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1、(精梳毛纺、半精梳毛纺以及毛Praparatory machinary for worsted, semi-worsted or woollen spinning system纺前纺机械)wool bale brakers羊毛开包机wool washing lines洗毛生产线opening, cleaning and blending lines开、清和混棉生产线 |carding machines 梳毛机auto-feeders自动喂毛机worsted cards 精梳毛纺梳毛机semi-worsted cards半精梳毛纺梳毛机woollen cards 毛纺梳毛机back washin

2、g machines毛条复洗机Praparatory machinary forcotton spinning system(棉纺前纺机械)gins轧花机bale breakers, bale pluckers拆包机、抓包机blow room machinery清花间用机械blending hoppers 混棉箱automatic feeding devices for carding machines自动喂棉机carding machines 梳棉机draw frames 并条机sliver lap machines条并卷机combing machines 精梳机speed frames 粗

3、纱机covering machines 包纱机/包覆机Machinery for the processing of bast fibers(麻纤维加工机械)opening, cleaning and blending lines开、清和混棉生产线 |combing machines 精梳机carding machines 梳理机Wadding, felting, hat-making, needle-felting and non-woven fabric machnery(填絮、缩绒、制帽、针刺制毡和无纺织物机械)wadding machinery 填絮机felting machinery

4、缩绒机lapping machines卷板机needle felt looms针刺制毡机non-woven fabric lines(dry process)无纺织物生产线(干法)non-woven fabric lines(wet process)无纺织物生产线(湿法)|Machinery for extruding man-made filaments and fibres, machinery for treatmentof filaments(化纤长丝、短纤维挤压机、长丝处理机)|equipment for extruding 挤压机winding on or take up unit

5、s卷取装置draw-winder 拉伸络丝机other machinery for treatment of filaments其他长丝处理机staple fibre cutting machines 短纤维切断机converters 直接成条机 baling presses 打包机other machines for spinning man-made fibres其他化纤纺丝机synthetic tape producing machines扁丝生产机械Texturing machines (变形机)false twsting machines 假捻机air texturing machi

6、nes空气变形机air intermingling machines空气交络机bulking and crimping machines膨化和卷曲机other texturing machines 其他变形机 Spinning machines ( 纺纱机、纺丝机)| ring spinning frames for woolen and semi-worsted毛纺、半精梳毛纺用环锭纺纱机spinning system for worsted spinning system精梳毛纺系统用for cotton spinning system 棉纺用 for direct spinning丝束直

7、接纺纱用|for other spinning processes其他纺纱用rotor spinning frames气流纺用self-acting mules走锭细纱机flyer spinning frames翼锭纺纱机friction spinning machines摩擦纺纱机self-twist spinning machines 自捻纺纱机 hollow spindle spinning machines空心锭子纺纱机other spinning machines其他纺纱机Doubling and twisting machines并捻联合机 |flyer doubling and

8、twisting frame翼锭幷捻联合机ring doubling and twisting frame环锭幷捻机flyer doubling machines 翼锭捻线机 up-twisters 上行式捻线机 novelty twisters花式捻线机other doubling and twisting machines其他幷捻联合机Cordage and rope making machinery制绳机和盘线圈机 |cabling and rope making machines制缆制绳机Auxiliary machinery for spinning machines纱厂辅助机械au

9、tomatic doffing devices 自动络纱装置 card clothing and metallic card纱布及金属针布wire mounting machines包针布机card grinding machines 磨针布机cot grinding and covering machines皮辊研磨和包覆机drafting roller grinding and covering machines牵伸罗拉磨砺和包覆机steaming machines for yarns纱线汽蒸机heat-setting machines热定型机moistening machines力口湿机

10、other auxiliary machinery for spinning mills纱厂其他辅助设备cone and cheese winders宝塔形和扁柱形筒子络筒机|precision cone and cheese winders宝塔形和扁柱形筒子精密络筒机winding machines for tubular cops空心纡子卷纬机winding machines for bottle bobbin 瓶形筒子络丝机sewing-thread winding machines 缝纫线络丝机reeling machines, reels摇纱机、纱框doubling winders

11、络并机yarn singeing machines烧毛机other winding machines其他络筒机other reeling machines其他摇纱机Weaving preparatory and auxiliary machinery织造准备及辅助机械creels 筒子架sectional warping machines分条整经机beaming warping machines车由经整经机beaming machines 整经机sizing machines 浆纱机indigo warp dyeing lines靛蓝经纱染色生产线 |drawing-in machines穿线

12、机warp tying machines结经机other weaving praparatory machines 其他织造准备机械Loom 织机looms with projectile片梭织机air jet looms喷气织机rapier looms 剑杆织机looms for light fabrics轻薄织物织机looms for medium-heavy fabrics中厚织物织机Looms for special purpose 特种织机looms for felts, filter , sail, cloth, woven belting,毛布、滤布、帆布、呢绒机织带、woven

13、 conveyor belting 机织、传送带织机 |looms for plush, velvet长毛绒、丝绒织机 |looms for moquenettes and carpets害 V绒地毯织机looms for jute, coir and other bast fibre fabrics黄麻、椰壳纤维等韧皮纤维用织机looms for terry weaving 毛圈组织织机looms for silk and rayon fabrics 丝和人造纤维织机 |looms for tyre cord weaving帘子布织机looms for elastic fabrics弹性织物

14、织机jacquard label weaving machine提花标签织机Shedding machinery and auxiliary machinery开口机械和辅助机械jacquards 提花机Weaving auxiliary machinery and additional devices织造辅助机械及附加装置|weft accumulators 存纬机equipment for loom automation织机自动化设备Knitting and hosiery machines针织机和织袜机 |warping machines and sectional warpers整经机

15、和分条整经机针或以上的单针筒圆型针织机single-cylinder circular knitting machines with 370 neddles and more 370针以下的单针筒圆型针织机single-cylinder circular knitting machines with up to 370 neddles 370double-cylinder circular knitting machines双针筒圆型针织机直径165毫米以上圆台车及圆型漂白、染色、印花、整理、Circular loop wheel and circular knitting machines more than 165mm diameter 针织机Flat knitting machines横机Flat knitting machines横机other knitting and hosiery machines其他针织和织袜机械 |Bleaching, dy



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