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1、 小学英语口语总测试卷 姓名_一选择正确的答案,并把其序号填入括号内。( ) 1.早上碰到同学,你可以对他打招呼说什么呢? How are_?( ) 2.当别人对你表示问候,你也要询问他怎么说? How_you?( ) 3.回家后想问爸爸去哪里了怎么说? A.How is Dad? B.Where is Mom? C.Where is Dad?( ) 4.当你考了100分,妈妈会怎么表扬你? Youre so _.( ) 5.同学鼓励你上台表演别害羞,对你说什么?fly.t be shy!Just try! ( ) 6.你今天看起来真酷! You look _ today. A.cold B.

2、cool C.warm ( ) 7.我爱我家,怎么翻译? A.I love my family. B.I love my dog. C.I like cartoons.( ) 8.美国家庭喜欢把对亲人的爱表露出来, I _ you.( ) 9.别人向你寻求帮助的时候,你大方地对他说没问题。 A.No problem. B.No way. C.Forget it!( ) 10.每个小朋友都觉得自己的妈妈是世界上最好的妈妈,那我们 怎么向妈妈表达呢?re the best mommy.re the best daddy.? Youre very _. A.smart B.brave C.cleve

3、r( ) 12.你想知道你的同学为什么笑,要怎么问?Why are you _? A.smiling B.riding C.crying( ) 13.自我鼓励不要气馁! Never say _. A.shy B.try C.die( ) 14.当你不介意一件事时,你应该说: _. A.I dont mind B.Thank you C.Im fine( ) 15.当别人问候你的时候,你要表示感谢怎么说? A. Thanks B.OK C.Fine.二仿造例句,用所给的单词,造个句子。Eg. Where is Dad? Mom _Where is Mom?_1. Good afternoon .

4、 morning _2. Im OK. great _3. How is your teacher? mother _4. When is dinner? lunch _5.I am going home. to school _6.You look cool today. nice _7. I run in the park every morning. walk _8. Youre great parents. wonderful _9. Its time to get out. get up _10. Did you brush your teeth? wash your face _三

5、选正确的词填空1. How _ you ? ( are is )2. I _ OK.( is am)3. _ is my birthday.( Now Today)4. Thanks for _.( asking ask)5. Hi! Whats _.(down up )6. _ much.How about you?( Not No)7. Same.Nothing _. (old new)8. How _ Jim? ( was is)9. He has a _ cold. (good bad)10. He is _.(sick good)11. Hows it _(going go)12.

6、Where _ you going? ( are is)13. How is everything going? Not _. (bad badly)14. Where _ Dad? ( is are)15. About _ hour. ( a an)四连线Get up! 我姐姐比我高。 Make the bed yourself. 起床!Sweet dreams. 你会骑自行车吗?I am going to bed. 早餐好了。Did you brush your teeth? 我回家了。She is taking a shower. 我要睡觉了。Breakfast is ready. 做个好梦。Im home. 你刷牙了吗?My sister is taller than me. 自己把床整理好。Can you ride a bike? 她在洗澡。


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