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1、2022年考博英语-中南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been ( ).问题1选项A.exaggeratedB.ignoredC.scrutinizedD.increased【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。e

2、xaggerate “夸大;夸张”;ignore “驳回诉讼;忽视”; scrutinize“详细检查;细看”;increase“增加,增大”。 句意:在驳斥环境灾难即将来临的断言时,她的书没有嘲笑所有关于灾难的预测,相反却声称损害的风险在很多情况下被夸大了。由but rather claims可知此处表转折,意思应与前句相反。只有A项符合题意。2. 单选题The French and the Americans have a very different relationship to money, ( )and ostentation.问题1选项A.obnoxiousB.obfuscate

3、C.optimumD.opulence【答案】D【解析】考查形近词辨析。 obnoxious讨厌的; obfuscate使模糊; optimum最佳效果; opulence富裕。句意:法国人和美国人在对待金钱,奢华,以及炫富的关系上大不相同。空格处应填入一个和money并列的名词。3. 单选题Sigmund Freud lived most of his life in Vienna, Austria. He was trained in medicine and established the International Psychoanalytic Association in 1910.

4、 This excerpt is from a translation of a 1923 work, The Ego and the Id.There are certain people who behave in a quite peculiar fashion during the work of analysis. When one speaks hopefully to them or expresses satisfaction with the progress of the treatment, they show signs of discontent and their

5、condition invariably becomes worse. One begins by regarding this as defiance and as an attempt to prove their superiority to the physician, but later one comes to take a deeper and juster view. One becomes convinced, not only that such people cannot endure any praise or appreciation, but that they r

6、eact inversely to the progress of the treatment. Every partial solution that ought to result; and in other people does result, in an improvement or a temporary suspension of symptoms produces in them for the exacerbation of their illness; they get worse during the treatment instead of getting better

7、. The exhibit what is known as a “negative therapeutic reaction.”There is no doubt that there is something in these people that sets itself against their recovery, and its approach is dreaded as though it were a danger. We are accustomed to say that the need for illness has got the upper hand in the

8、m over the desire for recovery. If we analyze this resistance in the usual way then, even after allowance has been made for an attitude of defiance towards the physician and for fixation to the various forms of gain from illness, the greater part of it is still left over; and this reveals itself as

9、the most powerful of all obstacles to recovery, more powerful than the familiar ones of narcissistic inaccessibility, a negative attitude towards the physician and clinging to the gain from illness.In the end, we come to see that we are dealing with what may be called a“moral”factor, a sense of guil

10、t which is finding satisfaction in the illness and refuses to give up the punishment of suffering. We shall be right in regarding this disheartening explanation as final. But as far as the patient is concerned this sense of guilt is dumb; it does not tell him he is guilty; he does not feel guilty, h

11、e feels ill. This sense of guilt expresses itself only as a resistance to recovery which is extremely difficult to overcome. It is also particular difficult to convince the patient that this motive lies behind his continuing to be ill, he holds fast to the more obvious explanation that treatment by

12、analysis is not the right remedy for his case.1.A good title for this passage might be ( ).2.From the passage we can learn that Freud means that these patients( ).3.Freuds study of this syndrome leads him to think that( ).4.Does Freud feel that analysis is not right for the patients he describes?问题1

13、选项A.An Inverse Reaction to ProgressB.The Need for AnalysisC.Guilt and SufferingD.Introduction to Freuds Ideas问题2选项A.act contrary to a physicians expectationsB.get worse when they should get betterC.get better when they should get worseD.both A and B问题3选项A.most patients respond badly to praiseB.patie

14、nts need to trust their physiciansC.patients guilt may keep them from getting wellD.the patients personal emotions need to be analyzed问题4选项A.Yes, he feels they are in love with their illness.B.Yes, he feels that they are too ill to recover.C.Yes, he senses that they need another remedy.D.No, but the

15、 patients often feel that way.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。由第一段中This excerpt is from a translation of a 1923 work, The Ego and the Id. “本文节选自1923年的作品自我与本我。”与第二段There are certain people who behave in a quite peculiar fashion during the work of analysis. When one speaks hopefully to them or expresses satisfaction with the progress of the treatment, they show signs of discontent and their condition invariably becomes worse. “在分析工作中,有些人的行为举止相当奇特。当人们满怀希望地与他们交谈,或对治疗的进展表示满意时,他们就会表现出不满的迹象,病情总是会恶化。” 可推知D项“对弗洛伊德观点的介绍”正确。其他三项都是文中未提及的内容。2.判断推理题。定位到第二段中的but



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