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1、 Moduel 9 Unit 1 说课稿英语(新标准)教材主要特点: 1.遵循以人为本的教育理念,以学习者的年龄和认知能力为基础,全面培养学生的综合运用能力,寓素质教育于英语教学之中。 2.”题材-功能-结构-任务”编写原则,符合中国学生英语学习的规律。 3.从多方面强化语言技能的训练,特别关注学生学习策略的培养,结合每一个模块的主题,对学生进行文化意识方面的渗透。 4.注重题材和功能的多样化,课文语言地道鲜活,难度适中,突出体现初中学生的年龄与兴趣特点。Does the tiger eat meat? 教材内容分析1. 本模块以“动物”为话题,介绍了世界各地的动物和他们的栖息地、习性。通过

2、“听北京动物园之行和阅读世界各地的动物介绍”展开语言实践活动,使学生能够达到简单谈论自己喜爱的动物的目标。2. 本模块的语法重点是在第8模块学习一般现在时陈述句的基础上,继续学习一般现在时第三人称单数作主语的一般疑问句形式及其回答。3. 本单元要求学生掌握和理解有关动物等词汇。4. 在听力和阅读学习过程中培养学生获取细节信息的学习策略。学情分析通过小学的学习,有的学生可能已熟悉部分表示动物的英语名称。本模块则是在进一步学习有关动物名称的基础上,引入到谈论自己最喜爱的动物以及它的居住地、生活习性等的话题上,这是学生很熟悉、很感兴趣的话题。备课中,问题与任务的设计力求贴近学生生活,以调动学生的学习

3、积极性和主动性,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的综合能力。课型:Listening ang speaking方法:Interactive approach Communicative approach教具:Tape recorder Multi-mediaTeaching aims:1.Knowledge Aims:(1). To master the words about animals. (2). To master the structure of Present simple questions.Ability aimsThe students will be able to (1).

4、 to understand the words and the short dialogues about animals.(2). to ask and answer questions about animals, using the present simple questions and key words.(3). to talk about what their favourite animals eat and like to do, using the key words.Moral aimsTo take care of the animals and love anima

5、ls教学重点Vacabulary:trip, zoo, tiger, camel, elephant, lion, giraffe, kangaroo, monkey, panda, snake, wolf, polar bear, guide, thousand, visit, animal, zebra, Australia, Arctic, Europe, Asian, bambooGrammer: Does X? Yes,it does./ No, it doesnt教学难点To help the students to master the Yes-No questions and

6、the words well.教学流程 1 Warmingup 2 Vocabulary building 3 Listening and learning 4 Practice 5 Summary 6 consolidate 7 homeworkStep 1 warming up本单元是词汇与听说课,因此,在课程的伊始,安排一个brainstorming的词汇活动。目的让学生复习已有的词汇,添加新的词汇,同时自然的将学生的思维引入本课将要学习的内容上来,并为下一环节的学习作铺垫。Brainstorming Do you like animals? What is your favourite

7、 animals? Look at the picture, what animals can you see? Step 2 vocabulary buildingTiger camel elephant lion giraffe kangaroo monkey panda snake wolf polar bear zebra animalStep 3 listening and learning为帮助学生理解听力材料,增加上了一个热身活动,其作用在于激活学生的背景知识。通过回答与听力材料有关的问题,让学生大致了解听力材料,本环节分为二步。第一步为略听,要求学生回答热身问题。第二步为精听,

8、听后学生将完成动物和产地的连线. Listen to the dialogue and answer questions What s the name of the panda? Does the polar bears eat meat?Listen againDo Ex.4Step4 practice1. Repeat after the tape chorally.2. Divide the students in groups, then do the role play.Make a dialogue using the following phases How many visi

9、tors are there in Beijing zoo everyday? There are What is your favourite animal? My favourite animal is Does it eat? Yes, it does./ No, it doesnt.Step 5 summary1.Find at least two sentences with third person verb endings s in the dialogue. eg. 1) The kangaroo comes from Australia. 2) The zoo has fiv

10、e thousand animals.2.Sum up the structure: 主单三人称 + V 单三式3.Find the present simple questions and the answers in the same way: Does + 主单三人称 + V原? Yes, does./No, doesnt. Step 6 consolidation 11. _ the elephant like water? Yes, it _.2_ the monkey live in the desert?3._the panda live in China? Yes, it _4

11、.The kangaroo _( come) from Australia.5. The tiger_(not eat) bambooConsolidation 2根据汉语提示完成句子:1. 欢迎到我们的农场。 _ our farm.2. 我们农场有两千只动物。Our farm has got _animals.3. 老虎吃肉吗?吃的。 - _ the tiger _? - Yes, _.4. 北极熊来自北极。他们不吃草。 The polar bear _ the Arctic, and it_ grass.5. 熊猫喜欢吃竹子吗? _ the panda _? Step 7 homework1. Copy the new words.2. (1) Copy the dialogue. (2) Make a new dialogue about visiting the zoo, imitating the dialogue in Unit 1.3. Workbook P33 Unit 1



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