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1、最新 七年级英语下册选词填空达标检测卷(有答案)经典一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 on my way from dawn to dusk all night come up clean up(1)The room is so dirty. Lets_the room. (2)The Sun_from the east. (3)There is a newspaper stand_home. (4)The workers work_to finish that tower. (5)She was so excited that she did

2、nt sleep_. 【答案】 (1)clean up(2)comes up(3)on my way(4)from dawn to dusk(5)all night 【解析】【分析】 on my way在我去某地的路上; from dawn to dusk从黎明到黄昏; all night一整夜; come up上升; clean up打扫 (1)句意:这个房间是如此脏。让咱们打扫一下吧。根据The room is so dirty可知是要打扫房间,lets后面跟动词原形,故填clean up。 (2)句意:太阳从东方升起。根据from the east可知是太阳升起,上升come up;太阳

3、东升西落这是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是the sun第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用单三形式,故填comes up。 (3)句意:在我回家的路上有一个报摊。根据home可知是在我回家的路上,在我去某地的路上on my way,故填on my way。 (4)句意:这些工人们从黎明到黄昏地工作来完成这座塔。此句缺时间状语, from dawn to dusk从黎明到黄昏,在句中做时间状语,故填 from dawn to dusk 。 (5)句意:她如此激动以致于她一整夜没睡。根据sleep可判断是一整夜,故填all night。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查单词在一定语境中运用,根据句意选出合适的

4、单词,确保句意通顺,注意词形在一定语境中的变化。2用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空 support remember forget encourage simple celebrate special gift perfect plan(1)Dont _to turn off the light when you leave the room. (2)Sorry, I cant _his name, please tell me again. (3)We are _a trip to Beijing this summer. (4)Do you know the saying that pra

5、ctice makes_? (5)Dont lose heart, my mother _me. (6)Thank you. Your _will be of great help to us. (7)How did you _May Day this year? (8)It is a birthday _for my brother. (9)He told us his idea in _English. We could understand him. (10)Is there anything _in the newspapers today? 【答案】 (1)forget(2)reme

6、mber(3)planning(4)perfect(5)encouraged(6)support(7)celebrate(8)gift(9)simple(10)special 【解析】【分析】 support,支持,remember,记得,forget,忘记,encourage,鼓励,simple,简单的,celebrate,庆祝,special,特殊的,gift,礼物,perfect,完美的,plan,计划 (1)句意:离开房间时别忘了关灯。根据 turn off the light when you leave the room 可知是提醒对方别忘了做某事,忘记,forget,祈使句的形式

7、是,dont+动词原形,故填 forget 。 (2)句意:对不起,我记不起他的名字了,请再说一遍。根据 please tell me again 可知是不记得了,cant是情态动词,其后是动词原形,故填 remember 。 (3)句意:我们计划今年夏天去北京旅行。根据助动词are可知时态是现在进行时,故填现在分词,根据 a trip to Beijing this summer 可知是正在计划的事情,故填 planning 。 (4)句意:你知道“熟能生巧”这句话吗?practice makes perfect,固定搭配,熟能生巧,故填 perfect 。 (5)句意:别灰心,”我母亲鼓励

8、我说。根据 Dont lose heart 可知是妈妈对我的鼓励,描述过去用一般过去时,故填 encouraged 。 (6)句意:谢谢您。你的支持将对我们有很大帮助。根据be of great help to us 此处是某人的支持对我的帮助很大,故选 support 。 (7)句意:今年的五一节你是怎么庆祝的?根据 May Day可知过节需要庆祝,助动词did后用动词原形,故选 celebrate 。 (8)句意:这是给我弟弟的生日礼物。根据不定冠词a可知是名词单数,birthday与礼物有关,故选 gift 。 (9)句意:他用简单的英语告诉我们他的想法,我们可以理解他 。English

9、是名词,其前应是形容词,根据 We could understand him ,可知是简答的英语,故选 simple 。 (10)句意:今天报纸上有什么特别的东西吗?根据 anything可知是形容词修饰不定代词,此处指特殊的东西,故选 special。 【点评】考查单词在语境中的运用,注意词性,时态和比较等级的变化,同时熟记固定搭配。3用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 be famous for department store prefer to why not try skiing the capital of(1)Washington D. C. is _the USA. (2) _vi

10、sit the Summer Palace this weekend? Thats really a good idea.(3)Beijing _its places of interest such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. (4)Shall we _in Switzerland this winter holiday? Wow, that will be really nice.(5)Tokyo is an Asian city with many huge_, so a lot of tourists go there to sho

11、p every year. (6)I _stay at home because it is too hot outside. 【答案】 (1)the capital of(2)Why not(3)is famous for(4)try skiing(5)department stores(6)prefer to 【解析】【分析】be famous for因而出名,department store 百货商店,prefer to宁愿,why not为什么不,try skiing试着滑雪,the capital of.首都 (1)句意:华盛顿特区是美国的首都。根据地理常识可知,华盛顿是美国的首都。

12、用 the capital of ,故填 the capital of 。 (2)句意:为什么不这个周末去颐和园?这真是个好主意。根据答语确实是个好主意,可知上句是建议的句子。空格后动词原形,要用why not,放在句首,要大写。故填Why not。 (3)句意:北京以其著名的名胜古迹而出名,如长城和颐和园。由生活常识可知北京以 places of interest名胜古迹出名,要用befamous for,根据句意要用一般现在时。主语Beijing,第三人称单数,be 要用is。故填 is famous for 。 (4)句意:这个寒假我们去瑞士滑雪好吗?哇,那真是太好了。根据 in Swi

13、tzerland this winter holiday可知一定是去滑雪,要用try skiing,固定短语。shall后接动词原形,故填try skiing。 (5)句意:东京是一个亚洲城市,有许多大型百货商店,所以每年都有很多游客去那里购物。根据后句 a lot of tourists go there to shop every year. 可知一定去百货商店, department store,空格前有many,要用复数。故填 department stores 。 (6)句意:我宁愿呆在家里,因为外面太热了。由后句 it is too hot outside. 可知宁愿呆在家里。要用

14、prefer to,固定短语。根据句意,要用一般现在时,主语I,要用动词原形,故填 prefer to 。 【点评】考查选词填空。注意根据句意和语法结构,选择正确的短语,同还要进行必要的变形。4选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空be full of, be successful in, a pair of, be good at, stare at, look like, tour guide(1)Jenny _ her mother. They both have a round face and two big eyes. (2)The man _ business and he is rich. (3)When we arrived in Paris, a _ took us around the city. (4)Dont _ others all the time. Its not polite. (5)My father is a cook, and he _ cooking. (6)The bottle _ hot water. Be careful. (7)He put on _ glass


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