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1、广东省揭阳市七年级英语上册StarterUnit3Whatscolorisit教案(新版)人教新目标版Starter Unit 3 Whats color is it? I教学设计分析 本单元的话题为“物品的颜色”,继续学习字母S至Z,并集中回顾、梳理26个英语字母的读音、顺序和写法,总结5个元音字母的发音。在语言功能方面,涉及关于颜色的8个单词,以及询问和描述颜色的句型,同时结合前两个单元内容,进行灵活运用。 单元内容整合:1课时完成两部分:第一部分包括1a1c和3a-3d,通过创设情境,引导学生用英语询问和描述物品颜色,并结合上一单元“询问物品”的功能句型进行情景练习。第二部分包括2a2e

2、, 4a4d, 是进行字母和语音教学,通过听音、模仿,发现读音规律。 本单元引入了“请求单词拼写”的用语,这是英语学习从小学向初中过渡的对于“写”的要求的一个重要起点:准确拼写、规范书写。是英语学习习惯的养成基础。II. Key points:1. 掌握英语字母U的发音、顺序和书写规范2. 能够总结并区分五个元音字母 在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音 3. 能够就物品颜色进行问答 Difficult points:1. 能够区分元音字母U在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音 2. 能够总结并区分五个元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的不同发音 II. 教学学时分配Teaching periods:Period 1

3、: 1a1c和3a-3d,Period 2: 2a2e, 4a4dStarter Unit 3 What color is it?The First Period 1a1c and 3a-3dI. Teaching aims1. Master the sentence: What color is it? Its red .2. Be able to ask things color.3. Learn the meaning of some abbreviations.4. Develop students interest in English.II. Key points2. Be abl

4、e to use the sentence: What color is it? Its red . Difficult point Be able to use the sentence: What color is it? Its red .III. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboard/ A ruler IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up1. Warming- up and revision1)Greet students one another. Get one thing fr

5、om a student and ask “Whats this/that?” and “ What color is it?”Step 2 Presentation 1. Do (1a, 1b) 1) Show the picture in 1a, and guide students to listen and repeat, and then find write the letter for each color. Guide students to practice the conversations and make their own ones.2. Do 1c Group co

6、mpetition:Practice asking and answering question “What color is it?”Have groups try to find the things in different colors and then make conversations in limited time,while other groups write down the sentences.Step 3 Practice 1) Do (3a, 3b, 3c) Guide students to listen and color the things, complet

7、e the sentences and the chart. Help students listen for the key words.Help students make a difference between a and an.Make conversations using the information in 3a3c.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Do 3d 1) T:Look at the picture of a bedroom, whats this in English? T:Spell it, please. S:BED T:What color i

8、s it? S:Its yellow. 2) Guide students to practice the conversations and make their own ones.2. Do exercises Step 5 SummaryIn this period, weve learned color. And “What color is it? Its red.”Step 6 Homework1. Copy the six words of colors twice.2. Preview the next period.V. Blackboard designStarter Un

9、it 3 Whats color is it?The First Period1. Key words:red , yellow , green , blue , black , white2. Key sentence: What is this/that in English? It is a/an.3. what color is it ? -Its red.The Second Period 2a2e, 4a4dI. Teaching aims1. 1. Learn to read and write letters SsZz.2. Letters Ss-Zz & Pronunciat

10、ion of a, e, i, o,u in the open syllable and closed syllable.3. Learn the meaning of some abbreviations.4. Develop students interest in English.5. Revise 26 letters II. Key points1. Master the new words and expressions.Difficult pointsLetters Ss-Zz & Pronunciation of a, e, i, o,u in the open syllabl

11、e and closed syllable.III. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboardIV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up1. Warming-up and revision 1)Daily greetings to the students T : Good morning / Good afternoon / Hello / Hi ! How are you ? S: Im fine ,thank you . And you? 2) Revision 1. A guessing g

12、ame :T : I spy a color . It begins with “r”. What color is it ? S1 : I know its red.S1: I spy a color . It begins with “y”. What color is it ? S2 : I know its yellow.S2: I spy a color . It begins with . What color is it ? S3: I know its .2.A spelling game :T : Whats this color? It begins with “b”. (

13、 T 在黑板上板书b )S: Is there an “l” in this word ? T : Yes , there is .S : Is there a “u” in this word ? T : Yes , there is.S : Ah, I know its blue.T : Whats this color ? It ends with “w” .T :There is an “ a ” in the middle. Step 2 Presentation 1. work on (2a2e)Show students the correct writing orders an

14、d structures of the letters S-Z. on slides.Dictate some abbreviations in 2e, and ask students to write them down and guess the meaning.Step 3 Practice 1. Do (4a4d)Get students to 4a and 4bGet students to listen and repeat the pronunciation of letter A, E, I, O, U. Guide students to summarize the pronouncing rules of A, E, I, O,U in words.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Revise 26 letters . T : Look at the letter cards and read aloud like this :2. Pronounce the 26 l


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