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1、02X学年第一学期十校联合体高三期初联考英语考试答案 听力 (30分)1-5CABA 6-10 BBAC 11-1 CBC 1-20 BAC单项选择 (分)-BD 26-0 BCC 31-35BCBD 完型填空(30分)-40 CD 4-45 BCB -5 DA CB 5-5 CCB阅读理解(40分)5-0 CDBDC 61-4 DAD 65-68ABCD 9- CDA7. lck of eerg, epession,sreacios, somni, gitin,or memory ,sortnessof rat, seatingnd aching in he wait(腰)n les(答出其

2、中两种即可,不根据原文回答者不得分)7. To form goo iving hbs/oring god ling hbits在那些处于管理职位的人们和临近考试的学生(或:处于考试期间的学生)中比例会更高。单词拼写 (1分)76 mann 77.accuted 78.sped 79.ley 80. ntly .bsorbd 8. onvniet 3. stuck 84. ncluing 85 eiment书面表达参考答案: (25分) Heo, eeryone,ow Ill tel ysoeting abut ur reserch project The World Foo Criss o b

3、ealfof r roup. Asyou know, foodtageshve tman countrs inhe orlda een caseocial urestin ome reas. Bu who ireposiblef erren rd foodcrisAnua world gins outut hs decnedbecaueocimate chane. Beide,lot of famlandasen lostde to th ra development of dustryadubniation,hch has orsened te everstuaion.Then whatsh

4、oudwe o o eal it the prle Onne han, we shod fcus te enironmntal protectin and impov the eoloy. O the ohe hand, strit meaures shold b aknto rotect farmland Ofcose, t buld a amonios word thlope cunrie souldtak thei rponsilites to hel the oo nes eperiencing fodshrtage. Asfor me, I willal o th peopl aro

5、undmeto le thiftil A for h moent, I hink,w houl study har to dveo science an elp sle te fod sortage n the futre.作文评分标准一评分原则:1 本题总分为5分,其中内容和语言占24分,词数占分。按5个档次给分。2 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。二. 内容要点:这是一篇提纲式的议论文写作素材,探讨国计民生的社会热点话题:粮食价格上涨。写作时要注意避免逐句翻译,并适当增加细节以使行文连贯。三 各档次的给分范围和要求:第五

6、档:(23-25分)能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。第四档:(-22分)能写明大部分要点;语言有一些错误;行文不够连贯。第三档:(3-分)能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,尚能达意。第二档:(7-1分)能写明部分要点;语言错误多,影响意思表达。第一档:(0-分)只能写出与所要求内容有关的一些单词或一、两个要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子可懂。附听力原文:第一节Tet1W:Manheter i oe othe ost impotan cite iBriain int iM: Yes, it is, alhough it s diferent from itis ike

7、 London, Einh and riff in trms itssizeand popuationTt2W:I andecde wether to b ewcaor yt fin scond-andne.: If you buy new one,youll poba save money nte ngru.Txt3: ew City Railatation.: Godeeing. Could you tell t tme of helat trin to Lonon,pleae:Last ran to Lonon Yes, sir. 8:5, change at Gldbeg. : Tha

8、nu very muhTet4W: rofess ates, goodevnng. ynaeSsn rely. Imwith the loca newspaperM: Pleasd toee you.W:oyouindif Iakyu oneo wo queins : ot tallF away!Text5&M: Chr! M: Thebee tastes o goo.: Im gad yolie it. Wolyu li somethn to eat M:Mm!es,leas第二节听第6段材料,回答第6 至7题。: Helo.ay I lse spak Lry: I afaid ry ist

9、 hereright now CanItke a mssageM: Yes. Th is i frien Bocllng.ld you pleaeaskLary o br afw bottes of ongeto thepartyonghtW: Ok.ust miute Im riting this down “Boballe. Yu ld ring ew botles ofogothe prt tonig.” Is thttM: es, ues so.You miht as him o cal back if h is fre.: ll ight Ill gie him temessae.

10、M: Th a ot听第7段材料,回答第8至题。W: lik th icuro puup on thallyesterday.: O, hank you. Itsa phograph tat Itook onmyvactionlatyar.W:You tooit ourself didntkno you were a photoper.M:Oh, yes.I beenaking cursfor yarsW: hat uns inesting.o uve aymore of you icues e And mayI seetmM: Yes, rnl. ome ofem are faces,jfa

11、es opeple whI se when Im waling aroun.W: Do you let themknhat youre ng picturesof themM: I t nt t. Idntlke turso people wo it o stand frthe caea. Iie ple whoaeging out theirbusinss witotwingtecameras hre.W: uppse youneed a ot of euipmn Homcamrsdo ou haveM: Wel, Ihea dozno hem, ut Iutwoof t more tan

12、h othes.听第8段材料,回答第11至3题。W: Paul, wy otyuget a bete b fo a cangeM: t I like y present job.W: Look, grenig is nt a jo foranity grdute.M: Bu money is nt bad nd her s plety of feshair.W:Wll, if I were you,Id go onsme kid ofcourse-eachin, say,aths.: Math nthinbuha. Its so borin.W: ome o. You ealy mus hinkfte futur.M: Illouw


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