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1、2022自考专业(英语)考试(难点和易错点剖析)名师点拨卷附答案1. Look at this group of people _ beach volleyball.A.playedB.is playedC.playingD.is playing正确答案: C 2. When _, water will be turned into steam.A.heatedB.heatingC.being heatD.having heated正确答案: A 3. William has cut his smoking_to five cigarettes a day.A.downB.shortC.awa

2、yD.off正确答案: A 4. I appreciate _ (give) the opportunity to study abroad three years ago.正确答案: having been given 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of new words in the present-day English vocabulary?A.The rapid development of modern science and technology.B.Social, economic and p

3、olitical changesC.The invasion of foreign countries.D.The influence of other cultures and languages.正确答案: C 6. He was very_to go,but he had no choice.A.readyB.willingC.reluctantD.hesitant正确答案: C 7. Searles classification of illocutionary acts is based on the classification of performative verbs.正确答案

4、:错误8. 改写病句:In summer, Juanna didn t love traveling in Rome she felt it was too hot there.正确答案: In summer, Juanna didnt love traveling in Rome because she felt it was too hot there. 9. He insured his car _ he had an accident.A. unlessB.ifC.sinceD.in case正确答案: D 10. He was specifically asked to write

5、a play that would be _ to the local community.A.flexibleB.accessibleC.responsibleD.capable正确答案: B 11. I hope that it is possible to achieve this objective by calling on the smokers _ good judgment and show concern for others rather than by regulation.A.to be usingB.to have been usingC.useD.to use正确答

6、案: D 12. The average life expectancy of the Red Indians is _.A.higher than the national averageB.lower than the national averageC.about the same with the national averageD.none of the above正确答案: B 13. Should your price _ reasonable, we will place an order _ you.A.is, withB.are, fromC.is, fromD.be, w

7、ith正确答案: D 14. Cicero said, “ In doing so, I did not think it necessary()A. to translate word for wordB.to preserve the general styleC. to keep the force of the languageD.to change the form of the original正确答案: A 15. The suspect cooperated fully with the police when _ about his role in the incident.

8、A. requiredB.questionedC.demandedD.negotiated正确答案: B 16. Why didn t you buy a new car? I would have bought one if I _ enough money. A.hadB.have hadC.would haveD.had had正确答案: D 17. Water is composed _ hydrogen and oxygen.A. ofB.withC.forD.about正确答案: A 18. 句子写作:The house _is still standing.正确答案: The h

9、ouse which Abraham Lincoln was born is still standing. 19. Overemphasis on translation will usually make the learner_the first language in the learning of the second language.A. independent ofB.dependent ofC.independent fromD.dependent on正确答案: D 20. Their plane arrived _ San Francisco this morning.A

10、.fromB.atC.toD.on正确答案: B 21. 名词解释:offer正确答案: An offer is a proposal addressed to specific persons indicating an intention by the offeror to be bound to the sale or purchase of particular goods for a price. 22. If an earthquake occurred,some of the one-storey houses _.A.might be left standB.might lea

11、ve to be standingC.might be left to standD.might be left standing正确答案: D 23. _ at all is worth doing well.A.Whatever is worth doingB.That is worth doingC.What is worth doing itD.Whatever is worth doing it正确答案: A 24. It has all the _ of a good detective story.A. ingredientsB.elementsC.componentsD.con

12、stituents正确答案: A 25. 虽然我浑身酸痛,可是不干活儿不行呀!()A.Though I still ached all over, I must work.B. Though I still ached all over, I had to work.C.Though I still ached all over, I cannot but work.D. Though I still ached all over, but I had to work.正确答案: B 26. Gen erally we cover in sura nee _ defi nite ( 明确的 )

13、 in structi ons from our clie nts.()A. i n abse nee ofB.in the abse nee ofC.in no abse nee ofD.in all abse nee of正确答案: B 27. These two alarm clocks are normally set together, but now they have been reset a few hours _.A.awayB.aloneC.apartD.aside正确答案: C 28. His article is better than_in the class.A.anyonesB.anyone elseC.anyone else sD.anyone s else正确答案: C 29. It is obvious how bad movies will impact _ children.A.onB.toC.withD.in正确答案: A 30. His intelligence will _ him to get a scholarship to college.A.enableB.persuadeC.suggestD.employ正确答案: A


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