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1、1.(2017周南集团联考)通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。A:The summer holiday is coming. (1) ?B:Sorry, I wont. I went to Beijing last year.A:Have you planned to travel?B:Sure.A:Where are you going?B:Im going to Hangzhou.A: _(2)?B:Because my uncle works there.We havent seen each other for several years.I miss him and want

2、to visit him.A: (3)?B:He is a hotel manager.He likes travelling,so he always changes his workplace.He worked in Shanghai two years ago.A:Has he ever been to many places?B: (4) ,such as Hong Kong, Yunnan, Hainan Island and so on.A:Does he like Changsha?B:Yes. He likes our city very much.He will come

3、to work here.A:When?B:Next year.A:Thats great! I hope that he will have a good time here.B: (5 .2.(2017麓山限时训练五)A:How is it going, John?B: (1) . My English has improved a lot and I got a good mark in the last exam.A:Congratulations. (2) ?B:I did exercises and corrected the mistakes. Also, I asked my

4、teachers and friends for help. They helped me a lot. By the way, do you know that we will have a school trip next week?A:Of course. We will go to visit Shaoshan. (3) ?B:Yes, just once. I visited there with my parents.A(4) ?B:I think its a good place to visit. But Im worried about the weather. It oft

5、en rains in spring, you know.(5) ?A:The weather next week? I watched the weather forecast for next week on TV. Itll be sunny and warm next week.B:Sounds great. Im looking forward to our school trip with my classmates.A:Me too.3.(2017长沙长郡第七次限时训练)A:Hello. (2) _?B:Yes, this is Alice speaking.A:Alice, i

6、t is Tiffany. I didnt see you last weekend at Toms birthday party. (2) ?B:I visited my grandparents in the countryside.A:Oh, cool.(2) ?B:Since 25 years ago. There are many green trees and the air is pretty fresh. I think next time we can go there together.A:Great! By the way.(2) ?B:I am preparing fo

7、r the English speech contest.A: (2) !B:Thank you! I will try my best.4.(2017长沙麓山国际实验学校模拟一)A:Morning, Mom!B:Morning, honey!A: (2) ?B:How about eggs and bread?A:I dont want to have them for breakfast every day.B:But they are good for you.A:All right, Mom. (2) ? The film Speeding to Success(速度与激情) is o

8、n show.B:Of course, you can. With whom?A:With Jack.B: (2) ?A:Its an action movie.B: (2) ?A:Well meet at 9:00 a.m.B: (2) !A:Thank you.5.(2016长沙初中毕业会考模拟)通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。Judy:I am having a party this Saturday afternoon at my house.(1) Alice:Id love to.(2) Judy:At 2 oclock. And please bring your b

9、rother. I think he would like to come, too.Alice:Thank you. I will. Should I bring something?Judy:(3) Just bring yourselves.(Alice told her brother Tim about the invitation.)Tim:OK! (4) Alice:I have bought a box of chocolates for her.Tim:Thats great. I am sure she will like it.Alice:(5) 6.(2016长沙初中毕

10、业会考模拟)A:Hello.Can I speak to Frank?B:Hello, Frank speaking.(1) A:This is David.(2) B:Yes, I watched the sports news just now.A:Ning Zetao won the first prize at the World Swimming Championships.B:How amazing it is! Im proud of him.A: (3) I also want to become a great swimmer like him. Are you free t

11、his afternoon? Would you like to go to the swimming center with me?B:(4) But I have too much homework to do today.A:I see. Homework must come first. (5) B:Tomorrow? I think I can go with you.A:Great! See you tomorrow.B:See you.7.(2016长沙初中毕业会考模拟)A:Good morning, sir. (1) B:Id like to book a room.A:Wha

12、t kind of room would you like? We have got single rooms, double rooms and standard rooms.B:(2) A:$79 a night.B:Id like a standard room.A:(3) B:4 days.A:(4) We need your personal information to check in.B:Yes. Here you are.A:Here are your room card and ID card. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Can I help you with anything else today?B:No, that is it.(5) 8.(2016长沙麓山国际实验学校限时训练一)A:Hi, Jack. You did really well in the last English test. (1) B:I studied for it by asking the teacher for help.A:Do you improve your English by making word cards?B:(2) It helps little. To tell you the truth, watchin


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