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1、 Unit 1一、 汉译英1) 你知道约翰这次失败的原因吗?他在中学里几乎全优。(lead to, failure, excel in)Do you know what has led to Johns failure this time? He excelled in almost everything in high school.2) 不要把今天应该做的的事情推迟到明天。如果你落后就很难赶上了。(put off, what, fall behind, catch up)Dont put off till tomorrow what you should do today. If you

2、fall behind, it will be difficult for you to catch up.3) 他总是用新方法来解决问题,所以他在工作中取得了很大的成功。(achieve, success, attack)He achieves great success in his work because he always finds new ways to attack problems.4) 不要对这个孩子太严格。你应该让他有些玩耍的时间来减轻压力。(be hard on, allow, fun time, reduce, stress)Dont be too hard on t

3、he child. You should allow him to have some fun time to reduce stress.5) 我们都期待史密斯教授给我们的大学学习一些有益的指导。(expect, helpful tips)We all expect Prof. Smith to give us some helpful tips on college study.6) 贝蒂面带紧的神色,好像害怕向别人做自我介绍似的。(look, nervous, as if, introduce)Betty looked nervous as if she were afraid to i

4、ntroduce herself to others.7) 你已经上大学了,应该学会独立自主。(now that, learn, independent)Now that you are in college, you should learn to be independent.8) 我过去很喜欢和同学们一起玩,但是今天竟无法跟他们联系上了。(used to, enjoy, have fun, even, keep in touch with)I used to enjoy having fun with my classmates, but I cant even keep in touc

5、h with them today.二、 英译汉1) Use what your college has to offer, such as its library; usually its more helpful than regular public libraries. (B1U1A)利用好你学校能提供的一切,比如学校的图书馆。学校图书馆通常比普通公共图书馆更有帮助。2) Regular exercise helps keep your weight down.经常锻炼有助于你减肥。3) She was a regular customer in the shop.她是这家商店的常客。

6、4) They may see new ways to attack problems. (B1U1A)他们也许会发现解决问题的新方法。5) He attacked the decision as foolish.他抨击那项决定是愚蠢的。6) Army forces have been attacking the town since dawn.军队从黎明起就一直在进攻那个城镇。Unit 2一、 汉译英1) 新来的老师尽管年轻,通过努力的工作已经赢得了学生们的尊重。(earn, despite, respect)Despite his young age, through hard work

7、the new teacher has earned the respect of his students.2) 翔很可能在110米跨栏决赛中(in the 110-meter hurdles final)再次与罗伯斯角逐金牌。(compete with, once again)Probably Liu Xiang will once again compete with Roberts for the gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles final.3) 令我吃惊的是,威尔玛获得了100米比赛的第一名。小时候,她患重病,连正常走路都有困难。(have t

8、rouble doing sth., suffer from, to ones surprise, come in first) To my surprise, Wilma came in first in the 100-meter dash. She suffered from a serious illness in her childhood and had trouble even walking normally.4) 教练鼓励队员们竭尽全力,击败洛杉矶湖人队(the Los Angeles Lakers),当今NBA最强的一支球队。(beat, of the day, encou

9、rage)The coach encouraged the players to do their best to beat the Los Angeles Lakers, the best NBA basketball team of the day. 5) 小女孩掉进河里,所幸被一个陌生人救起。从那时起,她就开始学习游泳了。(from then on, fortunate) The little girl fell into the river and was fortunate to have been saved by a stranger. From then on, she beg

10、an to learn how to swim.6) 杰克说他将在年底前辞职,因为他觉得这份工作不值得他花费那么多时间和精力(energy)。(worth, quit)Jack said he will quit his job by the end of the year, as he finds it not worth so much of his time and energy.7) 那个小男孩有非凡的记忆力(memory),能记住300多首唐诗。对于同龄的孩子们来说,那几乎是不可能的事。(unusual, memorize, impossible)The little boy has

11、 an unusual memory. He has memorized over 300 Tang poems, an almost impossible task for children of his age.8) 先生尽管年事已高,医学检查表明他的身体健康无比。他还打算下周参加长跑比赛,与年轻人一决高低。(medical, despite, perfect, compete with)Medical tests show that Mr. Zhang, despite his old age, is in perfect physical condition. He is about

12、to compete with young runners in a long-distance race next week.二、 英译汉1) Remember that school is important, as is the knowledge you take away from it. (B1U1A)记住,学校教育很重要,你从其中获得的知识也一样重要。2. Dont be so hard on yourself and try to learn from mistakes and move on. (B1U1A)对自己不要太苛刻,要努力从错误中吸取教训,并继续前进。3. A di

13、fferent ball game. College is such a change from high school. (B1U1A)(大学是)全新的情况。大学与高中迥然不同。4. Then this girl got the idea, the incredible idea, that she would like to be the worlds greatest woman runner. (B1U2A)接着,这个女孩便突发奇想,一个不可思议的奇想,要成为世界上跑得最快的女子。5) Tina usually broke the ice with people she met wit

14、h a big “Hi.” (B1U2B)遇见别人,蒂娜通常大声打个招呼,使气氛活跃起来。6. When I was in school and a teacher assigned a ten-point homework assignment, I would probably have blown it off myself. (B1U2B)我当年上学时老师布置一份只有10分的家庭作业,我自己很可能也不会把它当回事。Uuit 3一、 汉译英1) 我们一大早就出发了,这样到达目的地就不会太晚。我们晚上7点前就到达了。(set out, destination, make it)We set

15、 out very early in the morning so we could arrive at our destination not too late. We made it before 7 p.m.2) 那时,村民们没有钱,只能用鸡蛋去换取对他们有价值的东西。(trade for, valuable)At that time, the villagers had no money and had to trade their eggs for what was valuable to them. 3) 那个夏天中午的高温不但把我们野餐的食物弄坏了,而且还让我们几个人生病了。(n

16、ot only, but also, spoil, fall ill)The heat of that summer noon not only spoiled our picnic food but also made some of us fall ill.4) 特纳在为水手寻找食物的途中看到河的对岸有几只鸭子在跑。(on ones way, look for, on the other side)On his way to look for food for his sailors, Turner saw some ducks walking on the other side of the river.5) 虽然没有人能想象我



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