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1、 九年级英语学案 Unit 4 Amazing Science 主备:房红丽 审核: 刘桂言 Topic 1 Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers. SectionA 一. 预习1.在科学博物馆里_2.中国太空旅行的第一人_3.我们的民族英雄 _4.把人送进太空 _ 6.在过去几年中_ 7.听起来不错_ 8.取得很大进步 _9.在航天工业方面_10.中国第一个月球探测器 _11.What a large crowd!_12.实现某人的梦_13.围绕地球旅行_14.载人的宇宙飞船_ 15.发射进太空_ 16嫦娥的传说_17.show grea

2、t interest in_18.一所航空培训学校_19.安全地着陆地球_20.last 108 minutes_21.make the first successful manned flight into space_22.the meaning of Gagarins space exploratio _23.set foot on the moon_ 24.在他的一生中_25.his last space flight_26.和他的伙伴一起_27.land on the lunar surface_28.迈出了人类进入太空的第一步 29.安全返回地球 二探究1.He is our na

3、tional hero. 译:_点拨:hero(复数)- heroes练习:radio zoo piano photo bamboo_2.Who is the first Chinese to travel into space? 译:_点拨:the + 序数词 + (名词)+to do sth. - 第个做某事的点拨:sendinto- 把送入里 拓展:send up - 发射 send for sb. - 派人去请某人 练习:a.中国将会把更多的卫星送入太空。China more satellites .b.他病了,他的妻子及时派人请来了医生。He was _, and his wife

4、in time.c.到目前,许多国家已经发射了人造卫星。Man-made satellites _ by many countries so far.3.That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. 译:_点拨:prove - 证明,证实(动词)用法: prove + that 从句 - 证明 prove to be + 形容词 - 后来被发现是prove +sb./sth.+ (to be ) + 形容词 - 证明某人/某物 prove sth. to sb.-向某人证明某事练习:a.This pr

5、oves that I was right. 译: . b.His words proved to be right at last. 译:_. c.She has proved everyone wrong. 译: d.只要给我一次机会,我就会证明给你看。Just _ _ _ _ and Ill _ it _ _.4.I think you can achieve your dream in the future. 译:_点拨:achieve - 达到,实现(动词) achieve ones dream - 实现某人的梦想 辨析:achieve 和come true 例句:They hope

6、 they will achieve their dream one day. They hope their dream will come true one day.译:_5. He took the first step into space for mankind. 译:_点拨:take the first step -迈出了第一步三归纳 I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. _ (master) computer technology is very useful.2. After he told the sad story, we couldnt help _ (cry).3. Ch

7、ina is the _(three) country to send astronauts into space in the world. 4. Do you want to know how _ (receive) an e-mail?5. Generally _(speak), women can live longer than men.II. 完成下列同义句变化1. Chinas development is everyones pride. Everyone is _ Chinas development. 2. With the help of the Internet, th

8、e whole world is connected. _ the Internet, the whole world is connected.3. Many people have personal computers. Many people have _ computers. 4. The spaceship is so magical. _ the spaceship is!5. Learning a foreign language well is very important for us. It is very important for us _ a foreign lang

9、uage well.III. 汉译英 1. 我妈妈为我所做的一切而自豪。 My mother _ what I have done.2. 他被奶奶所说的话深深感动了。 He _ what his granny said.3. 比赛因天气不好而取消。 The match have to be _ because of the bad weather.四反思 Section B一 预习2.主要被电脑控制 _2.控制速度和方向_3.建议某人做某事_ 4.更好地为我们服务_5.谢谢你的介绍_6.期望某人做某事_ _ 7.在太空旅行期间_8.一些喝的_ 9.add water to dried food

10、_10.fly around_11.influnce the spaces control_12.没有食物碎屑_13.通过望远镜看星星_14.一个的更清晰地景象_二探究1.Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers. 译:_点拨:mainly - 主要地,大部分地(副词) 练习:a.这种蛋糕主要是用牛奶和面粉制成的。 This kind of cake _ _ _ _ milk and flour. b.这篇文章大意是什么?Whats _ _ _ _ the passage?2.Astronauts use computers to contro

11、l the speed and direction of spaceships, even the temperature. 译:_点拨:use sth. to do sth. - 使用做某事 思考:动词不定式短语to control the speed在此做_状语3.Its important to master computer technology.译:_点拨:master -掌握;精通(动词);主人(名词) 区别:study_ learn_思考:it 在此做_语,动词不定式短语to master computer technology 是_语4. I advise you to study h


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