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1、大学英语B试卷一、交际英语、-Which sater do you ie etter?-_. A:God ide B:Ys, itsnice C:Yes,plase D:cnt decde答案:D2、-Ihea Susan upredheteahr ywokinard. - Ye, _ A:e techer woke hrd. :Susanored hard. C:te teacher wasurprisg. D:Susan wassprise.答案: B、- Hi, ImLiz.- _ A:i,nice to se y. B:Wha do ople cal ou? C:Fin,n yu? D

2、:Hwdo you d?答案: 4、- Congatlton! You on h frst iein todays pech contest- _ A:es, I eatte trs B:No, no, I ddt doit wll. :Thank you. :Is a pleasure.答案: C5、- Tan you fo invitingm. _ A:I really hd a hapy tie. :Oh,istoo late C:Thak yu for on.D:Oh, so so?答案:二、阅读理解、 Soe Britis and Arican people ike toinvite

3、 frens adcoleaues for a mealat me.oushou no e uet(心烦意乱) if younglih fiends dnt ivte you home oes mn theydnt leyou. Dier paties usualy sart bewee7 and 8 p.m., an end aabo 11. sk orotswhattme you shold arri I poli obring flwers, chocolaesra ttle ine asrst. o ou want b extra (特别地)polite? Sy how uh you

4、lie thoom, or th pcues o the wll. But rmembr - no to askowuh things os. Yulpoabystat th mal with soup, r sothing sml s a srer(第一道菜), then yull hav ear fish wih vetes,nd thn a sset (甜食), ollow by ofeIts polit to insh veythg on yourplte ndto take mre if ou wantt. Some pe eatbread wi ther meal, but not

5、 everyone ds. Before they take othir cigrettes aftr the ma, mst pople usully as,Do u indif smoke hee? id youenjoy e evenng? Calyour hot the nex day, orwrie them a shot hankyu letter. Perhps it sems funny t yu, but Bitish anmerica peoe s, thnky, tanyou,and thank you. all the tim.(1)、your Englis o Ame

6、rianrienddon inviteu to dnnerthom, idoesn sowthey ntlikeyou. A:T B:F答案: A(2)、Wh youre nviedt go to you riends home,yoma go at any time. A:T :F答案: B()、In EglandAerica, itstpolitetoask he rie setig A:T B:F答案:A()、Inthe pasg, teordr ofthe srvi of aaliseato fsh wih egetables-dsser-soup-cfee. A:T B:答案: B(

7、5)、Yod better wrie a short nkyo lett toyour h rgive thmcall i youwant o e xraolte. A:T B:F答案: A2、The FenhRevuo broke out n 17.t the te raneas in crss govrnmentw badl run peoslveswre iserabe ng Lus XI riedto conl he nanal riament and raisemore ta.But eot aild e oered histro to Veais. Te people ogh t

8、Luisntned to ut onteReoution yfre. On Jul 14, 789, thytomed an tok theBstille, wherepolitialproers werkept.Evince that dy,Jy14 has ben he rench Natin ay. Lois tridtofleetony in 1792, o ge pport from Austiaand Prussia oweer, hews cught ndput in prison Septmber 192, thmarchy wa aolishe In th m yer, Lo

9、is was exced.A fw onthe hiife, Maie,als ad hr ha cuoff. TeRevuion f Frane ad rigened thothr ings ofEuroe res rom Autri anrussan tomach agan France.Th renh rised rpublian rmiet defen te ton T evlutonwen houh a eriof erro. Thousnds of pepleltther ivs. In te n, wr pssed t Napoleon Bnaparte.()、has his p

10、asgeabout? A:Fance. B:Kin Louis. C:TheFrenchRevoluto. :Europe答案: C(2)、Wich didnot hpenin 178? A:TheFrch voltion roke u. :he national conmy as devepig ridly :Te goernent sn ell run D:King Lous XIV was i pwr答案: (3)、hereere e olitical prisonerske? A:In erailles. :In Austra C:n ria :In Bstle.答案:(4)、Watd

11、oet udelned ordbohedman? A:Pu off. :Etabshed :UnitD:Endd答案: (5)、hatwasOT he efect o e Revoln? A:Jy 14 ha beome he Frencationl Da. :It brogtsomipact onthoterEuropaings. C:ouiss wfe, Mar was kiled D:he king tried tcotrol e natinal ariment.答案:D三、词汇与语法1、_ w tiredhe nt on wori. A:n B:Yet C:lhoug D:Inspite答案: C2、Noutil he meetngwas over _ thathe had ade a mista in hsspec. A:he raied :didhe ealze:he hasrealized D:s e reaze答案: 、The yog ladcomg over t u _ our Engish teach; thay sh wlktels us ta! :m


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