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1、青岛理工大学琴岛学院Qingdao Technological University Qindao College论文题目:青岛市外贸企业国际竞争力的现状分析与对策研究以青岛新华锦集团为例专科毕业论文培养院系:琴岛学院 经贸系专 业:国际经济与贸易论文作者:曹培群学 号:20070511178指导教师:王丽2009年6月目录1 绪论11.1 写作背景11.2 写作目的11.3 写作思路与方法12 外贸企业国际竞争力概述32.1 国际竞争力的含义32.1.1 国际竞争力的深刻内涵32.1.2 国际竞争力在外贸企业工作中的具体表现32.1.3 衡量外贸企业国际竞争力的主要指标32.2 当今外贸工作

2、国际竞争力的发展概况42.2.1 世界各国国际竞争力的对比分析42.2.2 国际竞争力的发展特点与趋势53 青岛市外贸企业的国际竞争力现状分析73.1 青岛市外贸企业的发展机遇与挑战并存73.1.1 青岛市外贸企业在国际竞争中的发展机遇73.1.2 青岛市外贸企业在国际竞争中面临的挑战73.2 青岛市外贸企业国际竞争力的案例分析83.2.1 青岛市新华锦集团简介83.2.2 青岛市外贸企业国际竞争力存在的问题93.2.3 制约青岛市外贸企业国际竞争力的主要因素94 青岛市外贸企业旨在增强国际竞争力的对策研究114.1 发挥科学技术的核心性作用114.1.1 转变出口增长方式 支持高附加价值的产

3、品出口114.1.2 积极扩大机电产品和高新技术产品进口114.2 树立创新观念 提高青岛市外贸企业的国际竞争力114.2.1 创新经营机制 转变贸易方式114.2.2 创新管理机制 激发企业活力114.2.3 创新协调机制 营造和谐环境124.2.4 创新配套机制 深化外贸改革124.3 重视人才强贸 发挥外贸人才的骨干性作用124.3.1 建立有效的人才获取开发途径124.3.2 形成有效的人才评估 激励机制124.3.3 实施科学的人才规划12结论13致 谢14参考文献15摘要在知识经济和经济全球化的时代背景下,自由贸易主义盛行并占据主导地位,全球化市场竞争的层次提高到了一个崭新的水平。



6、人员来企业工作并在生活、工作、家庭等各方面给予优惠待遇。只有这样,青岛市外贸企业才会取得杰出的成就并得到国内和国外的认可,进而向创造世界名牌迈进。关键词:青岛市 外贸企业 国际竞争力ABSTRACTIn the background of knowledge economy and economic globalization, the rise of free trade and occupy the leading place, competition in the world market has moved up to a new level, nor the whole world

7、not the whole country, nor one area not one city, the foreign trade area is facing the more fierce market competition. Qingdao is a key economic center and open coastal city in China, it is famous for its cultural heritage and eye-catching scenery for tourists, and meanwhile it is the host city for

8、the 29th Olympic Sailing Races in 2008. Qingdao is known as the “Pearl on the Yellow Sea” and “Switzerland in the East”. In a contest of giants, there are the best of the best. Under the current circumstances, to promote the development of foreign trade of Qingdao, and optimize the industrial struct

9、ure, improve their international competitiveness and accelerating economic development in our country at this stage is a very important research topic. This paper is trying to analyze the fundamental essentials that determine international competitiveness of Qingdaos foreign trade, giving valuable s

10、trategy in order to strongly boost its international competitiveness. The first chapter is the introduction, the paper introduced the research background and writing ideas, methods; the second chapter is devoted to international competitiveness concept, lay the foundations of following theory; The t

11、hird chapter introduces Qingdaos foreign trade enterprises situations and the exists problems, further more analyses the Qingdaos foreign trade enterprises on the road of developing have been faced the opportunities and challenges for the follow-up research papers to provide the necessary background

12、 knowledge; the fourth chapter is for the example of Xinhuajin Group in order to make Qingdaos foreign trade enterprises developing faster, higher, stronger giving the right directions. Through this thesis research, the Qingdaos foreign trade enterprises will maintain a high growth speed and it base

13、 its great international competitiveness occupy the leading place must do the following aspects best: first, inspired by the spirit of “committing yourself to the motherland by pursuing excellence”, ni-tech priority principle, investments in new skills, materials, technology and products are encoura

14、ged and so is reforming the traditional industries using new and high technology; secondly, dare to entrepreneurship, innovation is the secret of success and the core of the Qingdaos foreign trade enterprises culture; thirdly, respecting scientific and technical personnel, such as many talented peop

15、le and returning graduates from abroad are attracted to the Qingdaos foreign trade enterprises and preferential treatment is exercised for their work, families and daily life. Only so the Qingdaos foreign trade enterprises will accomplish outstanding achievements and win recognition both at home and abroad, further forward to create the world-famous brand a great step. KEY WORDS: Qingdao foreign trade enterprises international competitiveness毕业论文1 绪论1.1 研究背景全球化浪潮正在淹没主权国家的市场界限,复杂激烈的国际竞争成为当前及未来时代的基本特征,统一的世界市场正在形成,依赖本国市场发展本土化经济的国家城市,将面临着失去自己最后的自留地,决定生存与发展的


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