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1、山东大学硕士学位论文家电产品分销渠道结构分析与发展对策姓名:侯素美申请学位级别:硕士专业:企业管理指导教师:王兴元20090317山东大学硕士学位论文中文摘要在品牌知名度、产品技术、价格乃至服务等方面日益同质化的大背倉下,中 国家电生产企业的市场营销从粗放型向集约型转变,企业需要通过渠道获取竞争 优势。生产企业在做分销渠道决策时,面对众多影响渠道决策的因素,难以取舍。 各渠道结构的成本、效率、效益、可控制性以及渠道选择构成生产企业营销工作 中最大的困扰。本论文在国内外文献研究成果的基础上,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的 方式展开研究,对家电产品分销渠道的结构选择和发展两个问题进行了研究。本 文

2、认为生产企业面临渠道决策困惑时,可通过对市场、生产企业和中间商多方面 中多因素进行分析,从渠道成本、可控性及与企业的适应性等方面权衡比较,从 而得出适合自己的分销结构。渠道结构没有好坏之分,关键在于市场、生产企业、 中间商相互的适应性。本论文正文部分共分七章,其具体内容如下:第一章绪论,介绍了本论文的研究背景、研究意义以及论文的研究内容与方 法.第二章分销渠道的理论综述,为下文的研究奠定基础。第三章家电产品分销渠道结构分析,这是本文的主体部分之一,也是创新之 一.首先从家电产品分销渠道的众多结构中挑选了具有代表性的六种结构,分别 从渠道产生的背景、渠道结构及成员分工、渠道政策、渠道控制、渠道优

3、势及劣 势等方面对六种结构进行归纳总结,然后从厂商分工、渠道成员权责分配、优势 劣势与结构适应性等四个方面对六种结构进行了比较,得岀各种结构的适用条 件。第四竜家电产品分销渠道结构选择分析,这是本文的主体部分之一,也是创 新之一。从分析影响家电产品分销渠道结构选择的因素入手,运用模糊综合评价 方法,对企业如何选择分销渠道结构逬行了探讨和研究。第五章家电产品分销渠道的发展趋势及对策建议,这是本文的主体部分Z 一,也是创新之一。首先进行分销渠道结构发展趋势分析,得出电子商务将成为 主流渠逆的结论,并提出了传统渠道与电子商务整合的三种结构模式,最后对发 展过程中可能遇到的问题提出了相关建议,为家电产

4、品分销渠道结构的选择提供 参考。第六章案例分析,以格力空调为例,对其现有分销渠道结构进行评价,并对 其提出了进一步优化和完善的对策建议。第七章为结论,指出了本文的主要结论和创新点,提出了硏究的不足和进一 步研究的方向。关键词:家电产品 分销渠道 渠道结构 结构选择 发展对策#山东大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACTThe marketing of household electrical appliance manufacturers is pushed to transfer from extensive style to intensive style, when the brand, pro

5、duct technique, price and the service trend to be homogenizing And the manufacturers are to gain superiority especially through channel management. Its difficult for the manufacturer to make choice about distribution channel facing so many factors. The cost, efficiency, effectiveness and controllabi

6、lity in channel management have become the focus in marketing.Based on the research from domestic and overseas, this thesis made research on the choice and development of the distribution channel about household electrical appliance manufacturers by the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis

7、. The thesis contends that the producer should choose the most feasible distribution channel structure by analyzing the favorable and adverse factors in market, middleman and producer and comparing the advantages and disadvantages in cost, controllability and adaptability in distribution channel man

8、agement It is hard to say which channel structure is the best, and the only standard to evaluate the effectiveness is how the producer, middleman and market adapt to othersThe thesis is divided into seven parts totally.The first chapter is the introduction, including the research background as well

9、as intentions and methodsThe second chapter introduces the basic theory of the channel to summarize the function, feature and the basic concept of distribution channel, which lays the foundation for the next research.The third chapter, one of the most focal points and the most innovations, depicts t

10、he distribution channel structures First, it depicts the household electrical appliance industry characteristics and status in quo, which provides the research background for the next comparison between the different structures about the distribution channel. Second, the thesis comprehensively analy

11、zes six channel structures from five aspects: background, work-division, policy, advantages and disadvantages, and controllability. Thirdly, the thesis compares each channel structure with others from several aspects such as uork-division, right and liability, and adaptability etc. Lastly, based on

12、the #山东大学硕士学位论文above-mentioned analysis and comparison, the thesis draw the conclusion that the distribution channel structure development follows special rule and the producer must consider given factors in channel decisionmakingThe fourth chapter, one of the most focal points and the most innovati

13、ons, describes the choice of distribution channel structure. After analyzing the factors which influence the distribution channel structure choice, Fuzzy method is used to optimize the choice of the distribution channel structureThe fifth chapter is also one of the most focal points and the most inn

14、ovations, which probes into the development and countermeasures about the distribution channel First, the thesis summarizes the trends of distribution channel structure, draws the conclusion that the electronic commerce will be the main channel structure. Second, it goes on the research in choice of

15、 mode and puts forward three structures which are the conformity of traditional channels and internet channels. Lastly, countermeasures and inspirations are provided for the channel decision-making during the development of the distribution channel.The sixth chapter is the case study on the Gree air

16、-condition, in which the thesis evaluates the Greeks channel structure and puts forward the countermeasures and advices for its next improvement and optimizationThe seventh chapter is the summary of the thesis, which summarizes the main conclusions and innovations, and in this chapter, the thesis also puts forward the shortage and the next research directionKey words: household electrical appliance ma



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