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1、人教版高中英语教学设计必修1 第三单元作者:希海艳 工作单位:遵化市东梁子河中学教学内容:Unit 3 travel Journal Period 2 Reading教材分析:本单元话题的学习不仅是学生知识体系的一次丰富,并且是一次情感上的充实和发展。 话题的学习不仅让学生了解了湄公河上各国的风土人情,开拓了学生的视野, 更是学生个人态度、价值取向领域的一次极大提升。英语作为一种跨文化交际的工具,它的职能在此有了一次极好的体现。另外,通过课堂教学过程的精巧设计,开展合作学习,引导学生不断通过努力,体验,感受学习中的成功和喜悦,帮助他们形成积极,乐观的学习态度乃至生活态度。借单元话题学习,培养学

2、生热爱生活、热爱大自然和珍惜生命的意识 。学生在合作学习方面还需要继续培养。养成良好的学习习惯和有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。教学目标:能力目标:1. Learn something about the Mekong River through reading.2. Students can use what they have learned to describe a trip.知识目标:1. Know more about Mekong River.2. Develop some skills about reading comprehension. 情感目标:1. Ge

3、t to love the travel and life. 2. Students should realize if they want to be successful, what personalities they should have.教学重点:1. Understand the text well.2. Try to master the useful new words & expressions in this period.教学难点:1. How to express their own opinions. 2. How to grasp the route of Mek

4、ong Rive 学生学情分析:学生对旅游这一主题很感兴趣,课前让学生预习课文,让学生了解课文所涉及的重点单词,短语。学生自己通过资料的查阅,了解湄公河的发源地、河流具有的特点和流向以及沿途所要流经的地形等,为课上课文的理解做好准备。教学方法:1. Asking-and-answering activities. 2. Individual, pair or group work. 3. Discussion and co-operative learning. 教学工具:a computer & a projector教学设计:导入的环节用一些图片,引起学生兴趣,通过提问,讨论形式进入主题,

5、通过对湄公河风景欣赏激发了学生对课文的兴趣。 Mekong River 对于学生来说有所了解但并不熟悉。通过湄公河的地图非常明了清晰地进入本课的主题,使学生感到亲切,对湄公河产生兴趣,在介绍河流的过程中不断复现或呈现河流所途径的国家,不仅减少了学生阅读过程中的障碍,还可以加深学生的词汇记忆,并为后面的复述环节埋下伏笔。整个阅读过程的设计体现了预测求证的思路,目的在于激发学生读的欲望;阅读的任务训练了学生在细节的获取和整理及猜测词义方面的微技能,培养他们的阅读策略和词汇学习策略。之后用填词形式对全文内容总结理解,有助于学生更深刻的理解单元主题。 最后的讨论总结激发学生热爱生活,不怕困难的热情,也

6、使学生了解成功的主要因素。 最后的小结帮助学生回顾梳理整节课的思路,把握重点,为课后复习提供指引。教学过程:Step 1 Warming UpT: Do you like travelling? Present some pictures of beautiful places to arouse their interest of travelling. Brainstorm: Why do you like traveling?Ss: to relax ourselves, increase knowledge, make friends, be good for health设计意图:利

7、用多媒体展示一些旅游图片,引起学生兴趣导入话题并通过头脑风暴形式让学生进一步思考,列举关于旅游的相关知识。Step 2 Lead InT: How do people who live along a river use it?irrigate their fieldsmake electricitygo swimminggo fishingtravel along the river.(小组讨论,关于河流话题,进一步导入课文)Step 3 Pre-readingT: Have you visited the Mekong River? If no, lets learn something

8、about it.1. Show a picture of the Mekong River and the brief introduction of it. Ask them:Can you list the countries that the Mekong River flows through?(The countries that the Mekong River flows through. China Laos Burma Thailand Cambodia Vietnam 3. Enjoy the beautiful sights along the Mekong River

9、 to arouse their interest of it.图片展示)设计意图:采用简单的提问式展开师生对话,利用图片复习课文内容、同时提出新的问题形象的导入,激发了学生的学习兴趣与好奇心,活跃他们的思维,以利于有效地组织教学。Step 4 ReadingIn this step, get the students to read the text and finish some tasks.Task1: Skimming the Journey down the Mekong and match the paragraph and the main idea. then answer s

10、ome questionsPara 1 Take a great bike trip along the Mekong RiverPara 2 Different attitudes between themPara 3 The preparation before the trip & details about Mekong River1.What was Wang Kun and Wang Weis idea of a good trip?Their idea was to take a long bike trip.2.Who Planned the trip to the Mekon

11、g?Wang Wei planned the trip3.Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter?Qinghai Province the South China SeaTask2: Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, then do the T or F exercise.1. Wang Kun is a high school student. 2. Both Dao Wei and Yu Hang are Dai and t

12、hey grew up in eastern Yunnan province 3. The source of Mekong is in Qinghai province.4. Finally Wang Kun agreed with his sister to cycle with her. 5. They found few atlas and books about Mekong River in library. 6. Mekong river begins at glacier on a Tibet mountain. The water there is clear but not

13、 cold. 7. Only a small part of the river is in China.8. As it enters Southeast Asia, it moves slowly.Task3: Discuss the text in details.Read the text again and try to complete a form.Their dreamTaking a great bike trip.Wang Weis suggestionFinding the source and beginning there.Their preparationsBoth

14、 of them bought expensive bikes, got their cousins interested in traveling and turned to the atlas in the library.Why excitedTheir journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 metersThe Mekong RiverIt begins at a glacier on a Tibetan mountain, moves quickly and passes through deep valleys. H

15、alf of it is in China. It enters the Southeast Asia. Then it travels slowly through hills and low valleys and plains, at last it enters the South China Sea设计意图:通过回答问题,判断正误,填表等形式,让学生了解文章细节,利用幻灯展示给学生,使学生对文章内容有一个清晰的思路。Task4: Consolidation Fill in the blanksWang Kun and Wang Wei have _ about taking a great bike trip. when they _ from college. They_ to _ along the Mekong River with their _. Wang Wei is very _. Once she is _ to do something she will never _ her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along th



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