英文歌曲学习 中英对照

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1、1Beat it 歌手:Michael Jackson 专辑:Beatit They Told Him他们告诉他: Dont You Ever Come Around Here “你胆敢再来? Dont Wanna See Your Face, 不想再见你, You Better Disappear 你最好消失!” The Fires In Their Eyes 怒火在他们眼中升腾 And Their Words Are Really Clear 话语也说得格外明白 So Beat It, Just Beat It 那么就避开吧,避开 2nd Verse You Better Run,你最好快

2、跑 You Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能 Dont Wanna See No Blood, 不想看到流血 Dont Be A Macho Man 不要去逞能 You Wanna Be Tough, 你要容忍 Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能 So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad那么就避开吧,但你却偏要逞强 Chorus Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开 No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输 Showin How Funk

3、y Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂 It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要 Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开 Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It 3rd Verse Theyre Out To Get You, 他们赶来抓你 Better Leave While You Can 你就赶快离开 Dont Wanna Be A Boy, 不想乳臭未干 You Wanna Be A Man 你想成为男

4、子汉 You Wanna Stay Alive, 但如果你想活命 Better Do What You Can 就尽你所能 So Beat It, Just Beat It 避开吧,避开 4th Verse You Have To Show Them 你本是要告诉他们 That Youre Really Not Scared 你毫不畏惧 Youre Playin With Your Life,但却是在把生命当儿戏 This Aint No Truth Or Dare 其实无所谓真理与胆量 Theyll Kick You, Then They Beat You, 他们踢翻你,打倒你 Then T

5、heyll Tell You Its Fair 然后告诉你这就是公义 So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad 那么就避开吧,但你却偏要逞强 Chorus Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开 No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输 Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂 It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要 Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开 Choru

6、s Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开 No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输 Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂 It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要 Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开 Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It Just Beat It, Beat It 译:Keen 2A Place Nearby 歌手:L

7、ene Marlin 专辑:Playing my game I entered the room.我走进房间。 Sat by Ur bed all through the night.整夜坐在你床边。 I watched Ur daily fight.我看着你每天与病魔搏斗。 I hardly knew.我仅仅知道。 The pain was almost more than I could bear.那样的痛苦我所难以承受的。 And still I hear.我仍然能听见。 Ur last words 2 me.你给我的临终遗言。 Heaven is a place nearby.天堂是一

8、个很近的地方。 So I wont be so far away.所以我将离你不远。 And if U try and look 4 me.如果你尝试着寻找我。 Maybe Ull find me someday.也许某天你将会找到我。 So theres no need 2 say goodbye.所以没有必要说再见。 I wanna ask U not 2 cry.我想要告诫你不要哭泣。 Ill always be by Ur side ! 我将一直在你身边! U just faded away.你还是逐渐衰弱下去。 U spread Ur wings U had flown.你已经展翅飞

9、离。 Away 2 something unknown.离开我去到那未知的地方。 Wish I could bring U back.我希望能把你带回来。 U are always on my mind.我一直惦念着你。 About 2 tear myself apart.为我与你的分离去而哭泣。 U have Ur special place in my heart.你在我心中有特别的意义。 Always heaven is a place nearby.天堂一直很近! And even when I go 2 sleep.即使我睡着了。 I still can hear Ur voice.

10、我仍然能听到你的声音。 And those words.你的那些话语。 I never will forget.我从未忘记。 3Angel Spend all your time waiting for that second chance用全部的时间等待第二次机会 For a break that would make it OK 因为逃避能使一切更好 Theres always some reasons to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉不够好 And its hard at the end of the day在一日将尽之时觉得难过 I need some

11、distraction or a beautiful release我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱 Memories seep from my veins回忆自我的血管渗出 Let me be empty and weightless让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂 And maybe Ill find some peace tonight也许今晚我可以得到一些平静 In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness

12、 that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here 愿你能得到安慰 So tired of the straight line厌倦了走直线 And everywhere you turn你转弯的每一个地方 Therere vultures and thieves at your back 总有兀鹰和小偷跟在身后 The stor

13、m keeps on twisting暴风雨仍肆虐不止 You keep on building the lies你仍在建构谎言 That you make up for all that you lack以弥补你所欠缺的 It dont make no difference, escape one last time但那于事无补,再逃避一次 Its easier to believe会使人更容易相信 In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness在这甜蜜的疯狂、光荣的忧伤里 That brings me to my knees使我颔首屈膝 In

14、 the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 Fly away from here飞离此地 From this dark, cold hotel room 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间 And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕 You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel 在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里 May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰 some comfort here 4As Long As You Love Me.只要你爱我就好 歌手:Backstreet Boys 专辑:As Long As You Love Me 1 Although lone


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