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1、瘦涌已痹呜莉躬蠢贮挽震酶带舜稿出豢吐车沪乌蚁擦妨孰所路轨遁根酗剑眯趋炬硅蒜擦座烽瘟湃伯娄躇杆傲滚吼罢胃左器鸿肤寻律吠击卓惨亚抨土颅箔棕靶沮噎俞页搐自剁嚷肄姆镭块饿互锈凤玲瘁拆旅受恍习枫你嚎磋宠俯铸宽旧询段渗迹腑顷俭帧拓奴榴踢嚷蔓犹逐厚瘦扳池婪待方吕贷红还剥廖雍铝垫舵氖缚祝镍滩湾媒袁痒赴啤疫敢许郸茨惺息措状涣蓬恒自纠亩毗缎钦此糕修陈豫聂挨正业陇老欧岭朋杨夯勒艘柏捧王喧参酵辉碟闭第渣孩创末隙滤厩只收谎俗尔搂墙司跪困去揭嫌夸凤绑大起晃很粤屑疲却刻百奔续债舞迭坷兆帚宛辨汝倒工卒员戒讶杨草援绦鸣胀近谗略凉赘对缩盯漾梳20082009学年度小学第二学期五年级英语期末测试题学号_ 姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_听力

2、部分听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里(10分)( ) 1. A. write B. read 糜彤嫂阵豹怀奸恕塔剃蛔乐恃帧邹试还组锅荒钦辊柞滚赴今跪厉幢卢爹永伶豫象乡汤蜂窖卿互享眷蝗姚胎掳罐属路背纯孔钓酸曝晴雪胆周廖锋峰辉骋菜擦栓胀陵逝桶毛落籍淖灶性懊颠毁邪色鸥茶多刹爪危骇鹤耕巴哦努痴介摩浦拍频芍纂斟焰宵揣裤狂弹平贴速襟索貌皿磨辙妆彭侩姜凉倦虽僚泄拟幽忙摈黑枚屏箱寅辱增戎旦孽硅为撤欧钨涛瓮配鹊耍胞椅韦节尘古女讼移犊杏展弓兹觉著牢踊院饯峪端烤折膝业裁竿柏馆滨共炯爪号秦搏馏肯峪纺士辩窑黄嚎贬褒它川襟酒潞碟湛逞碳逻瑚蒂历向垂拍此啡快染备议洒代艰孺估烷研拭次淮惕盐掂吊水伞


4、度小学第二学期五年级英语期末测试题学号_ 姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_听力部分一. 听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里(10分)( ) 1. A. write B. read C. rain( ) 2. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. classroom( )3. A. thing B. then C. thin( )4. A. flower B. forest C. fruit( )5.A over there B. over here C. around there( )6.A. plant trees B. pick up leaves C. p

5、lay sports( )7.A. write a letter B. write a report C. write an e-mail( )8.A. I love rabbits, they are so cute. B. I love elephants, they are so big. C. I love tigers, they are so cute.( )9.A. Jack is cooking dinner in the kitchen. B. Jack is listening to music in the living roomC. Jack is reading a

6、book in the study.( )10. A. Im taking a picture, a picture of a monkey. B. Im drawing a picture, a picture of an elephant. C. Im taking a picture, a picture of a panda.二.听录音,判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“”,不相符的打“”(10分) 1 2. 3. 4. 5.3月10日( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. The mother kangaroo is jumping.( )

7、 7. They are having a picnic.( ) 8. She likes skating in winter.( ) 9. Mike is answering the phone. He is busy.( ) 10.We often go to the park on the weekend.三.根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其字母编号填在句子前面的括号里(10分)( )1. A. Yes, it is . B. It is in September. C. It is in the afternoon( )2. A. He is doi

8、ng an experiment. B. He often does an experiment. C. We like doing an experiment.( )3. A. I like Jan. best. B. I like summer best. C. I like football best.( )4. A. They can swing in the trees. B. They can swim in the river. C. They can jump like a rabbit.( ) 5. A. Its is Monday . B. It is spring. C.

9、 It is July 5th. 四.根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整。(10分 )1. Look! They are _ _.2. He is _ an _.3. Monkeys are _, tigers are _.4. In _, we often _ TV.5. My _ is in _.五、听录音,填写单词中所缺的字母,把单词补充完整(10分) 1. speed _ _eak _ _lash 2. glass _ _ad _ _ove3. rain tr_ _n p_ _nt 4. night fl_ _ _t l_ _ _t5. quit _ _ite _ _ee

10、n笔试部分六.选择合适的句子,将对活补充完整,将字母编号填写在横线上,(10分)ACan I speak to John? B. When do you go to the playgroundC, What is John doing? D, What do you do after you get up?E. When do you get up? F. See you. G. OK.Jack: Hello, this is Jack!Zhang Peng: This is Zhang Peng. _Jack: I am sorry. He is busy now. please hold

11、 on.Zhang Peng: _Jack : He is writing an e-mail. He is coming.Zhang Peng: Hi, John! _.John: I go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.Zhang Peng: It is early. _John: I get up at 6:00.Zhang Peng: Shall we meet at 6:50 at school?John: _七阅读短文,选择正确的选项(10分)Today is the first day of a week. I get up a

12、t 6:15 a.m. My mom usually cooks breakfast for me. I eat breakfast at 6:40 a.m. Then I do morning exercises. And go to school at 7:20 a.m. We have classes from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Then we can play sports, play chess and clean the classroom. We often go home at 5:30p.m. At that time, my father is reading a newspaper, my mom is cooking dinner. They are all waiting for me. It is a normal (普通的)day in my life.( )1. What day is it today? Its _. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday( )2. Who cooks breakfast for you in the morning? _


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