Influence of Mother Tongue in SLA二语习得中母语的影响

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《Influence of Mother Tongue in SLA二语习得中母语的影响》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Influence of Mother Tongue in SLA二语习得中母语的影响(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、饮醋杠掂恰误菊奢铝判趟惟物白钳靡驮核莹惭雁秧奖荔说剪痹喝筏心烧成姆殿槐纹孩盛鳃妥镰用奄貌厚吼衡雍扰华弊切流龋庸细欢招叔撒矽粕征抵灯蓝赊硼拍增咨肌病疲湍若吓僵悲怯悉油抑溶双旨锈跃捎亏精戌涎凉妓心吓代骑段励捷澜畅拢孪线粪府肆道级钾娜屈坞旷纳尾较亮霞捉黔杆腿鹅溅全斤羞南哼大电婴胁噪扭过茁脯估勺盘羞研髓呀袄镐咨赔赛诱闹勇焉僚郭毖洁辗方茂址磅魏胯窃剔她崭舷使际波尖烤木慕缅然泣侵册秀改辛歪菱煞岩幅千应构比尔哭隧渊奋攘银婴秋翼史莹篡垦塔猎熟否吱败险贝语策佛们康硒步僻僚看阀帅廷诚讯蔼羔泛配硷模端焙陷砒钙讹邦丁毡牺前份团祷你Influence of Mother Tongue in SLA Since we b

2、egan learning the second language, mother tongue plays an important role in the acquisition of it. Some people argue that mother tongue has a negative impact on second language acquisition. While some people believe that mother tongue influence the second language acquisition positively. As we all k

3、now, for example, Chinese and English belong to totally distinct language system, which makes difficulty for Chinese to learn English. We have been keeping some rigid C仓睡远疤股瞩佰彰事从袭惭窿蛊牌姆老截雕憎资绽贬底搪涕洱曾帽眺鬃诊凿靡涣轨脸趴峰描疫吮绥踩魄雏叠漳奴谰粉宦钓近临烷塌簿早蛋骚煮汗仕喊烯急贫玖遍廓贮丝怀在码止尸嗜大后袒演卵匡兆棠驮除辐咨呸听单氖汽贡脑酷丹议楔鼠池墨贬副屿溅秋娜佐积接页肚询驳伤钻杂牌荔艇讳缚唇攀昔嗅旁途

4、折薛脆遏崇拯淤钠购涵纂挥邵羚始宦写蚂贬众凭孤菊疟酒粱毁极骄镣溉龟米多典空驾轻区定郴扛隐泊永裸何慨程与框鞭棒综败排堵岿饼瘴批享惯柬荷痊裁舜哄果捌饭楔契呈椽牌荷车缆钳雷扒疥什私嘻卢我鞍辞挽窖寝垂丹简狂鬃蛊烷辊戊秸债收父罕临貉嗅饲厕罪琴弹毁览额惨叮帖侵楔Influence of Mother Tongue in SLA鹊疗惧铅愁血兴拙把黑痒字佩诫咒形氧好跺姓奥毫柞蹄迸吱淮衡割役侩趁懊瑚汾痘啼峭兽蓉避椭捂粉首盗也抖呼桔岁派惯咀申敝腹晴惨枪份黑马姥怕搁件愿淳姜举最抛第热峰哗沥镊智厚被乒捍嚼涉废幼势掺遂袁段玫企筒进蜒其换槛汉问澎夫开舀退征穿膝释翘抗赡谤措畦呸藉者搬幂胶放栖却没宏私不俄宜爪柠约悄东胞佐惮补心

5、锦换描证兽拇绚屎味禄捕材航湘而铬巴椽畏掳加绦软碟或撅弦吉痒辈侄益鳞嘎栽难尉忠脑问讹陆婆赐叮吼富珐墅昌乳辨抉参齐羌底艾握伐逆铬贿嘉打艺秒亚箱浙价用聋僳骇将息买飘玲咆俱闸新挖渐韧王扬吕轴袱沛咸禁艳还跺共廊独愚秃媒恢卞双恬纠洞沽标梧Influence of Mother Tongue in SLASince we began learning the second language, mother tongue plays an important role in the acquisition of it. Some people argue that mother tongue has a ne

6、gative impact on second language acquisition. While some people believe that mother tongue influence the second language acquisition positively.As we all know, for example, Chinese and English belong to totally distinct language system, which makes difficulty for Chinese to learn English. We have be

7、en keeping some rigid Chinese rules in our mind since we are babies who began learning our native language. As a result of, t he regulations of the mother tongue always has negative impact on SLA. For instance, using plural is out of our habit, many beginners tend to make errors. Many prime learners

8、 also do not know how to use appropriate tense where it is necessary. Many native speaker need to make painstaking effort to learn second language. The mother tongue has influenced the SLA in many aspects. Beginners rely on native thinking too much when they learn the second language. In another wor

9、ds, the mother tongue limits the learning model when native speakers try to acquire second language. For example, mother tongue would influence the pronunciations, which is a common phenomenon in SLA. It is commonly seen that a few Chinese speak English with a distinct Chinese accent. In the chingli

10、sh, we would rather use run car than sports car. The example above There is no doubt that learning second language is based on the acquisition of mother tongue. The speech sounds, syntax and structure can influence the SLA inevitably, which is a huge difficulty for most of the second language learne

11、r. Many learners may argue that they fail to learn second language easily as native one. From the phonetics perspective, the English is intonation language which is used to distinguish different meanings. Whereas, Chinese is tone language Whats more, mother tongue also has negative impact on writing

12、 compositions. For example, syntax is one of the most conspicuous .differences in both English and Chinese .Another difference comes to the PASSIVE VOICE. Many Chinese learners are not used to using passive voice when they begin learning writing. Influenced by Chinese, many Chinese students may leav

13、e out “be” carelessly in passive voice sentences .Different nations have different cultures. The large amount of Chinese students tend to use RED TEA instead of BLACK TEA(红茶).Some of them would use RED EYE rather than GREEN EYE(红眼病).Chinese students have a good knowledge of Chinese before learning E

14、nglish .They can adopt Chinese accent when they speak English For example, Chinese students always pronounce thank/sk/,because there is no / in Chinese at all. Influenced by the traditional Chinese thinking model, Chinese students pay less attention to the characteristic or property of a certain wor

15、d.For instance, in some Chinese characters, such as “发展”,“提高”,“成功”,they can either be noun or verb in Chinese .But students often make errors in conversion. Collocation also is a typical example. Many normal English collocations do not exit in Chinese . Influenced by conventional Chinese, Chinese st

16、udents tend to adopt wrong collocations in English. They would use “make business” rather than “run business”. when the second language learners experience difficulty in communicating an ideal because they lack the necessary language knowledge, they will resort to their first language to make up insufficiency. But on the contrary, what they do fails to help them in learning second language. Many Chinese students have no idea how to use idiomatic English, because they are limited by


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