高三英语 Unit9 Language study课课练 大纲人教版第三册

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1、Unit 9 Health care课堂检测二Language study训练要点语法:能准确无误地理解并运用虚拟结构的句子。 词汇:能灵活运用to make matters worse,loan,afford,make ends meet,be of+抽象名词,lay off,consult,abuse,get rid of等单词及短语。知能训练.单词拼写根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子的横线上写出空缺的单词的正确形式,每空一词。1.She received $10 000 _(保险金) when her husband died.2.According to the data from

2、National Bureau of _(统计数字) of China,he is the 1.3 billionth Chinese.3.His cold couldnt be _ rid of(摆脱掉) though taking the medicine for a whole week.4._(绝望了),he dropped out of college and went to work to support his family.5.Whenever he meets with some new words,he will _(查阅) the dictionary.6.The gov

3、ernment has made a _(全国) call to care for the AIDS.7.We should carry on the spirit of utter _ (献身) to others without any thought of self.8.Fleming continued his search until a fortunate incident led him to a new discovery of even greater _(意义).9.The July 7th _(事变) happened in 1937 in Lugou Bridge in

4、 China.10.The _(压力) from their coaches and parents made them burned-out and ended up leaving the football team.答案:1.insurance 2.Statistics 3.got/gotten 4.Hopelessly 5.consult 6.nationwide 7.devotion 8.significance 9.Incident 10.pressure.单句改错下面每句中有一处错误,请改正。11.Wang is a laying-off worker,who suffers f

5、rom AIDS.12.So far,the project helped more than 2000 people receive medical aid.13.It does not cover health care,house or education.14.The disease of AIDS has caused over 30% of low-income residents to live on poverty.15.It is said that a society can be judged in the way it cares for its weaker memb

6、ers.16.The funds are limiting and it is possible to meet all the needs.17.In twentieth century,Fleming discovered it.18.Fleming invented many new ways to treat the wounds.19.On a bench by the sink,he found some old glass containers,which he had been growing bacteria.20.It was not until World War whe

7、n the importance of Flemings discovery was fully recognized.答案:11.laying-offlaid-off 12.helped前加has 13.househousing 14.onin 15.inby 16.limitinglimited 17.twentienth前加the 18.woundswounded 19.which前加in 20.whenthat.单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.When he applied for a _ in the office of the local n

8、ewspaper he was told to see the manager.A.situation B.condition C.position D.work答案:C解析:apply for a position申请职位;职务。22.Their research into ancient languages seems to have little practical _.A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness答案:C解析:price价格;cost费用;value价值;usefulness用途。23.Anyone who wishes to devote h

9、imself to _ the people should _.A.serve;be praised B.serving;praiseC.serving for;be praised D.serving;be praised 答案:D解析:词组devote oneself to中的to是介词,所以to后应用动名词serving。24.Those who receive the scholarship shouldnt _ his friends to an expensive dinner.A.treat B.offerC.provide D.supply答案:A解析:词组treat sb.t

10、o.意为 “请人吃(喝、玩等)”。25.I dont think that this kind of style and colour _ him well.A.fit B.suitC.match D.compare with 答案:B解析:fit指(尺寸、大小)合适;suit指(颜色、款式)适合;match和compare with指(物与物之间)协调。26.He left ten years ago,and he _ back ever since.A.never comes B.has never beenC.never came D.had never come答案:B解析:ever

11、since时间状语,主句要用于现在完成时。27.Unless _ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.A.invited B.invitingC.being invited D.having invited答案:A解析:unless invited是unless you are invited的省略。28.Did you visit the famous museum?No,we _ it,but we spent too much time shopping.A.could have visited B.must have

12、visitedC.cant have visited D.shouldnt have visited答案:A 解析:could have done本打算做某事但实际上没做,属虚拟语气。 29.Whenever I met her,_ was fairly often,I liked her sweet and hopeful smile.A.what B.whichC.when D.that答案:B解析:which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代the fact I met her。30.We made arrangements for her _ by a famous doctor.A.to

13、treat B.to cureC.to be treated D.to be cured 答案:C解析:treat治疗;cure治愈。本句应为被动语态,“被一位有名的医生治疗”,所以用to be treated。31.The factory has _ workers because of the drop in sales.A.laid out B.laid offC.laid aside D.laid down答案:B解析:lay off使下岗,解雇;lay out设计,布局;lay aside把放一边;lay down规定,确定,说明。32.Im not quite sure how to get thereId better _ a map.A.draw B.lookC.search D.consult答案:D解析:consult a map查阅地图。33.She was depressed and felt t


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