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1、浙江省杭州市 2021 年中考英语模拟试卷分类汇编阅读理解专题杭州市西湖区 2021 年九年级下学期初中学业水平测试英语试题第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。AMartha Payne is nine years old. She lives and goes to school in Scotland. In the past, Martha had lunch in the school canteen every day; and every day she and her classmates

2、 had to eat really terrible food.Then one day, Martha decided to start a blog. She called it Neverseconds. Martha had a simple idea: to take a photo of lunch at school every day, and then to put it in on her blog. Very quickly, Marthas blog became very popular, and in seven weeks it had two million

3、hits.The blogs popularity was great news for Martha, but it wasnt very good news for the school. Every day, people around the world could see the terrible meals that they were serving. After a while, the school decided to do something to stop this.Martha describes what happened on her blog: “This mo

4、rning the head teacher took me out of the Maths class and I went to her office. She said that I could not take any more photos of my school dinners because of a headline in a newspaper today. I only write my blog, not newspapers, and I am sad I can no longer take photos.”However, the story has a hap

5、py ending. People from around the world began to protest ( 反对) against the actions of the school and Martha was able to write her blog again. What9 s more, meals at the school have now got much better. At the age of only nine, Martha is someone who has already made a big difference.16. Why did Marth

6、a start her blog?A. To show her school meals to others.B. To raise two million dollars for her school.C. To make herself a popular student.D. To express opinions about her classmates.17. What does the underlined word “this” refer to?A. The fact that Marthas blog received too much attention.B. The fa

7、ct that Martha got terrible test results for many times.C. The opinion that students should eat lunch at their homes.D. The opinion that the environment of the canteen was bad.18. What was Martha asked to do by the school?A. Stop writing passages for the newspaper.B. Stop taking the math classes in

8、school.C. Stop putting photos of school meals online.D. Stop taking photos of the head teacher.19. What may be the best title of this passage?A. Having School Meals TogetherB. Running a Successful BlogC. Communicating with TeachersD. Making a DifferenceBSunflower School Recidin9 Club ReportDecember

9、2020Figure 1: Membership of Sunflower No. of pupils School Reading Club 2015-2020IntroductionThe Sunflower School Reading Club was five years old last month so we decided to do a survey to find out what students think about it. We are sorry to report that membership of our club has fallen in recent

10、years. As Figure 1 shows, only 85 pupils are members this year.More findingsWe talked to pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 6 to try to find out why they did not want to join the Reading Club. They gave a number of different answers but, as Figure 2 shows, the most common reason was that they were not

11、 interested in books.16% of pupils said they were not interested in the activities of our Reading Club, so we asked pupils which activities they enjoyed during last year5s Reading Week. These results are shown in Figure 3.It was clear from these results that the bookworm competition was very popular

12、. One student said that we should have a book quiz (小测验) with teams from each class. The winning team could compete against teams from other schools. Some students said that they prefer reading books that have been made into films, such as the Harry Potter series.RecommendationsWe should try to incr

13、ease the membership of Sunflower School Reading Club. We can do this by organizing more fun activities, such as competitions. We can also arouse pupils9 interest in reading by sharing books that are also films. We should also make sure that our activities do not clash(冲突)with those of other school c

14、lubs and teams.20. How many members did the Reading Club have in its first year?A. 85. B. 100. C. 120. D. 140.21. Which activity did pupils like least at last years Reading Week?A. Storytelling librarian.B. Talk by childrens book author.C. Bookworm competition.D. Introduction of new publications.22.

15、 What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. A short summary of the whole report.B. Things that the writer thinks are a good idea.C. Other things the writer has written about.D. Future reports that the writer will discuss.CRecently, my daughter found something at the back of a cupboard. She de

16、scri bed it: “Its a box, about the same size and weight as a brick (砖). Its made of plastic and has buttons (按 钮) with numbers on.” She hoped it was a machine for travelling through time! She was wrong it was my first mobile phone!Finding my old phone made me think about how fast things change. Everyday objects usedby one generation are unknow


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