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1、高考英语非谓语动词练习测试来源:天星 更新日期:2012-08-21 点击:1941每小题0.5分,共30小题;满分15分得分:_1.With his mother _ him,he is getting on well with his work.(湖南邵东一中高三第三次月考)AhelpBto helpChelpingDhelped答案C这是with的复合结构,his mother与help是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以排除D,如选B则有将来的意味,显然不合语境,选C表示“他妈一直在帮他”,符合句意。2Jane went off to the party with her husband,_ a

2、happy evening of wine,food and song.Aexpected BexpectingCto expect Dexpects答案Bexpecting是伴随状语。3The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing _ should have attracted the local governments attention.Asolving BsolveCto solve Dsolved答案D实质上是.seeing the traffic problem solved。4He claimed _ in the su

3、permarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.(湖南望城二中高三第二次月考)Abeing badly treatedBtreating badlyCto be treated badlyDto have been treated badly答案Dclaim后可接不定式而不接动名词作宾语,即可排除A、B。“被虐待”的动作先于“声称”,故需用不定式的完成式。5Who could have imagined such a sweettempered girl as Alice _ such a thing?AdoingBto doCdoesDdo答案A

4、imagine后跟动名词的复合结构。6At the _ news,all the women present burst out _.Adisappointed;crying Bunexpected;cryingCunexpecting;to tears Ddisappointing;tears答案Bburst outdoingburst into名词,可排除C、D。若选A,则需将disappointed改为disappointing才对。unexpected意为“意想不到的”。7Rather than _ for help from someone else,however difficul

5、t the task is,I prefer to complete it by myself.Ato ask BaskingCask Dto have asked答案Cprefer to do.rather than do.是固定搭配。8The World Trade Organization finally opened its door to China on November 10,_ our Chinese 15year wait.(安徽黄山市高中毕业班第一次质量检测)Ato end BendedCending Dends答案C现在分词作结果状语。9Thats the best wa

6、y we should think of _ the dying soldier.Ahelping BsavingCoperating Dto save答案D不定式作定语。10What happened to you on your way back to the hotel last night?I lost my way in complete darkness and,_ things worse,it began to pour.Amaking Bto makeChaving made Dmade答案Bto make things worse是固定说法,作插入语。11The exami

7、nation results _ in the speech of our headmaster delighted all of us.Arefer to Breferring toCwas referred to Dreferred to答案Dreferred to.作后置定语修饰the examination results。12You should have thanked her before you left.I meant _,but when I was leaving,I couldnt find her anywhere.(天津河西区高三年级质量调查)Ato do her

8、Bto haveCdoing Ddoing so答案B这是I meant to have thanked her的省略。13Who is the man that wants to see me?A man _ himself Mr.Stonebreaker.AcallingBcalledCcallsDis called答案A现在分词短语calling himself Mr.Stonebreaker作后置定语修饰A man,相当于定语从句who calls himself Mr.Stonebreaker。14When _ if she would request a rise,the actr

9、ess noted that money was not important.Aasked Bbeing askedChaving asked Dasking答案A这是When she was asked的省略。15Is Bob still performing?Im afraid not.He is said _ the stage already as he has become an official.Ato have left Bto leaveCto have been left Dto be left答案A该空后有宾语,所以不用被动语态,可排除C、D。由already一词可知该用不

10、定式的完成式,故选A。16Faced with a bill for $10,000,_.(浙江温州市高三第一次适应性测试)AJohn has taken an extra jobBthe boss has given John an extra jobCan extra job has been takenDan extra job has been given to John答案A由作状语的Faced with a bill for $10,000可知,句子的主语必须是“人”,即可排除C、D,根据语境判断选A。17_ in charge of the shopping center has upset him for quite some time.ALeft BBeing leftCHaving left DTo leave答案B动名词的被动式作主语。18He sent me the email,_ to get some further information for his research.AhopedBhopingCto hopeDhope答案B现在分词作伴随状语。19As I will be away for at


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