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1、Class1Preposterous=absurdContend=argue, or=maintain/assert (contend that he was right.)Paradigm=example,pattern.Sacrificial lambInstill=to impart gradually.Purveypurveyor=provide and supply food, drink or other goodsSyllabus教学大纲Verse=poem/poetry/stanza; 独唱部 chorus=副歌,合唱Intuitionintuitive=quick and r

2、eady insight; immediate apprehension or cognition.Articulate=清楚讲出Pump up=to fill with enthusiam or excitement/inflate/increase.Elevate=raise/ lift up to make higher, raise in rank or status/improve morally, intellectually/raise the spirit of=elateMandatory=obligatoryPedagogical= of, relating to, or

3、befitting a teacher or educationDrone= to make a sustained deep murmuring, humming, or buzzing soundIntimidate=frightenCoraggio=braveWhy do we listen to classical music?It helps people relax and relieve stress.It helps people center the mind.Classical music provide a vision of a better world. A refu

4、ge of beauty, or majesty, of love.Aim of the class: Change your personality; impart you the love of classical music.Week 14 element of music:rhythm, melody and harmony.Musical form( Verse and chorus); musical style; melody; rhythm, beatsMusic process by the lobe temporal; if memorize music, by lobe

5、frontal.Music and language is processed in the same way as a gradual assimilation.Beethoven Symphony No.5 and No.9 major and minor.The major and minor chord, the home pitch(tonal key), the conjunct and disjunct music, the direction influence the our response to music.The 2 dimensions of music(the ax

6、le of music): pitch and duration(音高和时值)Orchestra管弦乐;brass铜管乐器;percussion intrument打击乐器(timpani/kettledrum定音鼓);Octave(八度音节) interval(间隔间距)Dominant note(属音)Beatunit= dupe meter; triple meterJohn Kander约翰肯德尔-作品芝加哥bass in the music will help us find the meter.Ritard(减慢) accelerando(渐速) modulation转调Class

7、2Prophet=predictorInterior movement室内乐Serenade小夜曲Parlance=speech/idiomChef doeuvre名曲Upbeat= an increase in activityVersitile=varible, revisible 多才多艺的,多功能的Realm=kingdom, sphere, domain.Homage: respect, tributeCut to the chase(开门见山)3 piece of classical music.Beethovens Fifth Symphony; Tchaikovskys Pia

8、no Concerto No.1; Ritchar Strausss Zarathustra.Music genre: symphony(4 movements, which are independent and complementary. A fast and opening movement, a slower, more lyrical second movement, a third movement derived from dance, forth movement fast and emphatic conclusion.);Concerto(A soloist will c

9、onfront the orchestra. 3 movements.Tone poem(1 movement, to tell a story or history event)OperaSonataBalletCantata.Melody=motive and theme弦乐演奏技法pizzacato拨奏ornamenting装饰音Instrument:French horn: make sound through a vibrating column of air, “patrials” or the “Harmonic series”泛音列(without hand but a twe

10、lve and a half-foot length of vibrating air.)TrumpetOboeLow tuba(低音号) Sousaphone(苏萨大号) different overtonesWoodwind intrument: bassoon: lowest tone, use to show something funny. (Peter and the wolf)Orchestra/string family: viola(中提琴):16 inches long(41cm), violin 12 inches long(31cm), a bow pull acros

11、s the intrument which is made by horse hair from the tails of horses. Strings are made out of cat or sheep gut in 16, 17 and 18 century, but now are medal. Vibrato(揉弦) wig a little bit. Pizzicato(拨奏) tremolo(碎弓) Tremolo(颤音)Drum: Bass drum; snare drum(小军鼓)Modest Musorgsky.莫戴斯特莫索尔斯基picture at the exhi

12、bition(展览会上的画作):Polish Oxcart(波兰牛车) crescendo(渐强) Doppler priciple(多普勒原理). The lowest sound creates the longest sound wave and last longest- lower sounds or lower frequency travel farer.Ritchard Strauss. Death and transfiguration. (a pendant to the Zarathustra). Dissonance resolving to consonance, D

13、issonance are irrational numbers and Consonance are rational.Class3Nitty-gritty事实真相,本质Cadenza华彩乐章Superimpose添加,双重Musical notation of western culture used in the art music has two advantages: allows the composer to specify rather precisely what he or she wants; allows us to preserve our work of art.M

14、usical notation is the first graph in Western culture.Chuck MangioneWhole note(全音符) representations of durationTwo half notes, 4 quarter notes, 8 8th notes, Rests(休止符) A dot means 50% of the origin note.Bars or measures(小节)Clarinet单簧管Cole Porter 斗牛犬之歌 耶鲁Syncopation切分音Pick-up唱头4 ways to tell which is

15、 downbeat: duration(downbeat always long); patterns of accoplishment(range音域); chord changes come on the downbeat.Mozart No.40 Symphony g minor Symphony.Maurice Ravel(莫里斯拉威尔) Bolero(波莱罗舞曲) Class4Tempo accelerando(渐速) ritardando(渐慢)Rhythmic devices(节奏类型) syncopation(切分音)来自希腊语Synkope-means to cut short.Scott Joplin斯考特乔普林Tripet三连音Musical Texture: monophonic texture, homophonic texture, and polyphonic texture.Polyphonic texture: imitative polyphonic texture;Imitative counterpoint模仿式对位法;free counterpoint自由对位。Louis ArmstrongSyntax句法picture at an exhibition(展览会上的画作)G


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