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1、The interviewThe interviewAt BCG, “The hiring process is considered very warm and friendly. We try and make everyone know that they have a fair shot and that we respect them, regardless of interview performance. We try to establish the human connection very early on,” a source says. This is also a w

2、ay to gauge how well a candidate could handle one-on-one interactions with senior-level clients: “The ability to work closely with senior client executives from very early in your career is one of the key factors BCG is looking for in its recruits,” says an insider. At the same time, a source stress

3、es, “doing well on cases is fundamental. You can be the nicest person in the world, but we wont lower the bar if you cant perform well during the case interviews.” “The case will make or break your interview,” another insider warns. An insider describes a “standard set of case interviews, two in the

4、 first round and three in the second. Each interview lasts 45 minutes and is usually based on a case that the interviewer has participated in.” Another says to expect “four to six case interviews.”What to expect in a BCG interviewAt BCG, we look for something beyond intellect. In the interview, we w

5、ant to learn who you are as well as how you think. So each interview has two parts: the personal discussion and the case.The personal discussion is our way of getting to know you. There is no fixed format or agenda, but interviewers often focus the discussion on an experience or a period of your lif

6、e. There is very little that can be done to prepare, so relax and use the time to help us get to know you better.The case interview makes up the greater part of the interview time. The best preparation is to familiarize yourself with types of analysis you may employ and practice generating sound, de

7、fensible hypotheses. To help you, weve assembled several resources as well as some tips to prepare for the case interview.Prepare for problemsA focus on real-world applications is the norm for BCG. Says one manager: “I dont do rainteasers. Finding out how many golf balls you can fit in a 747 doesnt

8、give me a great read on a persons skills.” Be advised, however, that BCG does provide brain teaser examples on the case prep section of its web site so its wise to come prepared for the golf balls, just in case. In most instances, however, “Over a period of 30-40 minutes the interviewee needs to dev

9、elop a proposed solution to the problem, by engaging in a dialogue with the interviewer. The case interview gives you a taste of what it would actually be a consultant at BCG and the kinds of work that we do.” “Most people get a charge out of these they like being able to solve problems,” says a man

10、ager. BCG advises interviewees to “interact with the interviewer,” noting that the case “should be a dialogue, not a monologue.” Or as an insider puts it, “Be sensitive to when your interviewer is open to questions,” which lets you “give the person the opportunity to appear knowledgeable.”And dont f

11、orget the other types of questions you might face including the big one: “Why consulting?” Beyond that, a management source says, “were looking for people who can make change happen, with a focus on getting things done.” This means interviewers place a premium on “being able to articulate stories of

12、 how youve driven change in team situations.” 波士顿顾问公司(The Boston Consulting Group, BCG)是一个全球战略和通用管理的咨询机构,成立于1963年,现拥有员工3720人,在世界主要城市设有48个办事处。在80年代初,该公司就开始了在中国的业务,在世界前列的顾问公司中,是第一家在中国获得正式经营许可的大型国际性咨询公司。1993年1月在上海成立了波士顿咨询(上海)有限公司。 该公司在全世界的业务主要集中于电子商务,能源,通讯,汽车,制药及零售业。在中国的主要业务在于帮助外商了解中国,协助投资决策,改善外企经营;同时帮

13、助中国内地各类企业、机构改革重组,增强竞争力。并多次为世界银行在中国的贷款项目进行经营咨询。在过去的几年中,该公司已经在中国进行了近100个项目。随着中国改革的不断深入,其业务已日趋转向帮助中国的企业进行机构改组,增强竞争力,走向国际化。 该公司拥有数项高级管理咨询的革新和理论,例如以时间为基础的竞争,解体,以及能力所驱的竞争策略,解释了公司收益性及市场份额之间关系的著名的波士顿矩阵,波士顿管理咨询公司(BCG)成立于在一九六三年。经过近40多年的发展,波士顿咨询已发展为一家提供全方位企业策略的顾问机构,重点关注金融服务、快速消费品、工业、医疗保健、电信和能源业;该公司在全球34个国家和地区、

14、55个城市设有分支机构,在全球拥有2600名员工。1966年,BCG率先进军日本市场;1990年,BCG香港办事处的设立揭开了该公司进军大中华市场的序幕。波士顿咨询公司是一家著名的美国企业管理咨询公司,在战略管理咨询领域公认为先驱。 公司的最大特色和优势在于公司已经拥有并还在不断创立的高级管理咨询工具和理论,管理学界极为著名的“波士顿矩阵”就是由公司20世纪60年代创立的。BCG的四大业务职能是企业策略、信息技术、企业组织、营运效益。作为一家极具创新精神的咨询公司,从该公司走出了不少的咨询界的奇才,国际著名咨询公司的创始人都是来自波士顿咨询公司。 波士顿咨询公司而且为管理理论的发展也作出了卓越

15、的贡献,他们率先提出并成功运用推广一些著名的管理理念和分析模型,丰富了管理理论:经验曲线 (Experience curve) 以时间为本的竞争 (Time-based competition) 针对市场细分的营销法 (Segment-of-one marketing) 投资或产品组合策略 (增长/占有率矩阵)(Portfolio strategy,the growth/share matrix) 以价值为本的管理模式 (Value-based management) 持续增长方程式 (Sustainable growth formula) 股东总值 (Total shareholder va

16、lue) 策略性的市场细分 (Strategic segmentation) 拓展准顾客 (Customer discovery) 价值链分析 (Value chain analysis) 波士顿咨询公司创始人亨德森简介: 作为他父亲出版社里的一名圣经推销员,亨德森很早就开始了他的商业生涯,而且开局良好。获得范德比尔特大学的工程学学位后,他进入了哈佛商学院,然而又选择离开学校,加入西屋公司(Westinghouse Corporation),此时离他MBA毕业仅剩90天。在西屋公司,他成为公司历史上最年轻的副总裁之一。1953年,艾森豪威尔总统挑选他参加五人小组,负责评估马歇尔计划下的外国对德援助项目。1959年,亨德森离开西屋,前往主持Arthur D.Little。1963年,他从波士顿平安储蓄信托公司(Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company)的首席执行官那里接受了一项难以想象的挑战,着手建立


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