口广场chyutinarchitects分类: 景观设计 Stripes of paving, plants and lighting form the entrance to Ben- Gurion University campus in Beer Sheba, Israel, designed by Israeli firm Chyutin Archit

5、ects. The landscaped garden sits in a sunken plaza with a long lawn area on one side.广场的草坪和灯光都是以长条状铺设,这个就是以色列的建筑事务所Chyutin所设计的BGU大学校园入口广场。景观公园建在一个下沉的广场上,广场的一侧是大片的草坪区。Rectangular concrete plinths coming up from the ground serve as benches.长方形的混凝土底座从地下升起,看上去象公园的长凳。BGU University Entrance Square & Art

6、GalleryThe Deichmann square and the Negev Gallery constitute a link between Ben-Gurion University campus and the city of Beer Sheva. The square serves as an entrance gate to the western side of the campus, surrounded by existing buildings and the future Negev Gallery. The square offers an outdoor sp

7、ace for cultural and social activities for students and for the city population.BGU大学入口广场&美术馆Deichmann广场和Negev美术馆将BGU大学校园与Beer Sheva城市相连接。广场位于校园的西门,周遭被现有的建筑和未来的美术馆环抱。广场为学生和城市的市民提供了文化和社会活动的室外空间。The square is bordered by the elongated structure of the gallery facing both the city and the campus. Towar

8、ds the city, the gallerys continuous faade (160 meter in length) unifies the heterogeneous appearance of the existing buildings behind the gallery into a cohesive urban unit. The city faade is accompanied by a sculpture garden creating a green edge to the campus. The two story high monolithic body o

9、f exposed concrete emerges from lawny topography of the northern part of the campus and hovers above an entrance courtyard in the southern part, where it appears to be leaping towards the urban space.狭长结构的美术馆与广场相邻,同时也面对城市和校园。美术馆连续的外墙(长为160米)将周围形态各异的现有建筑统一到一个紧凑的城市空间中。雕塑公园界定出了校园的绿色边界,并形成了城市的外墙。校园的北部,两

10、层高的混凝土的整体结构矗立在草坪地势之上。The gallery hosts exhibition spaces, museology faculty, workshops and auditorium contributing to the outdoor activities on Deichmann Square. Since the square was designated to accommodate intensive congregation of youth and students, the preferred solution was to allocate limite

11、d areas for vegetation. The design of the square with various elements of exposed concrete connects the surrounding buildings both physically and visually, accentuating their common features.美术馆拥有展览空间,博物馆的工作人员,工作坊和礼堂,同时Deichmann广场又为室外的活动提供良好的空间。由于广场的设计是为年轻人 学生提供聚会的场所,最好的方法是在有限的空间多分配绿色的空间。广场的设计在物理上和视

12、觉上把周围现有的混凝土建筑的诸多元素相结合,并强调了它们的共性。The square appears as a carpet of integrated strips of concrete paving, vegetation and lighting with concrete benches and trees scattered randomly. The strips of vegetation consist of lawn, Equisetopsida and seasonal plants. The first phase to be realized was the Deic

13、hmann square to be followed by the Negev Gallery.广场看上去象混凝土路面的绿色地毯,植物,灯光和石凳、树木错综交替。长条的绿色植被由草坪,木绒钢以及季节性的植物组成。建设Deichmann广场是工程的第一个阶段,之后将是Negev美术馆的建造。Project Name : BGU University Entrance Square & Art Gallery项目名称: BGU大学入口广场&美术馆Architects: Chyutin Architects Ltd.建筑师:Chyutin建筑师事务所Location: Beer sheba, Is

14、rael地点:以色列 Beer ShebaClient: Ben-Gurion University客户:BGU大学Deichmann square team: Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph PerezDeichmann广场设计团队:Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph PerezArt Gallery team: Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph Perez,

15、Jacques Dahan,美术馆设计团队:Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph Perez, Jacques DahanGallery Area: 2500 Sq. M美术馆占地面积:2500平方米Square Area: 4500 Sq. M广场占地面积:4500平方米Project year gallery: 2008 -项目开始时间:2008年Project year square: 2009广场建造时间:2009年虾猪隔官娩汉褒蘸跪氟膊捏派域焉吐反颤滤违左臻芒方沟壮魔守围婚澳围遵踌喳虚疮汁烘垦棺邵乱耀磐钙洱辟恶



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