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1、 保康县中等职业技术学校 英语(2)Unit5第一、二课时教学设计 授课人: 课题Unit 5 Its time to change.课型新授课课时2课时学习目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能够掌握描述健康状况的词汇,如pale, weak ,fat, thin, sleepy, angry etc.(2)学生能够掌握有关周末计划的词组, 如:climb the mountain, do outdoor activities, watch TV, stay at home etc.(3)学生能掌握有关讨论生活习惯的句型,如: Id rather I prefer to I like/love/en

2、joy2.能力目标(1)学生能听懂有关培养健康习惯的建议和意见。(2)学生能用Id rather,I like, I love等句型口头表达个人生活习惯。3.情感目标了解并开始培养自己的良好健康生活习惯。重点通过对图片的理解,能听懂有关生活习惯爱好及建议的词汇和句型。通过对话练习,学生能够就生活习惯等话题进行交流,并提出自己的建议。难点学生能在真实的情境中运用与生活习惯有关以及提出建议的词汇和句型。课题导入Step One Lead-in 1. Brainstorming Teacher : “What activities are good for your healthy? What ac

3、tivities are bad for your healthy? Students : Compete with each other group and write the related phrases on the blackboard . (设计意图: 激活学生已有的词汇知识;通过回忆一些有关健康的活动词汇,启发学生的主动思维,调动学生的积极性、主动性,也为后面的听说做好铺垫。)5分钟自主学习Step Two Word Study 1. Matching game Teacher: Choose the right adjectives to describe the pictur

4、es on the screen.Students: Work in individuals and match the words and related pictures. 2. Check up Ask some Ss to speak out their answers and at the same time let other Ss check it up, if necessary, the teacher will help them.3. Discussion Discuss how they can keep fit. Match the suggestions with

5、the pictures in Activity 1. (设计意图: 通过图片与词汇的匹配活动,让学生了解了有关描述性健康习惯的词汇,同时进一步让学生讨论活动1中的人物如何保持健康,为后续的听说活动做好了充分的热身活动。15分钟展示交流(1) 学生完成了任务后,小组内进行交流,选出班级交流的代表人.(2) 班级交流.为后面的学习奠定基础.10分钟精讲多练Step Three Listening 1. Pre-listening Teacher: Ask some students about their weekend activities. T: What do you usually do

6、 on weekends? OR Do you usually go out with your classmates? Do you usually stay at home?S: .(设计意图: 通过对话,联系学生的生活实际,加强巩固前两个活动中的重点词汇,以帮助学生扫除在接下来的听力中的词汇障碍。)2. While-listening (1)Listen and tick Lead the students to look through the three topic words quickly, and ask them to tick what Tom and Sara are t

7、alking about. (2) Listen and complete Students listen to the tape again and decide whether the statements are true or false, and then check them up in groups, if they cant finish them the first time, let the Ss listen to the tape again. (3) Listen and fill in the blanks. Listen again, and finish off

8、 the ex. Then check it though the whole class. (设计意图:通过此活动,训练学生能根据所提供的信息预测听力内容的能力以及在听的过程中把握材料的大意、获取主要信息的能力,同时训练将所听信息进行整合后,选择相应的短语补全对话的能力。)3. Post-listening (1)Read and underline. Teacher:Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them.Students: Listen to the tape again and repeat

9、 sentence by sentence, and then underline the sentences showing preferences. Teacher writes the sentences on the board. If students cant understand the words or sentences, teacher should explain them.(设计意图:在句子的跟读中,使学生掌握关于谈论兴趣爱好的重点句型,为后面的说话做最基础的准备)30分钟拓展延伸Step Four: Speaking 1. Revise weekends activi

10、ties. Let Ss check up the weekend activities in pairs.2. Practice and act (1) First teacher makes short dialogues with several students. For example T: What do you like to do on weekends? S: I like, what about you? T: I prefer to . Do you enjoy? S: Yes/ No. Students make dialogues in pairs, followin

11、g the example. Then some of them act out their dialogue in front of the class. 3. Discussion.Students in groups of four to talk about the activities which related with their life to identify what kinds of activities are good for your health, what are bad for your health? (设计意图:通过对话操练,运用个人喜好的句型;并结合学生

12、的生活实际让其讨论哪些活动对健康有益,哪里有害,让学生初步意识到良好生活习惯的重要性。)Step Five Homework 1. Summarize the weekend activities phrases.2. Make up a new dialogue about your weekend activities with the partner. (设计意图:归纳总结周末计划活动词汇并加以补充,以复习课堂词汇并扩散学生的思维。对话操练旨在巩固句型运用。)20分钟总结内化good for health bad for healthdo outdoor activities sleep

13、 too lateclimb mountains eat no breakfastsleep early stay at home all dayeat breakfast Id rather I prefer to I like/love/enjoy10分钟保康县中等职业技术学校 英语(2)Unit5第三、四课时教学设计 授课人: 课题Unit 5 Its time to change.课型新授课课时2课时学习目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能掌握和运用表达健身、健康习惯的词汇和短语,如slim, skip supper, stay up, cycle to work ,etc。(2)学生能根据

14、提示信息,了解健身俱乐部会员填写表格的基本格式。 2. 能力目标(1)学生能读懂关于健身、健康习惯的阅读材料,并能根据相关信息完成会员表格的填写。(2)学生能简单描述相关健身、健康习惯的情况。3.情感目标学生能够正确对待对己的不健康习惯,争取早日改变。重点学生能通过阅读有关健身、健康习惯的内容,提高获取相关细节信息的能力。通过阅读培养学生整合信息的能力,而且能读以致用,通过阅读能写出改进健康习惯建议的小文段。难点学生能结合生活实际写出改进健康习惯建议的小文段。课题导入Step One Lead-in 1 Give a short reportSeveral students are asked to give a report according to the homework about their classmates life style they did before class. And discuss it and decide which is healthy and which is unhealthy. Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style(设计意图:让学生根据他们的调查作简单的口头报告说出同学的生活习惯,一方面以检查学生完成作业的情况,另一方面让学生明白哪些是健康的生活习惯,哪些是不健康的生活习


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