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1、【2019年秋季课程】八(上)Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?适用学科初中英语适用年级初中二年级适用区域人教版课时2课时知识点形容词的最高级副词的最高级形容词的比较级和最高级的常用句式教学目标1. 会正确判断并使用动词不定式做主语,宾语,目的状语等2. 会正确使用形容词和副词的最高级教学重占J 、形容词的最高级,副词的最高级教学难占J 、形容词的比较级和最高级的常用句式教学过程一、课堂导入通过询问学生或让学生之间互相询问最喜爱的电影,复习本节课所需句型。二、复习预习1. My sister isShe likes making frie nds with

2、 others.A.shyB. quietC.athleticD. outgo ing【答案】D【解析】考察形容词的意思。根据题意,由喜爱交朋友可知道,此题 应该为外向。选D。2. Nancy and Lucy are twins. In some ways they look the same, butNancy is than Lucy.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD.more taller【答案】B【解析】见到“thar可知,此题为比较级。3. Which do you thi nk tastes, the chicke n or the fish?A. good

3、B. betterC. bestD.well【答案】B【解析】由the chicken or the fish知道,这里填比较级。同时注意taste 感官动词后面跟形容词。4. I thi nk scie nee isthan Japa nese.A. much importa ntB. importa ntC. much more importa ntD. more much importa nt【答案】C【解析】由than看出,本题考查形容词的比较级。形容词的比较级 可以用much来修饰。5. There are millio ns of websites on the In ter ne

4、t and there alot of useful on the websiteA. are; in formati onsB. are; in formati onC .is; in formati onsD.is; in formatio n【答案】D【解析】in formation为不可数名词,不能加s,用be动词is。三、知识讲解知识点1 : choose(1) 作动词,choose to do sth选择做某事(2) 名词形式是choice【练习】I like music. You can choose methe music club.A. to joinB. joi ningC

5、. joi n inD. to join in【答案】A【解析】点拨:表示 加入俱乐部”用join,故排除C、D两项;choosesb. to do sth,故选 A 项。知识点2: so far(1) 意为“到目前为止;迄今为止”。(2) 常与现在完成时连用。【练习】He has written three books.A. so farB. lo ng agoC. in 2019D. last year【答案】A【解析】点拨:B、C、D三项都是表示过去的时间状语,故句子的 时态用一般过去时,而题干中的时态是现在完成时,故排除它们。 so far常与现在完成时连用。句意为迄今为止他已经写了三

6、本书了 ”。知识点3:辨析join与take part in joi n参加组织,团队 take part in参加群众性活动、会议、劳动和游街等知识点 4: give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.常在中考中出现的可接双宾语的动词主要有:tell, hand, pass, give,teach, bring, send, lend, show等。另外,buy, cook, get, make, draw 等,将 to 改为 for。v. sb. sth. = v. sth. for sb.【练习】He ofte n gives.A. his money me B. m

7、e his money C. me to his money D. his money for me【答案】B【解析】give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.意为 给某人某物”。知识点 5: have.i n com mon 有相同特征【练习】 My friend David and I have some thingscom mon.A. fromB. inC. atD. for【答案】B【解析】表示 有相同特征”用have.in common句意为 我和我的朋 友大卫有相似之处 ”。知识点 6: be up to(1) be up to sb由某人决定;随某人(2) be

8、 up to sb. to do sth应由某人做某事,常用it作形式主 语。【练习】 We cant decide which country to go, America or Australia?Its up to you one.A. chooseB. to chooseC. choosingD. chose【答案】B【解析】 浏览各选项可知是动词,故用 be up to sb. to do sth,. 故选 B 项。知识点 7:辨析 for example 和 such asfor example 用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类 人或物中的 “一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔

9、开, 可位于句首、 句中或句末。such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个 例子。插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as后面不可有逗 号。【练习 1】 There are many things to see in London, , Big Ben.A. For instance B. such asC. for exampleD. Such as【答案】C【解析】因为空格在句中,前有逗号,故首字母不用大写,排除 A、 D两项;因为such as后面不可有逗号,故排除B项。句意为 伦敦有 许多东西可看,例如大本钟”。知识点8: take . seriously认真对待某事【练

10、习】Its better to take something important.A. seriousB. carefullyC. carefulD. seriously【答案】D【解析】take是动词,应用副词修饰,A、C两项是形容词,排除;认 真对待某事”用take sth. seriously,故选D项。句意为 认真对待一些 重要的事情就更好了 ”。知识点 9: How do you like ? =What do you think of ?【练习】 What do you think of the cinema?(改为同义句)do youthe cin ema?【答案】How ; l

11、ike【解析】 What do you think of. ? = How do you like.?知识点10:部分否定not everybody意为并非每个人.not all意为“并非所有”【练习】 -Students in Class One are good at English.-I dont think so. the students are good at it.A. Not all【答案】AB. AllC. ManyD. None【解析】根据句意,应为不是所有的学生都擅长于它。知识点11:动词不定式作后置定语The old woma n has no house to liv

12、e ir这位老人没有房子可住。I have a lot of problems to work out 我有很多问题要解决。注意:若是不及物动词作后置定语,需要加上相应的介词知识点12:动词不定式的用法(1) 作主语To see is to believel艮见为实。注意:如果不定式作主语太长,可用it作形式主语。Its fun to go on a school trip 学校郊游很有趣。(2) 作宾语,这样的动词有:want, hope, wish, ask, decide, attempt, expect 等.She wan ts to be a soccer playe她想成为一名足球

13、运动员。作宾语补足语,这样的动词有:ask, tell, teach, want, allow, get,en courage, advice等He told me to wait for him after school.他叫我放学后等他。作状语,表示目的或原因rm glad to hear the good n ews听到这个好消息,我很开心。【练习 11 We have two rooms but I cant decide .D. live, which oneA. to live, choose which oneB. lived, choose which oneC. to liv

14、e in, which one to choose【答案】C【解析】此处前一个to do做状语,后面的做宾语。句意为我们有两 个房间去住,但是我不能确定住哪一个。live in的in不能省略。【练习 2】 He has nothingbecause he has prepared.A. worryB. worry aboutC. to worryD. to worry about【答案】C【解析】前面有不定代词,后面用to do不定式。知识点13:形容词和副词的最高级一、最高级的比较范围形容词、副词的最高级用于三者或三者以上之间的比较,且形容 词最高级前要加定冠词the。(但是形容词最高级前有

15、物主代词、指示 代词、名词所有格或专有名词修饰时,不用定冠词the。)副词最高级前的the可以省略。最高级通常有一个比较范围,一般用介词of, in表示一定的范围。of表示比较的对象属于同一范畴;in则表示不属 于同一范畴。He is the cleverest stude nt of all.他是所有学生中最聪明的。(他属于学 生)He is the cleverest stude nt in his clas他是他班中最聪明的学生。(他在 班级范围内)This is his most in teresti ng book 这是他最有趣的一本书。二、形容词和副词最高级的变化(一)规则变化的:单音节词和少数双音节词1. 一般在词后加 est, longest2. 哑音 e 结尾的,直接加 st,nicest



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