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1、Our School教学设计(话题教学)一、教材分析本课题选自PEP4 unit1 Our School 。这是一节复习课,学生在本单元已经学习了有关学校的一些内容。因此,这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。本课时的主要语言功能是谈论在学校的不同教室里能做什么事情,让学生谈论自己喜欢学校里的哪个教室以及为什么。主要句型可扩展如下:I can I canin the I like, because I canin the Welcome to our school. This is the.二、学生情况说明通过本单元的学习,学生已经掌握了学校里各

2、种教室的名称以及相关的动词短语,这为本课时的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是如何将分散的语言点进行整合、拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用。在教学时,教师要通过创设情景,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教学活动,将新旧知识有机结合,对本单元知识加以强化,从而让学生更好地掌握和拓展学校这一话题。三、教学设计根据英语课程标准设置的总体教学目标,结合本单元的实际教学内容,确定本课的教学目标如下:知识目标:1、学生能够听、说、认读句子:I can I canin the I like, because I canin the

3、Welcome to our school. This is the.2、学生能够向别人介绍自己的学校,能够表达自己的喜好以及原因。能力目标:学生能够在教师的指导下形成积极的学习态度,并逐步提高观察、思维、想象、合作能力和综合语言运用能力。情感目标:1、学生在团体协作中能积累一定的角色表演和创造经验。2、学生敢于用英语表达自己的想法和喜好,增强对英语学习的自信心和学习兴趣。教学重、难点:重点:学生能够听、说、认读句子:I can I canin the I like, because I canin the Welcome to our school. This is the.难点:听、说、认

4、读句子I like, because I canin the及because的发音。课前准备:教学课件、小动物头饰、小红旗、旅游团的帽子、学生练习题(学生每人一份)四、教学和活动过程: 教学步骤 建议与说明 一、热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)1. 师生齐唱歌曲 “walking walking”(师生跟着课件一起表演。动作简单有趣,学生兴趣很浓。)2、Greetings.教师左手戴上小兔的头饰,模仿小兔的声音,跟大家打招呼:Hello. Whats your name? What colour do you like? Which animal do you like? .

5、教师右手又戴上小猪的头饰,模仿小猪的声音,跟大家同样的打招呼。(学生都笑了,一下子集中了注意力。)二、呈现/操练(Presentation/ practice)1、Teach “I can.” 教师接着上面的对话,T: Im rabbit. I can jump. Im pig. I can eat. (教师指着黑板上的“I can”说,并加以动作让学生更好的理解。) draw a pictureT: What can you do? (课件出示I can及一些动词短语)I can(我能)read a booksing and danceplay computerplay footballop

6、en the doorwatch TVT: I can read a book. What can you do ?S1: I can play football.S2: I can open the door.S3: I can draw a picture.(学生很积极,大部分都能根据提示说一句话。)2Teach “I canin the.”(1)课件出示学校图片T: Whats this ?Ss: School.T: And whats this? (教师指着图书馆问)Ss: Its library.(2)课件出示图书馆图片和句型:Look! This is the library.S1

7、S2S3: Look! This is the library.(3)课件出示 Wu Yifan在图书馆看书和句子:I can read a story-book in the library.T: Wu Yifan is in the library. He can read a story-book in the library. Can you be Wu Yifan?引导学生说:I can read a story-book in the library.(学生一个个举手发言,并加上动作。)(4)课件出示图书馆图片、句型和动词短语。Look! This is the . I can i

8、n the library. read a story-bookread a Chinese bookread an English bookread a math book I like . T: Look. This is the library. I can read an English book in the library. I like library.S1S2S3: Look. This is the library. I can read an English book in the library. I like library.(学生一下子看到三个句子有点害怕,不过几个好

9、的学生回答后,大家熟悉了,也就活跃起来了。)第一组一起用read a story-book来说第二组一起用read a Chinese book来说第三组一起用read an English book来说第四组一起用read a math book来说(5)课件出示遮住的playground的单词卡片让学生猜S: This is the(学生一个个说,然后再齐说。)(6)课件出示操场的图片和句型:Look! This is the.S: Look! This is the playground. (学生一个个说,然后齐说。)(7)课件出示操场的图片、句型、动作词组及其图片。I canin th

10、e playground.I likeJump run play footballT: I can jump in the playground. I like playground. What can you do ?S1: I can run in the playground. I like playground.(学生一个个说,然后让男生用jump说,让女生用run说,让全班用play football说。)(8)课件出示音乐教室的图片、句型、动作词组及其图片。Look! This is the.I canin the.I like.sing dance(同上,老师先说,然后学生一个个

11、说。)(9)课件出示句型、动词词组和图片Look! This is the.I canin the.I likeplay computer watch TV have some noodleshave lunch have dinner draw a picturewater the flowersT: Look! This is the computer room. I can play computer in the computer room. I like computer room.(学生一个一个挑自己喜欢的图片说。)3、Teach “I like, because I canin

12、the.”(1)课件出示小猴子的学校和小鸟去参观学校T: Look. This is monkeys school. Its beautiful.T: Bird is visiting monkeys school.T: Lets listen and find out which room does monkey introduce.(2)让学生听录音回答问题。学生先听两遍录音让学生说说小猴子介绍了学校的哪几个地方(学生猜对一个课件呈现一个)再听一遍录音让学生进行核对录音内容:Welcome to our school! Our school is beautiful. This is th

13、e music room. This is the canteen. This is the library. This is the computer room and this is the art room.(3)让学生表演小猴子课件出示小猴子和小猴子要说的句子和图片:Welcome to our school. Our school is beautiful. This is the. This is the. This is the.This is the,and this is the.T:I can be the monkey. Who can be the monkey?师戴上

14、头饰表演2次学生上台表演全体学生一起表演(句子不是很难,学生表演很积极)(4)听录音,找出小猴子喜欢哪个教室。T: Lets listen and find out which room does monkey like.(S1: Monkey likes computer room. S2: Monkey likes computer room. S3:)录音内容:Im monkey. I like computer room. Which room do you like? (5)让学生猜猜小鸟喜欢哪个教室Im Bird.I like_.课件出示小鸟以及句型:S1:Im Bird. I like music room.S2: Im Bird. I like computer room.S3:.(6)听录音核对。录音内容:Im Bird. I like music room.(听两次)(7)Teach “because” and practiceT: Why does bird like music room? 中文解释一下 Lets listen.同时课


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