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1、姓名:_日期:_开始时间:_完成时间:_2017-2018学年下册三年级英语期中测试卷Part I Listening (听力部分) 40%I. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组)8%( ) 1. A. shipB. sheepC. shop( ) 2. A. carsB. glassC. scarves( ) 3. A. giraffeB. gloveC. tiger( ) 4. A. breadB. redC. ride( ) 5. A. saltB. softC. short( ) 6. A. glueB. blueC. shoe( ) 7. A. ro

2、ckB. chairC. clock( ) 8. A. dollB. ballC. doorII. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的句子)8%( ) 1. A. Charlie is a yellow chick.B. Charlie has a yellow chick.( ) 2. A. I dont like this monkey.B. I dont like these monkeys.( ) 3. A. How does this apple taste?B. How does that pineapple taste?( ) 4. A. A small m

3、onkey takes his hats and jumps into the tree.B. Some monkeys take his hats and jump into the tree.( ) 5. A. I can see some buses, but I cant hear them.B.I can hear some buses, but I cant see them.( ) 6. A. What are those in English, Mary?B. What are these in English, May?( ) 7. A. Peter has two pair

4、s of gloves.B. Peter has a pair of glasses.( ) 8. A. Danny likes reading English.B. Danny can read English.III. Listen and choose(选择最恰当的问句或答句)6%( ) 1. A. These are giraffes.B. They are monkeys.( ) 2. A. Thats all right.B. Im OK.( ) 3. A. No, I dont.B. Yes, we do.( ) 4. A. Yes, it is.B. Its bitter.(

5、) 5. A. Its smooth and hard.B. They are smooth and hard.( ) 6. A. I can hear a bird.B. I can see a bird.IV. Listen and judge(听短文判断用 T或 F 表示)6%()1. I am seven years old.( ) 2. My hair is short and my eyes are big. ( ) 3. My bag is soft and smooth. ( ) 4. There is a sweet apple in my bag. ( ) 5. I hav

6、e two cats in my bag. ( ) 6. I like the red beautiful hat.V. Listen and choose(听短文,选择正确的答案)6%( ) 1. Eddie and Alice are _. A. at Shanghai B. at the zoo C. at school( ) 2. They can see _ monkeys. A. 3 B. 6 C. 7( ) 3. _ like eating bamboos.A. Pandas B. Monkeys C. Tigers( ) 4. _ are small and brown.A.

7、Pandas B. Monkeys C. Tigers( ) 5. Eddie doesnt like _. He likes _. A. tigers, monkeys B. monkeys, tigers C. pandas, monkeys( ) 6. The tigers are _.A. strong B. clever C. lovelyVI. Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音,完成句子)6%1. Touch the _. They are smooth and hard.2. Peter can make a hat. But he _ ride

8、 a horse.3. What are _ in English?They are toy giraffes.4. Uncle Wang _ zebras. They are black and white.5. I dont like this orange. Its too _.6. Danny has a _. Its hard and smmoth. He can ride it very well.Part II Reading and writing(读写部分) 60%I. Read and copy(正确抄写句子,注意大小写及标点)4%do you like lions unc

9、le bai no i dontII. Read and judge (辨音,用T表示相同,F表示不同) 6%1. wallwalk ( )2. whatwho ( )3. breadread ( ) 4. sockbox ( )5. clockchick( ) 6. glasshas( )III. Read and circle(找出每行中不同类的单词)5%( )1. A. dressB. shoeC. jacketD. cat( )2. A. wallB. dollC. robotD. skateboard( )3. A. saltyB. saltC. sourD. bitter( )4.

10、 A. smellB. niceC. tasteD. feel( )5. A. myB. hisC. meD. ourIV. Choose and complete (用合适的疑问词填空how, how many, how much, what, what colour) 5%1. A: _ does the hamburger taste?B: Its salty.2. A: _ is the scarf?B: Its seven yuan.3. A: _ can you see, Miss Tang?B: I can see yellow.4. A: _ does the monkey l

11、ike?B: It likes bananas.5. A: _ dolls do you want?B: I want three.V. Choose and write(选出最恰当的答案)10%( )1.A: What are those? B: They are _.A. horseB. breadC. scarves( )2.Whats that _ English?A. ofB. forC. in( )3.Peter likes _ a skateboard. He can _ a skateboard.A. ride, ride B. riding, rideC. ride, rid

12、ing( )4.A: How does the pie _? B: Its soft and yummy.A. smell B. taste C. touch( )5.Danny _ a horse and he _ to ride it.A. has, wantB. have, wantsC. has, wants( )6.I can smell with my _and touch with my _.A. nose, mouth B. eyes, hands C. nose, fingers( )7.I like _. But I dont like that _.A. robot, robots B. robots, robots C. robots, robot( )8.This pair of shoes _ for me and those socks _ for you.A. are, areB. is, isC. is, are( )9.A: What animal _ you like? B: I dont like bulls.A. doB. dont C. does( )10.Look at the tiger. _ eyes are big, very big.A. ItsB. ItsC. ItVI. Read and write:(选择恰当的单词



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