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1、江都市国际学校五年级英语期末测试试卷2005.1Class _ Name Score Grade_听力部分一、 根据录音内容,用数字标出下面五幅图的顺序 二、 找出你没有听到的单词,把它的序号填入题前的括号内1. ( ) A floor B flower C door2. ( ) A bedroom B beside C behind3. ( ) A skate B ski C sing4. ( ) A bear B panda C crocodile 5. ( ) A play B ride C tomorrow6. ( ) A term B toilet C telephone7. ( )

2、 A sheep B fish C chicken8. ( ) A slide B skirt C swing9. ( ) A reading room B sitting room C dinning room10.( ) A there B they C the三、找出你所听到的句子,把它的序号填入题前的括号内:( )1. A. The computer is in the bedroom. B. The computer is in the kitchen. C. The computer is in the sitting-room.( )2.A. Where is the chair

3、?B. What is on the bed?C. Where is the clock?( )3.A. Is there a slide near the swing?B. Is there a pen near the desk?C. Is there a skirt near the sofa?( )4.A There are some dolls behind the sofa. B. There are some books between the lamp. C. There are some toys under the bed.( )5. A What can you do?B

4、. What do you like?C. Can you read books?三、 根据你所听到的录音,把短文补充完整:1. A: Where is your grandfather?B: Hes in the .2. A: Look, whos the door?B: Hes Mike.3. A: Is there a in your ?B: Yes, there is.4. A: Wang Bing, can you a basketball on your finger?B: , I .5. A: Whats the zoo?B: There are some .6. A: Shal

5、l we the song now?B: Sure.笔试部分一、 选择正确答案,将其序号填入提前的括号内 ( )1.Whats this _ English?A. toB. at C. in( )2.What is the sun? A. shape B colour C time ( )3. What can you do? I . A .like singing B. can sing C. can song ( ) 4. We often dance and after class. A play basketball B play the basketball C make baske

6、tball ( ) 5. What do you need? A. Here you are B. Yes, I do. C. I need Some masks, please. ( ) 6. How much are they? A. Here you are B. Eighty yuan, please. C. Heres your change. ( ) 7.How do you go to Yangzhou ? A. Yes, I do. B. By bus . C. No , I dont .( ) 8. any storybooks in the reading room? A

7、Is there B Are there C There are ( ) 9.Show how to play the violin. A we B our C us ( ) 10. I can see a lot of in the park. A student B students C. the student二、 在栏中选出栏中句子的正确答语,将其序号填入括号内 ( )1 How many classrooms are there? A .I can swim and dance.( )2 Glad to meet you. B. There are ten.( )3 Lets pla

8、y basketball. C. They are on the second floor.( )4 Is there a toilet in the building? D. Glad to meet you ,too.( )5 What can you do? E. Good idea .( )6 Do you like English songs? F. Yes, there is .( )7 Where are the computer rooms? G. Yes, I do.( )8 How much are they? H .Five yuan.( )9 What are you

9、doing ? I. I like bananas and pears .( )10 What fruit do you like ? J. Im drawing a picture .三、翻译下列词组或短语 1 have a look 2 read a magazine 3 in front of the desk 4 a Music lesson 5 play chess 6 make a model plane 7 play the guitar 8 Here is your change ._ 四、 根据句意,用所给的词填空 play my do can what like make

10、which1 do you like?2 I can put a vase on head .3 On Sunday morning, I _ my homework .4 What you do?I can a New Year Card .5 Can you the guitar? Sorry!6 is your mask?The big one .五、 阅读短文,判断下列 是否与短文意思相符,用T表示相符,用F 表示不相符 Hello, Im Su Yang. Look, this is my house. There are two bedrooms. a bathroom. ,a s

11、tudy, a kitchen and a large sitting room. Beside the house, theres a garden. In the garden, there are a lot of red flowers. My parents like red flowers. You can see four big trees beside the house. A swing is between the two apple trees. My sister, Su Hai, and I like playing on the swing.( ) 1.There are six rooms in my house.( ) 2.There is a garden beside my house.( ) 3.My brother likes red flowers.( ) 4.My sister and I like playing the piano.( ) 5.There is a swing behide my house .


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