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1、初中生英语演讲稿大全初中生英语演讲稿 The Tibetn telope Kneling n It neTodayI amgoingto tell you a true sor aota ife-lteg event thatapped aol hute from Tibetsnrthnlnds. arly in the mrni, the unera agopof Tibetan antesonrss hi eahis ten.H rshed out f hitentand ouedhishorse ith hisrie. T ntlesa quickly an awayept one. A

2、sro, faone ran only a few stepsand came ac. It loked iplogyat im, stepped p wards him and thn kelt nts ees wites remin on from i ees. Feeng sfteae for flashig mnt, thehunte id notullhe trigger. Bt aftr he shu hi ey, puled te rger n th antelop fe t teroundn a kneeling pition wt discerb tars sil on it

3、 fae.The ol huter rslesyut the etnantelpepeWhat hea amad h choe o is rea and the nie el on the gound with a rashHsaw baby antepe ing in the mb,rey ea. lof udden e ralied why h antelope was rng n faandwh it havi knlt bfore im and cd: Itws imlorin him to havemryoni by! he old hunte buried the atlop an

4、d its unborn baby togeter whhs nting rflha dyI ill neverore thisstry. day I old it to me peope and dlike to otout: n thewol theknelinof lig mthers, whaevr ofhumn bnor ialicred.Livesf al insr equa.Leu re bout the nate, care bouour if wit our affection nd respect o the life. peullywe cld lv arniousy,

5、asart of atue. 跪拜的藏羚羊今天我要告诉大家一个发生在西藏北部的故事。这件事,促使一位老猎人改变了对生命的认识。 那天清晨,老猎人看到不远的草坡上有一群藏羚羊,立即跨上烈马,追了过去,藏羚羊四处逃窜,奇怪的是,有只肥壮的藏羚羊没跑多远,却转过身来,用乞求的眼神望着他,然后冲向他前行两步,两条前腿扑通一声跪了下来,与此同时,两行长泪从它眼里流出。老猎人心头一软,扣动扳机的手不由地松了一下,可是随即他双眼一闭,枪声响起,那只藏羚羊栽倒在地,倒地后仍然是跪卧的姿势。脸颊上的两行泪迹仍然清晰地留着。 老猎人怀着忐忑不安的心情对那只藏羚羊开膛扒皮,眼前的一切让他屏住了呼吸,手中的屠刀咣当一

6、声掉在地上,原来在藏羚羊的子宫里静静地卧着一只小藏羚羊,它已经成型,自然是死了。这时候老猎人才明白为什么这只藏羚羊的身体特别肥壮,也明白了它为什么给自己下跪,流泪。它是求猎人留下自己孩子的生命呀! 当天,老猎人将那只藏羚羊连同它没有出世的孩子掩埋了,同时埋掉的还有他的枪。这个故事曾经让我久久不能释怀,今天我把这个故事说给更多的人听,我更要说,天下所有慈母的跪拜,包括动物在内,都是神圣的,一切的生命都是平等的,让我们所有的人怀着对生命的一种感动和敬畏,去珍爱自然,珍爱生命。愿人类能成为自然的一部分并和自然和谐共处。Be Like aPne ee nd BeWhat YouCa Schol had

7、 bee ver eas for me n teginning. I dbee theul rutine-hw up fo hool, complee assignment, tk tts, get grad.An thatwsusull staight A thoghtschol wst easy. Suddenl idlsco bga.Sue, wasa op stuent or six ars,why ou it e any hader Itwas;te dmark in a op quiz dl huled Ieame vr resetfl nd angy abut ysituatio

8、n. I felt so dpessed r feeing infeior One winer dy we ha a heavynow. oher took me or aonwalk “Se thos elm tees,” he said“ Th branches are rokn.Te tree m de. ut loo ttosepie tees!The ae not urt by the snow.”“ When they havemoresnow htheycan hld,tey lowe he branhes an e th snolip aay.he next mrning te

9、y are gd s evr.” “Thrare just two idoftreesin heworld:the stubbornndthe ise.Be ie pn tee.Berwhatyouca, then lt theload lide off. u ill o forardligly.” Yes, “B k pine tree Bear hat yo n!” Shak ofretent, angrya dpressioWe wil ave bi ute.像松树那样, 能承担多少就承担多少 求学之初,我一直得心应手。一切不外乎是每天上学,做作业,考考试,拿学分。而我的分数经常是优。我

10、觉得求学竟是那般容易。 倏忽之间,中学学习生涯开始了。千真万确,我做了六年的优等生,难道功课还会变得更难确实如此。在一次突袭考试中,我糟糕的成绩深深挫伤了我的傲气。 我为我的境况变得愤懑不平。我灰心、失望,因为我感觉低人一等。冬日的一天,外边下了一场大雪。妈妈带我去散步。“瞧那榆树”,妈妈说,“树枝都折断了,这些树会死的。再瞧那松树,它们不会受到雪的伤害。它们把枝丫垂下, 使雪滑落。第二天清晨,依旧完好如初。” “世界上只有两种树,一种顽固不化;一种机智聪明。做一棵松树吧!能承受多少就承受多少。 然后抖掉包袱,你就能轻松前行。”是的,像松树那样, 能承担多少就承担多少,抖掉怨恨、愤懑和失望,我

11、们将拥有一个灿烂的明天。初中生英语演讲稿 Discoveing uy Lie is ul of euty. Beuty liesno y in nauru als n hear If w aea hrt enflamd and sou nchanted,wean find bey everywer aoun. Let beaut be ourgid tunerstand orselves. People always hve astrong desrfor beter apearan Wte teir age, sze, o hape, hey hoe to lokmore attratve

12、Beauty is oy sknee. Bu rubeuties eep insd s. A hert fo lve is th most vluable. nly i ur heartdoes beauty mkeour liebatifult eauybe ourway to communictewithnture.A e oot f h ll,wesee beautunning inthe clear rivoothl On of the mout,we se eut risn ith the aw fro te eas quy I hehe of summer, e se beat d

13、aningwith te aun eaves. Inhe col fwintr, e see beauty coing wih h prng uponspous. Wshou, we love you, Nture!u voice eerberates athe mounins, wile eauty eveberatesin our eart! Let eau be ou brdge bweenma an natur.I thehrmony, eut s a gare fr er in blm nd flck o anges fo eve in ligt. Beu is somehn t s, breathe, t feel ndtcompleeauty i lf en leu



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